Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 253 From now on, we will be one family

Chapter 253 We will be a family from now on

Takanashi Xufeng looked at Amamiya Masahira unexpectedly.

She remembered that she should have locked the door before going to the playground.

Is it Kitahara-san's key?I heard that they are in the same class, and it seems that they are still at the next table.

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and asked first: "Student Amamiya, did anyone else come here just now?"

"No." Amamiya Masahira withdrew her gaze lightly.

After saying this, the atmosphere became silent.

In this situation, Xufeng Gaoli didn't know what to do. Speaking of it, the relationship between her and classmate Amamiya seemed a little delicate.

Not only were they rivals in the previous band competition, but she always felt that Classmate Yugong had some opinions on her, as if she didn't like her very much.

In fact, she still admires Yugong for his brilliant achievements that have attracted worldwide attention at such a young age.

When she first heard that Yu Gong had transferred to class G, she also thought about whether she should take the initiative to say hello and get to know each other.

It's just that when she heard the gossip that Yugong likes to be alone and hates being disturbed by strangers, she wisely dismissed the idea.

Indeed, as the rumors said, she occasionally met each other on campus, and Yu Gong always walked alone.

Before that, she couldn't help worrying that Yugong was always alone, and after a long time, it was inevitable that people would gossip behind her back and give her a bad reputation.

But later she realized that she was completely wrong.

Regardless of the evaluations of the students or related discussions on the Internet, most people are saying: "Is this strange? Mozart also loves to eat dirty things! The so-called geniuses always have some characteristics and dispositions that are different from ordinary people. !”.

Having said that—Takahashi Xufeng quickly constructed the words of conversation—if it was still possible, she still wanted to make friends with Amamiya-san.

Eh, the book in Amamiya's hand is... And judging by the thickness of the pages, it seems that I have read the last chapter

Amamiya-san was able to patiently read through the long and lengthy memory chapter, which means that he probably likes it, right?
"Does Amamiya like this book too?" Takanashi Xufeng's tone was a little surprised.

I found a very good topic that she likes more.

"This niche book is actually quite good. The protagonists in the book, the heroine has a withdrawn personality and is very resistant to socializing. She hides in a small building every day and lives a lonely life alone. But after she met the heroine Afterwards, with the growing relationship, unexpectedly very clingy, Amamiya, is there a kind of contrasting cuteness? And the male protagonist is a .
"And many of the detailed descriptions in the book are very detailed, just like real events that happened in reality."

Takanashi Xufeng paused, then said with a slightly regretful tone: "It's just that the ending is too sad."

"If the hero's jumping into the river and his life and death were not known as the ending, the story would continue to develop. He was rescued by passers-by in time, and the heroine also learned about the hero's experience through her friends. She finally let go of her old grievances and made up her mind. determined to return home”

"When the two people who have been away for so many years meet again, how will the follow-up develop? Sometimes I often imagine this matter. It would be great if the author of this book can write a sequel."

After Takanashi Xufeng finished speaking, he seemed to have said something extraordinary, as if the temperature around him had dropped significantly.

A pair of very stressful cold eyes looked straight into her eyes, Takanashi Xufeng subconsciously felt a little embarrassed.

She forced a natural smile on the corner of her lips.

"That. Amamiya, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Obviously, just now, Amamiya's attitude was just a little cold.

Why did things get more serious after she finished speaking.

"You know-"

Amamiya Masahira froze for a moment.

She wanted to interrogate Takanashi, what else do you know, but judging from the other party's behavior, it didn't look like she was pretending to be stupid.

Takanashi Xufeng hesitated for a while and asked, "Sorry, did I say something wrong just now?"

Her answer was a very emotional closing sound!
Takanashi Xufeng recovered, and turned to look at the door.

After a while, she slowly realized.


"Southern Red Beans" seems to be taken away by classmate Amamiya.

Did she forget to pay it back?
Or do you want to take it home and watch it?

Or, did she just take it away on purpose?
Outside the student union door, Amamiya Masahira walked quickly towards the woods with a cold face.

Like all the little secrets of her past, she was very annoyed when all the little secrets of her past were uncovered by an annoying stranger.

Eyes locked on a small stone blocking the way in front of her, she stepped forward quickly and kicked it away!

That unlucky little stone was kicked away more than a dozen times in a row, and was forced to move more than 100 meters. Amamiya Masaki's restless mood only slightly improved.

She took out her mobile phone, checked the time, and couldn't help feeling slightly worried.

It's already the daytime break, the classrooms and the campus are everywhere, and they will soon be occupied by students. Next, where else can she go?

It seemed that a bouncing object quietly broke into her field of vision.

Amamiya Masahira looked up, and there was a little girl in the distance. The little girl seemed to have met some great event, her little face was filled with a bright smile, and she walked over happily bouncing around.

It's that troublesome kid!She forgot the name!
Amamiya Masahira immediately turned around, and hurriedly drilled into the nearby woods, avoiding that very troublesome little girl whose name she forgot!
"Sister Yugong?!"

It was too late, and the sound of pleasantly chasing footsteps came from behind.

Amamiya Masahira faltered in her pace.

With her back turned, she quickly said, "I'm not Amamiya Masahira, you've got the wrong person."

Huagu caught up, jumped up, and hugged Yahira Amamiya's small waist tightly with her two small hands, sticking firmly like a dog's skin plaster.

"Hey, sister Amamiya is very childlike, so Haiji knows that you are not Amamiya Yahira, you are Haiji's sister Amamiya."

