Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 284 Very Interesting Line Messages

Chapter 284 Very Interesting Line Messages
in the afternoon,

Tomorrow is the National Go Conference for High School Students, the final of the United Chess Group.

In the student union office, a pair of osmanthus chessboards were placed on the long table, and the clear and crisp sound of chess pieces could be heard occasionally.

The sage of Beiyuan thought for a while, dropped the chess piece with his hand, and dropped the piece

This hand-to-hand talk is not a training session before the finals, it's just a matter of having nothing to do, he and Xiang Wukui are killing time.

While Xiang Wukui was lost in thought, Yu Guangyun went to the opposite side of the long table.

Blonde girls have a lot of problems today.

She seemed to have stayed up all night without sleep, her dark circles were obvious, and her spirit was listless.

She seldom speaks, and looks preoccupied and taciturn throughout the day. When Takanashi asks her to talk, she doesn't make a sound.

"It's nothing more than being confessed by a girl hugging her thigh yesterday. In fact, it's not such a painful experience. As for her, let's pass it." Kitahara sage was a little puzzled, Bai Tong's reaction was much more serious than he expected.

"Could she be playing Takahashi again?" Comprehending all the previous routines of Lily's classmate, Kitahara Kento couldn't help but doubt, "That guy pretends to be in a bad mood on the surface, but in fact he has been enjoying the care and comfort of his sweetheart?"

Takanashi Xufeng is also in trouble. She has been beating around the bush and comforting Moyou for a long time-sitting together to watch funny and funny videos; She still hasn't figured it out yet.

Who can make Moyou feel so bad? Could it be Moyou's mother?

Gaoli Xufeng hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Moyou, did Auntie go home yesterday?"

Baimu Moyou lowered her head and stared at the ground under her feet, "No, she didn't go home, it's just that she suffered from insomnia last night and didn't sleep well."

It was obviously trying to cover up Gaoli Xufeng's consideration. She had heard that Moyou was confessed in public by a girl in the club building yesterday.It seems that the scene is still very chaotic.

Although she wouldn't be in such a bad mood if she was just confessed by a girl, but other than that, she really couldn't think of any other reason.

Takanashi Xufeng stopped being tactful, and asked straightforwardly: "Moyou, I heard that you were confessed by a girl yesterday?"

The movement of the sage in Beiyuan was slightly stagnant, he straightened his waist slowly, tilted his ears, and listened carefully, and at the same time his eyes faded away.

As if triggering some terrible stress response, Kashiwagi Moyu's body froze for a moment.

It turned out that it was because of this matter that Gaoli Xufeng suddenly became more difficult. If it was because of other things, it would be fine, she always has ways to comfort and enlighten her, but what can she do when encountering such things.

It's impossible to come to the door and warn that girl personally, stay away from Moyou in the future.

After all, if you like someone, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Actually, this is a very powerful thing." Takanashi Xufeng's mind was spinning rapidly.

"Very powerful?" Baimu Moyou's tone was quite puzzled.

"Yeah, it's really amazing," Takanashi Xufeng paused, and smiled, "It's not surprising that Moyou is so beautiful that boys like her, but Moyou can also attract girls, isn't it amazing? One thing? It shows that Moyou's charm is super strong."

"Look at me, since I was a child, I have never been liked or confessed to by a girl. This is not as good as Moyou."

The Beiyuan sage who eavesdropped on the side always wanted to laugh, and had been enduring it hard.

Xiang Wukui paid no attention to the things around him, stared at the chessboard intently, concentrating on calculations.

Now, all she sees is playing chess with Senior Beiyuan.

It would be best if Sister Takanashi could also come to watch the battle.

Baimu Moyou's lips fluttered, and she wanted to jokingly say, "How come, Xufeng is much more popular than me, maybe there are girls who secretly like you", but when she thought of that bastard sitting there, she still closed her eyes mouth.

Takanashi Xufeng carefully observed the changes in his good friend's expression, and asked again: "Moyou is worried about that girl, will she come to you again in the future? Hmm...or harass you?"

Kashiwagi Moyou was silent, but she wasn't really worried about this matter.

It was the girl yesterday, the moment she confessed to her, she actually felt disgusted. After being confessed to by someone she didn't like, she felt disgusted, and then desperately wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible, and never see her again!

After returning home, in the evening, she lay on the bed, unable to control herself, thinking wildly.

If one day, she confides everything to Xu Feng and explains what she has always wanted, will Xu Feng also feel sick?Want to get rid of her too?In this way, I kept thinking about Tianming, about going to school, about leaving school, and about now.

"If you're worried that she'll come to harass you in the future, um. Well, how about it, Moyou, you can go to her, explain your attitude clearly, and tell her to give up her thoughts."

