Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 275 The grievance and discomfort of contract studies

Chapter 275 Bai's classmate's grievance and discomfort
How did it become like this? The two good friends actually quarreled.
In the co-pilot position of the taxi, Takanashi Xufeng turned half sideways and looked at the back of the car with worried eyes.

Kitahara's shoulders blocked her view. Although she couldn't see the expression on Kitahara's back, she could clearly tell from the tone of her voice that Kitahara was angry.
"That. Calm down, everyone. Is there some misunderstanding?" Takanashi Xufeng hurriedly spoke to persuade.

Kento Kitahara turned his back to Takanashi. He held the mobile phone in one hand, looked at Kashiwagi Mayu, and kept swiping up and down the screen with his thumb, showing all the chat records of the two of them one by one.

The meaning is very clear: If you don't know what is good or bad, the two sides will tear each other apart. Show Gaoli our chat records, let her see what we have posted, and what are your plans for Gaoli.

Baimu Moyou stared at the faintly glowing mobile phone screen in front of him, and fell silent for a moment.

The sage of Beiyuan was not in a hurry, and left enough time for her to think about it.

He believed that Classmate Bai was not a fool and would make the right choice, but because of such a trivial matter, he would not be able to fight him to the death.

When he got into the car just now, the reason why he got into the back row first was to guard against classmate Bai's tricks.

As long as Takanashi can sit in the front and he sits in the same row as Kashiwagi Moyu, then no matter how clever Bai Mutong is, he only needs to reveal the chat history to suppress the arrogance of Bai Mutong, simple and vulgar but practical ; and if he sits alone in the front row, the situation will be completely reversed, even if he can still use the chat history to threaten her, the situation will be very different. At that time, he will become a passive party, like her now, he can only be forced to choose.

The method is also very simple, Kitahara sage is very clear, Kashiwagi Moyu would rather force himself to accompany him, and never want him to join Takanashi Xufeng, so as long as he grabs the back row, the woman will obediently catch up with him .

"Student Kashiwagi, have you seen it clearly? It's all a misunderstanding caused by your impulsiveness."

Baimu Moyou's expression remained calm, but his heart was already very angry.

She looked away, looked into Beiyuan sage's eyes quietly, and acted as if she was ignoring him, as if implying Beiyuan: Don't try to shirk all responsibility and pour it all on me, I will never accept it!

The sage of Beiyuan did not back down, and also looked at her quietly, without opening his mouth or changing his words.

This woman is very energetic today, if I don't teach her a lesson, I'm afraid she will make more progress in the future!

In the dimly lit compartment, only the fluorescent light of the mobile phone was shining slightly. A man and a woman were staring at each other, silent and unyielding.

"Can you listen to me now?" Takanashi Xufeng's helpless voice came from the front row.

Takanashi Xufeng leaned forward while leaning on the car seat, she looked at Beiyuan and Kashiwagi respectively, with a helpless expression that she really couldn't do anything about you two.

She generally understood what had happened.

It seemed that Moyou couldn't contact her after her phone ran out of battery and turned off, so she sent many messages to Beiyuan.

But Beiyuan student just didn't log in to the line, and never replied to Moyou. Moyou misunderstood something, so she hurriedly took a taxi and rushed to the port area, and then happened to meet them who were taking a taxi on the street, and only then did the first thing happen. scene.
But Takanashi Xufeng still doesn't quite understand. Since it was a misunderstanding, why Moyou has remained silent in the face of the truth?That state is by no means an awkward silence, but rather unconvinced, as if feeling wronged.

Takanashi Xufeng felt that she understood it, but she didn't fully understand it. There seemed to be something she didn't know.

Even if the two had a serious dispute and were angry with each other, they still had to tacitly conceal her matter together.

Now is not the time to think about these things, we must calm down the turmoil quickly. Takanashi Xufeng withdrew her thoughts, and she looked at Beiyuan who put away her phone and sat upright again.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, it's good to solve it now."

Takanashi Xufeng looked at the sullen Kashiwagi Mayu again. Instead of delving into all kinds of unreasonable doubts, she ended the turmoil with a serious and serious attitude.

"Moyou, it's actually my fault that delayed us so much that we went home late, and it has nothing to do with Beiyuan."

Baimu Moyou opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

How would that bastard talk about her, how to compete with her, even if she was scolded a hundred times, she would always be in the left ear and out in the right ear, and she would not be moved, but Xu Feng was preaching to her. Now I just feel uncomfortable and wronged, as if my throat is blocked, it is extremely uncomfortable.

The Kitahara sage glanced at him. Just now, the woman faced him with a heavy fist and never backed down. Now she is facing Takanashi, and she is obedient and counseling again and again. She is like a child who has made mistakes, her head is almost stuffed in her chest. .

One thing is one thing, that guy has the potential to be a strict wife. The sage of Beiyuan held back the desire to laugh, and couldn't help but think that it would be great if Huagu could listen to him like this.

Takanashi Xufeng looked at Beiyuan and Kashiwagi separately again, and seeing that both of them restrained themselves and kept silent one after another, as if they were reflecting, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone calm down first."

