Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 244 Swinging the hoe to pry the corner

Chapter 244 Swinging the hoe to pry the corner

The Kitahara sage walked out of the woods and came to the gymnasium along the road. When he opened the door, the cool wind from the central air conditioner made people feel comfortable and cool.

Near the sports building materials room next to the tennis court, more than 30 men and women gathered. The boys stood in one group, and the girls stood in one group.

Except for the people from the Executive Department and the Supervision Department, as well as Yuki Nakamura, there were a few boys in the crowd who looked familiar to him.

Okita Rina and Nakamura Yuki were at the forefront together, arguing with the tall and strong boys, their faces were flushed, and the situation was chaotic. The head of the executive department, Mizuki Chie, stood at the back in anxiety and fear, not daring to go up Arguing, most of the other girls around her are also like this.

Sensing who was approaching, Chie Mizuki turned around and looked back in surprise, her expression froze for a moment. Eh, eh~~ the person who came was Kitahara-san.

She knew that the relationship between Beiyuan and the vice president was not very good, and the vice president hinted more than once that they wanted to draw a line with Beiyuan.

Although she doesn't know much about the internal secrets, as far as she knows, Beiyuan's schoolmate's reputation in school is still very good, and she has never heard any bad words or negative comments.

Moreover, she heard gossip from her friends that it seemed that during the beginning of school, many girls had confessed to classmate Beiyuan.

But every time Beiyuan rejects others, he seems to take all the responsibility on himself. His tone is very gentle, and he tries to save face for the woman. When the woman fails to confess and is very embarrassing, Beiyuan also tries to find an excuse for her to get out of the embarrassing situation. , Finally, to avoid going out and being bumped by others, spreading rumors that have a bad influence on girls, every time Beiyuan will wait for the girl to leave for a while before he goes out.

From this point of view, he is a gentle and kind boy, and his academic ability is also very good. How could Kitahara-san become enemies with the vice president?

Even sometimes, Mizuki Chie secretly wondered, could it be that the vice-chairman had also confessed to Kitahara-san?Just being rejected, the vice president is hostile to classmate Beiyuan because of love and hatred?

"What happened?" The sage of Beiyuan came up, turned his head and asked.

Mizuki Chie quickly regained her senses, no matter who came, there was a boy standing beside her, she finally felt confident!
The sage of Beiyuan had a general understanding of the situation, and told Mizuki to be safe and not to be impatient, and he went up to have a talk.

Walking to the front line, he took a look at the leading boys, and immediately remembered that the co-authors were all old actors he knew.

Last time, Minister Sugawara gave him a whole job and found a group of actors who sprayed dye on their hair to kill Matt. These are the people.

As for the tall boy standing at the front, Kitahara Kento knew him well, he seemed to be Kosuke Furuya, the vice president of the previous student union.

No wonder they were so anxious that they couldn't do anything, since they were seniors in the third grade and the vice president of the previous student union, it was no wonder they called for help in a panic.

Okita Rina turned her head to look at Kitahara who was coming up, her eyes were quite surprised, but she didn't say anything.

Nakamura Yuki was also quite surprised: "North Yuan-kun"

Mizuki Chie at the back mustered up her courage and took a few steps forward, looking at Kitahara Kento's back with a nervous expression, and secretly sweating.

Although Kitahara sage doesn't know the script, he can only react on the spot, but when it comes to acting, he must first understand what role he is playing and what kind of person he wants to present to the audience.

The sage of Beiyuan looked at the ancient house with his eyes, and his tone was very calm. He first established a reliable image of being calm and orderly in times of crisis.

"Senior Furuya, I understand that you also have your own responsibilities to be busy, but tomorrow is the sports meeting, and the time is tight. I hope everyone can focus on the overall situation and try to cooperate with the work of the student union first. When we look back, we will also help you. Senior Furuya once I’m also a member of the student council, so I should be able to understand this feeling.”

Hearing this, Furuya Kosuke quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the last acting project, this junior didn't cooperate with him at all, and the whole thing was completely ruined. He was a little worried in advance, but this time, the junior's performance was not bad.

