Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 279 Moyu Kashiwagi is performing

Chapter 279 Moyu Kashiwagi is performing

Still staring at me, what on earth is that woman trying to do, isn't she afraid of being noticed by Takanashi?
Although he didn't know exactly what kind of medicine Lily's classmate Gourd sold, but he didn't want to continue to be passive, so he simply asked clearly:
"Is there something on my face?" Kitahara Kento moved his eyes and looked at Kashiwagi.

Takanashi Xufeng also shifted her gaze to look at her best friend. She also noticed that Moyou was always watching Beiyuan quietly, which was a little strange.

A guess suddenly flashed in her mind - it is impossible for Moyou to be suspicious of classmate Beiyuan.

Takanashi Xufeng immediately denied this absurd guess in her heart, at least based on her understanding of Beiyuan-students—secretly ranking the girls in private, and printing out invisible magazines, Beiyuan-student is such a person, it is impossible to do such a hateful thing matter.

Kashiwagi Moyou's posture remained unchanged, and his tone was also unemotional, "No, it's just a feeling that Kitahara-student is a little 'different' today."

"Different?" Beiyuan Xianren made a look of incomprehension, "What's different?"

"It's just a feeling." Baimu Moyou repeated in a flat tone.

Weird voice, pretentious, pointed. The sage of Beiyuan remained calm, and he already understood in his heart what tricks that guy was trying to do.

Saying "it's just a feeling" is pure nonsense, it's actually a show!

"That guy may have found some clues. He suspects that I am a member of the group of boys with peak heights." Kitahara Kento looked at Kashiwagi, and quickly cleared his mind.

"The reason why she is so yin and yang is that she has something to say. She pretends to be watching me all the time. She wants to plant a seed of doubt in Gao Li's heart, so that when she exposes me in the future, she will give Gao Li an acceptable psychological preparation!"

Xiang Wukui, who was sitting quietly on the chair, moved forward, looked up at Kashiwagi Moyu, and said seriously with a small face: "Senior Beiyuan is the same as before."

Kashiwagi Moyou ignored it, but squinted at Xiangwu Kui from the corner of her eye.

This little follower has been clinging to the wind every day recently, and even sips of Ou Nei sauce.

But she knew very well in her heart that Xu Feng only treated this child as a half-sister, who had no threat to her, so she remained indifferent.

Looking at the current situation, the kid actually got together with that bastard again.

Xianren Beiyuan was also quite surprised that Xiang Wukui could stand up and speak for him.

If you accompany classmate Bai to continue to entangle "he is not normal today", you will only fall into that guy's trap , don’t give them a chance to collude in their confessions.”

"Yes!" Gaoli Xufeng straightened up quickly, turned to look at Moyou, his eyes gradually became serious, "It's not too late, let's go together now."

Baimu Moyou didn't say anything immediately, she was still performing, she continued to stare at Beiyuan, and after three seconds, she got up without saying a word, and quietly walked towards the door.

As soon as he reached the door, Xufeng Gaoli stopped walking. If Moyou really doubted Beiyuan-san, why did she doubt Beiyuan-san? Moyou had heard of Beiyuan-san's miraculous deeds when the second year of high school started.

In the first week of the second year of high school, Beiyuan was confessed to six times by girls—three of them were high-scoring girls who were "on the list" in magazines, but all of Beiyuan were issued good person cards—after that, Kitahara was nicknamed "Mysterious Junior" by the seniors in the third grade.

How could such a boy do such abhorrent things.

Takanashi Xufeng turned around and looked at the long table, Xiangwu Aoi was still sitting quietly on the chair.

She murmured in her heart: "It happened again, Moyou knew it, and Beiyuan-student knew it too, but only I didn't know about it. It was also the time at the sports festival, it was also the time when two people quarreled in the taxi, and it was also this time. It's really weird."

Two good friends, each harboring a certain secret, tacitly concealed it from her together.

Moreover, the relationship between those two people, if you say it is good, it doesn't seem to be good, and if you say it is bad, there is no sign of badness. It seems like a play on the spot?It's indescribably strange.

She was really very strange.

Especially this time, Mo You acted very clearly, as if deliberately showing it to her.
Takanashi Xufeng withdrew his thoughts, focused his gaze on a chair beside the long table, and suddenly said, "Aoi, you can come too."

Aoi Aoi, who was sitting on a chair, looked towards the door.

"Is it okay? This is a matter of the student union, Ou Nei-chan, can I also join?"

"Okay," Takanashi Xufeng nodded lightly, "Aoi just needs to follow behind me and watch quietly."

Aoi Xiangwu immediately jumped off the chair and trot to Takanashi's side.

Takanashi Xufeng turned back to look at the door, and Beiyuan and Moyou had already left first.

She withdrew her gaze, squatted down quickly, and said quietly, "Kui, do you still remember what I asked you to do at the sports festival?"

Xiang Wukui recalled for a moment, raised his head and said:

"Secretly observe the abnormal behavior of Kitahara-senpai and Kashiwagi-senpai, and then report to Ou Nei-chan."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded, and added: "But I can't follow them. Usually when you are together, just keep an eye out for me."

"Remember Ernie-chan, this time too?"

Gaoli Xufeng opened his lips and teeth lightly, hesitated for a while, and whispered: "It will be the same in the future."

Through the woods, the four of them walked along the side road of the gymnasium, all the way to the second floor of the club building, and stopped outside the door of the activity room of the board game department.

Before entering the door, the angry man's scolding sound pierced through the wooden door and was clearly heard by the four of them.

"Where did that magazine come from! Aso, tell me the truth, is it your magazine!"