Takanashi Xufeng turned around and sat upright. She rested her chin and looked at the night scene outside the front car window, her thoughts gradually diverged.

"Moyu gets angry because of a misunderstanding"

"Student Kitahara is angry because of being misunderstood"

"But there are still a few doubts in this matter that I have been unable to figure out, but now is not the time to delve into it."

Baimu Moyou stared out of the car window, unable to express his suffering, feeling very wronged.

"It's all a misunderstanding caused by my impulse."

Why did that bastard not only have no responsibility at all, but also picked himself clean and put all the responsibility on her.

Obviously he didn't reply to the message, and even set up a blacklist!In the end, he opened his eyes openly and talked nonsense. Could it be that he has no responsibility at all!

Thinking of this, Baimu Moyou glanced away reluctantly, and when she saw the relaxed face of Beiyuan Xianren, who was still holding the mobile phone with a leisurely heart, she was suddenly so angry that she slowly clenched her teeth .

She just swallowed that bastard's worthless air, and couldn't tell if she was suffering, but she couldn't swallow it now!
Kashiwagi Moyou quickly adjusted his mood, thinking calmly and silently.

"Xu Feng has already determined the nature of this matter. If he continues to entangle himself in this matter, he will appear to be unreasonable and unreasonable."

After a long while, she adjusted her sitting posture slightly, and glanced over there.

Baimu Moyou straightened her skirt, and while Kitahara Kento was typing and sending a message, she suddenly stretched out her right leg, stepped on it, and landed heavily on a shoe, then quickly retracted her leg, pretending to be nonchalant and looking sideways at outside the window.

The sage of Beiyuan paused while typing, looked down at his left foot, and then turned his head to look strangely.

There is something wrong with that woman, is she dizzy?

He was really surprised.

He always thought that this kind of naive childish behavior could only be done by Amamiya Masaki, and it did not belong to the behavior category of Bai Tong, who had always been calm.

Couldn't that guy really be out of his mind?

The sage of Beiyuan slowly put away the phone. It hurts but it doesn't hurt. A girl can use so much strength to step on her feet while sitting, but it's impossible for him to bear a step.

If it were someone else, it would be fine to take a step back. The idiot is childish and childish, and it is impossible for him to accompany the idiot to be childish.

However, this time is different, he must not have the slightest bit of tolerance when facing this woman, any step of retreat and compromise will fuel the arrogance of classmate Bai, and he knows this very well - he must thwart any of her actions!Give her a sense of frustration and powerlessness that keeps accumulating in her heart!Make her categorically afraid!Make her feel afraid!In order to completely subdue her!

Kitahara sage adjusted his sitting posture, and leaned his body towards Baitong.

Seeing his movement, Baimu Moyou hurriedly leaned against the car door, quickly hid his feet, and quickly moved the rescuers and said, "Xufeng, where are we now?"

Takanashi Xufeng turned her head when she heard the sound, "I'm already on the viaduct."

The sage of Beiyuan rolled his eyes and felt amused in his heart. Just like this, do you still want to escape?
He grabbed the passenger seat with his right hand, stood up to block Takanashi's sight, and pointed his head, looking at the road ahead, and said in a tone of surprise:

"Already on the viaduct?. It's all here. It seems that I can go home before dinner."

Distracting Takanashi's attention, Kitahara sage quietly stretched out his left foot, completely ignoring Classmate Lily's fierce resistance, broke in brutally, and then ruthlessly kicked down.

"Huh? Classmate Kashiwagi, did I step on your foot?" Kitahara sage turned his head and said immediately first, "Sorry, it's too dark in the car, I didn't notice, did it hurt you?"

Baimu Moyou lowered her head slightly, and she could vaguely see a big black footprint on her little white shoes.

She tried her best to suppress her anger: "No."

"That's good, did you get it dirty? I have a tissue in my pocket, just wipe it off."

"...No need, I'll wipe it when I get home."

"Master driver, please turn on the light."


The originally dim compartment suddenly lit up, and there was light shining on it. On the windshield in front, the figure in the back seat could be reflected vaguely.

Sage Kitahara sat back, glanced at classmate Bai, then at her black white shoes, and then motioned her to look ahead with his eyes: "The light is on, don't try to retaliate and fight back, be careful of being caught by the wife in your heart." See.

Kashiwagi Moyou just had a cold face, crossing his hands on his chest, the thumb and index finger of his right hand kept torturing his sleeve hard.

Kitahara sage ignored Classmate Bai who was incompetent and furious. He looked away, took out his phone again, and continued to send messages and chat with his daughter.

"It's here, please stop at the corner ahead."

The taxi slowly stopped in front of the iron gate of a three-story single-family villa.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the luxurious big house outside the car window, and secretly thought that it was indeed the eldest lady of the wealthy district.

Takanashi Xufeng, the co-pilot, turned to look at the back seat of the car. She thought for a while and said, "Moyou, Kitahara-san, I'm going home first, remember to send me a message when you get home."

She paused, then said with a tactful smile: "Also, members of the student union must remain united."