Suddenly being hugged by someone, Amamiya Masahiro suddenly got goosebumps, her hands frantically trying to break free from Huagu.

"Just let me go!"

"Haiji just hug him a little longer, and then let go."

"No! Let go!"

"Just a moment! A moment!"

One hastily grabs it with both hands,
A thick-faced and stubborn,
After arguing for three or four minutes, after going through untold hardships, until the "dog skin plaster" was finally torn off, Amamiya Masaki's body, which had not been exercising for a long time, was already so tired that her waist and limbs ached.

Amamiya Masaki held the tree with one hand, and held the book with the other hand hanging down weakly. She bent down and panted, "You, why are you always pestering me!"

While lowering her head to straighten her clothes, Huagu pulled at the wrinkles on the clothes, and said as a matter of course: "Because Haiji likes Sister Yugong, Haiji has been yearning for Sister Yugong for a long time."

Suddenly being confessed by a girl as young as a primary school student that she liked her, Masahira Amamiya was obviously stunned for a moment, and even doubted her own ears.

"Are you joking?"

Hua Gu thought for a while, and added: "Because Onisan likes Sister Amemiya, so Haiji also likes Sister Amemiya. It would be great if Sister Yugong could be Haiji's sister or mother!"

Worried that sister Yugong would be jealous, she didn't dare to call her father "Oni sauce"!
"Mom?! What nonsense are you talking about! How is it possible! It's unreasonable!"

Amamiya Masahira straightened up annoyed and ashamed, turned her head and left, "I'm leaving, don't follow me anymore."

How could Huagu be obedient, she chased after her, and walked around Sister Yugong with a smile.

"Haiji is speaking from the heart, sister Yugong, from now on we will be a family, okay, you and me, sister Qinyin, and Onisang."

Amamiya Masaki couldn't bear it and stopped, staring at the little naughty bastard angrily.

Huagu looked at her with a smile, feeling confident in her heart.

Dealing with Sister Yugong's indifferent type is to cling to her shamelessly, to smooth her psychological defense bit by bit, and when she gets tired and gives up, she will gradually get used to it and accept it.

Just like father and sister Qinyin nine years ago, they also dealt with sister Yugong in this way.

Of course, if you were an outsider, if you still do this now, you will definitely go to jail for the crime of being a moron, but she is different, she is an "ignorant child".

She is also "Daddy's sister".

It is also "Sister Qinyin's half daughter and half sister".

Sister Yugong couldn't be serious about her.

Amamiya Masaki gritted her teeth and stared at the little guy with a hippie smile, why the people around her - that idiot, sister Qinyin, and this little girl - are all people with thick skins like a city wall!
She squatted down and stared at Huagu threateningly.

"Hey, there's a vixen in the student union, she's waiting for you, hurry up and go about your own business, don't follow me, do you hear me?"

After finishing speaking, Amamiya Masahiro stood up and left quickly.

Huagu's small face looked at Sister Yugong in front of her, and then at the forest path behind her.

She could already vaguely see the outline of the log house of the student union.

Huagu felt troubled for a while.

As if God was joking with her, fate gave her a very ruthless multiple-choice question, here is Sister Amamiya, and the other is Sister Takanashi, you choose yourself.

As long as she leaves Sister Amamiya behind and turns around and walks backwards, she will meet the long-coveted Sister Takanashi.

And with Sister Takanashi's character, in her eyes, compared to Sister Amamiya's big hedgehog, there are too many flaws.

As long as she is allowed to design and manipulate, just like back then, Sister Qinyin could help Dad capture Sister Amamiya perfectly, and she is also confident that she can capture Sister Takanashi for Dad!

Similarly, on the other side of the road, sister Yugong's back is right in front of her eyes.

As long as she catches up and seizes this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, only she and Sister Yugong spend a whole day alone.

She must be able to more or less change some sister Yugong's attitude towards her.

Huagu stayed where she was, looking left and right like a bird, her little face was very unwilling!Unwilling!

Mingming managed to take advantage of his father's negligence, and finally found the sister Takanashi who had been hidden tightly, right in front of her eyes.

But why face this situation!Obviously Huagu hates doing multiple choice questions the most!Why did Sister Yugong appear here! !
Looking at the long-haired back in front of her, Huagu asked loudly, "Sister Yugong, can you accompany Haiji back to the student union!"

As if ignoring her question, the figure from behind didn't stop and didn't answer.

It can only be a multiple-choice question.

Huagu's small face was full of resentment, and she was struggling endlessly in her heart.

Sister Takanashi is very good, she will definitely be a virtuous and good mother,

But no matter how you say it, if you can only choose one of the two, Sister Yugong is the one who will not forget her original intention.

No matter when she saw her father for the first time, she stubbornly persuaded him to go after Sister Yugong,

It is also the foundation of the relationship between father and elder sister Yugong.

So, if you tear off the disguise of this multiple-choice question and ask yourself, this multiple-choice question is actually a value judgment question for her.

Multiple-choice questions in life can have a second answer, because it has no correct answer; while value judgment questions in life can only have one answer, because it requires self-persuasion.

The answer is already very clear, because in her mind, sister Takanashi is the second choice after sister Amamiya.

Huagu turned her head to look back at the wooden house in the distance, and stomped her feet unwillingly. She stretched her short legs and tried to catch up.

"Sister Yugong wait for me! It was Onisan who asked me to come to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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