An aggrieved male voice came from the other side of the door: "Minister, it's really not me. I really don't know why there is such a magazine in our club."

"Then how did it come to our activity room! Could it be that someone else maliciously framed us?!"

Another calm male voice: "Minister, please calm down first, maybe there is such a possibility, someone might have left the magazine in our activity room."

Kitahara sage turned his head to look at Takanashi, then at Kashiwagi.

The three of them looked at each other, and instantly understood in their hearts that they would have to face the explanation later.

Kitahara Kento breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Minister Sugawara has made arrangements.

The conversation inside the door sounded so coincidentally, it was actually deliberately shouted to the "interrogators who have not yet entered the door".

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to look back.

Maybe, on the roof of the teaching building, there is a person quietly cats behind the wall, holding binoculars in both hands, secretly observing them and secretly reporting the news.

It's just that a certain blond girl doesn't act anymore, and she has made it clear that she is suspicious of him. It's better not to "excessively perform"!

Kitahara Kento turned to Kashiwagi, shrugged indifferently, and signaled her, "You and Takanashi University can go in first, I'm not in a hurry."

Kashiwagi Moyou took the lead and stretched out his hand to push the door open.

Subsequently, Kashiwagi Moyou conducted a series of bombing questions.

During the process, the three boys from the board game department performed their duties.

Classmate Minister, he beat his chest and feet all the way, got angry, and repeatedly interrogated the two members, vividly showing that a member who is upright, not favoritism, would rather sacrifice his own blood, but also enforce the law impartially, leaving an innocent decent image.

Aso, who was suspected, was so wronged the whole time, so he almost lay on the ground, crying and calling him wronged!
As for the remaining boy, he kept moaning and persuading the minister to calm down, and don't wrong Aso, after all, this is a major event related to one's school career!Once an unjust, false or wrongly decided case occurs, it can no longer be saved!
The sage of Beiyuan also observed the words and expressions, and stood up and sang bad faces at the right time. With a sullen face, he threatened them and told them that if they refused to admit it, once they got old enough to go to the office, the matter would be serious and they would be recorded as serious demerits!
Then Mao didn't use it, and repeated the story just now.One person interrogated furiously, one person kept yelling wronged because of grievances, and one person advised everyone to calm down, don't blame the good people by mistake!

In this way, after 15 meaningless minutes, Takanashi and Kashiwagi were silent for a while, and the four of them withdrew from the board game department.

Leaving the activity room of the board game department, the four of them stood silently on the big steps of the club building, and the clues were interrupted.

No one knows where the magazine came from, only that it "appeared suddenly" in the board game department.

Whether it's true or not, the sage of Beiyuan doesn't know, anyway, he knows with confidence that this trip was for nothing.

Kashiwagi Moyu still had a calm face, Takanashi looked a little disappointed, and Kitahara Kento also had a decent look of disappointment.

Xiang Wukui, who had been quiet all the way, raised his head and suggested, "Ou Nei-chan, you can send Chen Guan from the student council to search the boys' schoolbags in each class one by one."

The sage of Beiyuan sighed slightly, "It's not that simple."

After finishing speaking, he followed the principle of not over-expressing, kept silent, and left the rest to Takanashi to explain.

Takanashi Xufeng gradually came back to her senses, she squatted down, smiled and said to Xiang Wukui:

"Aoi, we can do this, but it's better not to do it unless it's absolutely impossible, and in the worst case."

"Even if we have enough manpower, we can absolutely guarantee that we will not startle the enemy or leak information during the search process, and we will eventually find clues. This is good, and the student union can have an explanation," Gao Li Xufeng paused, slightly light Sighing, "But if you can't find anything to gain, things will become troublesome. Not only will things become a big mess, but it will also arouse the anger of all the boys, and even a series of unpredictable and serious consequences will occur."

It's okay if you don't search, some girls will only complain and complain to a slight to moderate degree, and the conflict will not erupt completely, but if you don't find it after searching, it will completely detonate the explosive barrel!
The sage of Beiyuan said silently: "And if it becomes a big mess, what worries me the most is the school. Ever since the school welcomed a big star pianist and experienced "Band of Tomorrow", Feng Gao has become very popular and has become a member of the society. If there is a bad and negative incident, the school is actually the last thing to see that scene, no matter where it is, no matter which school it is, it is the same."

Xiang Wukui shook her head incomprehensibly, Takanashi Xufeng just rubbed her hair with a smile, without further explanation.

In fact, ranking girls' looks in private is not big or small.

Kitahara sage knows that there are many beauty contests for students that are officially approved by the school, and they will also be printed as magazines and sold inside the school and outside.

Who makes the island country have too many private schools? Except for primary and secondary schools, there are more public schools in the island country. When it comes to high school and university, the number of private schools exceeds that of public schools. The school rules and systems of each school are also different. It mainly depends on the attitude of the board.

Kitahara Sage sighed and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Hurry up and report!Maybe there is a possibility of a school-wide search!
Although they should have been prepared long ago, just to be on the safe side, they still need to remind them again and be more vigilant.

Two minutes later, Kento Kitahara returned quietly, while Takanashi and Kashiwagi were still silent, and they really didn't dare to search the whole school.

As soon as he settled down, Baimu Moyou stared at him openly again.

Watching without any scruples, Baimu Moyou calmly said: "Student Beiyuan, I have a private matter for you, come with me."

Yu Guangyun, the sage of Beiyuan, took a look. This guy really worked hard in acting. Is this to add drama to himself, to show off on the spot?
It is time to see what kind of tricks you are going to play. The sage of Beiyuan said calmly, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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