Kitahara sage shrugged and said: "It's just a misunderstanding that has been solved. At least for me, I didn't keep it in mind. I believe Kashiwagi is the same."

Baimu Moyou echoed in the same tone calmly: "Yes, it's just a trivial matter, no one will remember it."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that." Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help smiling. She opened the car door and leaned out.

Before taking the key to open the door, Takanashi Xufeng turned sideways and looked at a man and a woman in the back seat of the car in turn.

She still always felt that Beiyuan and Moyou looked a little abnormal.

In fact, as early as the time before the sports festival, with Aoi's help, she discovered the strange problem between Beiyuan and Moyou.

Later, she wanted to try to dig out some clues at the sports festival, and made Aoi a little spy.

But maybe it was because of Moyou's accidental sprain. Beiyuan and Moyou performed as usual at the sports festival. At least she didn't notice any abnormalities. Until now, they haven't shown any pony feet.

But after this incident, she found that she couldn't see more and more clearly, the mysterious and strange unknown secrets that tacitly concealed from her between Bei Yuan and Mo You.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like a trivial matter.

Takanashi Xufeng withdrew her scattered thoughts and smiled. She waved goodbye to the two people in the car, then turned around and looked down for the keys in the bag.

"Should I just ask Moyou?" Takanashi Xufeng murmured inwardly, "But since Moyou chose to hide me, there is a high probability that she will not confess. Or ask classmate Beiyuan?"

Takanashi Xufeng shook his head slightly, denying this choice.

Although she has a good relationship with Beiyuan, and they get along very well, and Beiyuan takes good care of her, but she can feel, clearly and clearly, that Beiyuan has always deliberately kept a certain distance from her. The truth of harmony and harmony is actually just mutual care based on friendship, so there is a high probability that Kitahara will not tell her frankly.

Hearing the sound of the taxi starting behind, Takanashi Xufeng turned the key, pushed open the iron gate of the fence, and sighed softly.

Although she believed that neither Beiyuan nor Moyou would hurt her.

But in her heart, she was really curious about the truth, especially after this incident, her desire to find out became stronger, and she was always kept in the dark, always concealed by two good friends, always a little subtle .

"Do you want to ask Moyou first? Or ask classmate Beiyuan?"

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and gently closed the iron gate of the fence with both hands.

She raised her head, watched the taxi outside the door gradually leave, and murmured: "Forget it, let's pretend to be confused first, and pay attention to it later."

Inside the car, the engine started humming.

When the car started to turn and the falling glass lifted, it seemed as if the winter inside the car had suddenly descended, and the atmosphere turned cold in an instant.

Kitahara sage looked sideways, and Kashiwagi Moyou looked cold and thoughtful, as if he was thinking about something.

He pondered for a while, and a guess suddenly flashed in his mind.

That guy, isn't he planning to stay at Takanashi's house for one night, and wants him to go back by car by himself, and cheat him for the fare!

Baimu Moyou's voice suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute for the driver, I want to get off—"

"Let's find a place to talk, you will be interested in the content." Kitahara sage interrupted immediately.The fare of a few thousand yen is small, but it can hit Baitong's mentality and make her suffer from being dumb. This is the big thing, the key.

Baimu Moyou turned to look at Beiyuan, and frowned.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Tonight only, don't regret it."

Baimu Moyou stared straight at Beiyuan, weighed in his heart for a moment, and asked in a bad tone: "Where are you going? I warn you first, if you have any disgusting bad thoughts, you'd better dispel them in advance. I can bring an electric prod with me to call the police." device."

The sage of Beiyuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if you give me another pair of eyes, I really can't see the reason why I can fall in love with you. Where do you have the self-confidence to support your narcissism, driver, go first The Central District is open."

15 minutes later, when the taxi entered the viaduct again.

"Hey, have you figured out where to go? What exactly do you want to say?" Baimu Moyou said in an unhappy tone.

The sage of Beiyuan had already made up his mind, and while typing on his mobile phone, he said, "Master driver, take me home first."

"Where are you going!?" Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly turned his head and looked over.

The sage of Beiyuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Send me home, I changed my mind, what you said just now is very right, we will talk tomorrow, and we will follow what you said."

"You!" Baimu Moyou woke up instantly, and fell into that bastard's trick again!That bastard had already seen it, she was about to get out of the car and leave just now!
Baimu Moyou said decisively: "Driver, take me home first, and he will pay the fare."

The sage of Beiyuan put away his mobile phone, turned his head and said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, you really want to invite me to go for a walk near your house tonight? That's fine. Decline, after getting to know the family, I will often be a guest."

Baimu Moyou's tone was stagnant, and he fell silent for a while.

After a while, she uttered the words as if they were bitten out of her teeth: "Send him home first!"

Kento Kitahara was not surprised. Rather than arguing over who paid the fare, the woman must have refused "some annoying bastard" to know the location of her home.

The sage of Beiyuan shook his head helplessly, and then pursued him with a knife: "It's so convenient to say so earlier, I have to go around in circles, you see, it didn't follow what I said in the end, alas, it's really long-winded."

(End of this chapter)

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