Baimu Moyou didn't care to listen, and was still thinking about those things.

"Moyou? Moyou?"

Baimu Moyou quickly regained her senses. She glanced at a bastard who was playing chess next to her, looked away, and remained silent for a while, before asking, "Xufeng, if it was you, where, when."

She hesitated to speak, her lips squirmed, back and forth several times, but she still didn't have the courage to ask.

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and asked, "What would I do if one day I was confessed by a girl?"

Baimu Moyou's body froze again for a moment, and the sage of Beiyuan on the other side couldn't help but freeze for a second.

Takanashi Xufeng carefully studied the expression of her good friend. Does Moyou feel disgusted by being confessed by the same sex?It should be, this is indeed more in line with the concept of some people
As for her opinion, although it is not to the extent that she feels disgusting, she will never accept it. Leaving aside her own opinion, if she is with a girl, parents will definitely feel that the sky is falling !
However, in this situation of comforting others, even if they have different views on one thing, the comforter should still obey the sad person's point of view.
"If I was confessed by a girl, I would feel it." Takanashi Xufeng paused, carefully observing the changes in his good friend's expression.

Baimu Moyou's body tensed up instantly, her heart raised to her throat, and she was already so nervous that fear would happen at the next moment.

Xufeng Gaoli breathed a sigh of relief, Moyou was really looking forward to my approval, there is a good friend who has a good heart, a friend who understands, so that I can feel more comfortable.

"If a girl asks me to confess, I will feel more uncomfortable, just like what Moyu did, I will definitely not accept it," Takanashi Xufeng smiled and looked at Kashiwagi, "You can relax a little, don't worry about it Gossip at school, you've done nothing wrong."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and then added: "By the way, Moyou, I heard that there is a new restaurant with a high rating in a magazine in Shinjuku. Let's go together tonight? Or go to my house tonight. told me about you."

Baimu Moyou was stunned for a long time, and she didn't listen to a word she said later. She was already like a fool who had completely fallen into a love trap, and her mind was full of "Xu Feng also felt uncomfortable. Will the wind want to stay away from the confessor?"

Takanashi Xufeng waited for a while, and after a while, she looked at her good friend with a little doubt, did Moyou suddenly realize?As if thinking.

"I've already told Moyou what to do. When she thinks about it, it should be fine later."

She breathed out lightly, finally relieved, and said with a smile: "Don't bother you, Moyou just think about it."

After finishing speaking, Takanashi Xufeng got up, put his hands on the table, leaned out, and looked at the man and woman playing chess opposite.

Turning her eyes to the chessboard, she roughly studied the situation, "Well, in the middle stage, it seems that Beiyuan has reversed?"

Ernie-chan is finally here!Xiang Wukui quickly raised his head, and seriously evaluated the chess game, "Senior Beiyuan's mid-game combat power is very powerful, much better than mine."

"However, Senior Beiyuan's layout concept has not been reversed. Several moves are still ancient methods. Often the layout is backward, and the mid-game struggle is reversed."

The sage of Beiyuan had no choice but to shrug his shoulders helplessly. There was nothing he could do about it. There were too many things going on recently. Not to mention studying the layout of the new era, he even had very little time to play scores. It would be nice to be able to play two games of chess at most every night!

Before, he wanted to ask Xiang Wukui for advice. She often plays chess with AI and has a lot of research on AI moves in the new era. But for now, it is better to get through the difficulties first and wait until Bai Tong learns.

"I'll go out for a while." Bai Mu Moyou's voice suddenly sounded.

The Kitahara sage turned his head to look, and it was extremely rare that Kashiwagi Moyou had an indescribably complicated expression. After speaking, she turned and walked towards the door.

"It seems that Moyou has already figured it out and is going to find that girl to solve the matter." Gaoli Xufeng looked back and thought to himself.

"Senior Beiyuan, are morning and afternoon the times when rainbows are most likely to appear?"

The sage of Beiyuan also looked away, looked at Xiang Wukui after hearing the sound, and asked, "Do you want to play again?"

Xiang Wukui looked at Bei Yuan with a pair of pure eyes, and nodded.

"Of course." The sage of Beiyuan readily agreed, and continued to pick and drop.

They played chess with each other a few times, and soon, there were two beeps in the inner pocket of the clothes, which was Line's notification tone.

Beiyuan Xianren took out his mobile phone, pressed it on, and was quite surprised that it was news from Bai Tong.

Could it be that the guy suddenly went out on something, just to send him a message?
"I want to talk to you, don't leave later."

After reading it, the Kitahara sage immediately found it very interesting.

In the past, when that guy contacted him, his tone of voice was unceremonious expressions such as "come to see me", "I have something to do with you", "where are you", but this time, it was actually "I want to talk to you." You talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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