"How can the student council of this year care so much about it!" Kosuke Furuya said impatiently, "I said, I will cooperate with you, I will cooperate with you! But now we are very busy, and we will go to set up the venue tomorrow morning It's not too late!"

"Student Beiyuan, don't believe his words! I understood just now that he just deliberately doesn't want to cooperate and deliberately troubles the student union!" Okita Rina immediately replied, others are afraid of the third-year seniors, but she is not afraid!
Kitahara sage secretly thought that something is troublesome, what is going on with these actors, they are too unprofessional, how could Okita see through the truth.

Kosuke Furuya didn't feel flustered when part of the truth was exposed, but directly admitted the truth with an aggrieved tone.

"If you say that, it's fine, we're just looking for trouble on purpose, but let's declare first, it's your class of student union, first bully others too much!"

"Count it in your own mind. How many boys and girls are there in this year's student union? There are only four boys and 47 girls! Why are there so few boys? Are you discriminating against boys? Or Only discriminate against boys with high peaks!"

Okita Rina opened her mouth, but was speechless.

This is a fact. There are indeed only four male members in this year's student union.

Kosuke Furuya was filled with righteous indignation with an extremely unhappy expression of arguing for the boys.

The sage of Beiyuan nodded secretly, his brain reacted quickly, and immediately transferred the reason to Feng Gao's conflict between men and women, and it was perfectly rounded off.

Mizuki Chie's voice was a little low, and she said nervously and a little scared: "But, but even if this is the case, now is not the time to talk about it."

Okita Rina is not someone who can be settled easily, she cleared her mind, and immediately responded: "But you boys are not wrong at all, where did the magazines that judge girls without authorization come from, I still want to ask you! "

The Kitahara sage did not speak immediately, but silently judged the situation for the time being.

After understanding the role you play, you need to understand your course of action and what goals you want to achieve. If you don't understand these two points, you will easily mess up the situation.

"Magazine?" Kosuke Furuya raised his voice obviously, with an angry expression of being framed for no reason, "Are you doubting me?!"

"Junior, I have to remind you, have you ever thought about the fact that you slandered me in front of so many people without any reason, and if it gets out, how much it will affect my reputation!"

Okita Rina's words froze, and she regretted that she was too reckless just now, but now she angered Furuya-senpai, making things even more troublesome.

Mizuki Chie saw that the atmosphere had become more intense, she couldn't help timidly taking half a step back, and subconsciously approached Kitahara Kento, looking for a safe haven.

The sage of Kitahara also fully understood this meeting.

Chie Mizuki has a weak personality, even cowardly. Although Rina Okita is courageous, she is a bit too much, and on the contrary, she is a bit sloppy and reckless.

But just like a weak and timid person, he yearns for a strong and brave person in his heart; a reckless person appreciates a careful and prudent person more.

He only needs to play a brave and steady role, in line with the image they both aspire to, and to resolve the dispute is enough.

Of course, these are just basic scores, and it is best to be able to perform a full-score answer sheet.

Even if you can't pry classmate Lily's wall, as long as you can change the camp of Mizuki and Okita and keep them neutral, this is also a strategic success.

Kosuke Furuya was also anxious.

For this unscripted performance, he has been adapting to the situation and acting according to the circumstances. There is no rehearsal, and that guy Sugawara didn't give him any template at all!
Now the matter turned to Fenggao's conflict between men and women, it seems a bit off, but fortunately, Beiyuan has been keeping silent and didn't interrupt randomly, otherwise it would be even more chaotic!

Kosuke Furuya realized that this could not go on like this, he had to build a stage for Kitahara, a chance to show himself.

He can only be a villain. I hope that student Beiyuan can react quickly, be smarter, see the key points clearly, and don't get too involved in the drama. Kosuke Furuya turned his gaze to Kitahara, raised his eyebrows little by little, and made a look of contempt.

He slowly walked in front of Bei Yuan, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly let out a "tss" laugh.

"Hey, junior, you are also a boy, so you are willing to be under the skirts of those guys who discriminate against boys?"

The sage of Beiyuan knew it well, and the "old drama bone" sent an application for acting.

(End of this chapter)

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