Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 292 Unexpected success

Chapter 292 Unexpected success

Tokyo Chess Academy, waiting room.The game of the joint chess group is held in the morning, and the single event is scheduled for the afternoon.

The hanging screen was broadcasting the points tables of the United Chess Group in rotation, and the Kitahara sage looked at them one by one in boredom.There are still a few minutes until the opening game.

Wearing a disposable mask, Xufeng Gaoli looked around the waiting room, "Student Beiyuan, these players who have been screened through layers should not be weak in chess."

The Kitahara sage didn't agree, and after thinking about it, he said, "How can I say that when it comes to chess skills, these people may not be as good as most junior high school students and elementary school students." He glanced around and explained in a low voice: "Actually, there are many people among them. , are all losers."


"From childhood to adulthood, for several years in a row, I failed to hit the professional rank."

Professional punching competitions, no matter whether it is a ten-year-old young chess player or a 20-year-old "old face", all have to compete in the same room.

Gao Li Xufeng asked in a low voice: "What does Beiyuan mean, even if they compete with junior high school students and elementary school students for the career advancement, they will still lose?"

The sage of Beiyuan scanned the waiting room and nodded, "Obviously. If they succeed in the stage, they won't be sitting here. If the carp cup professional rookie king is the next goal of the new career. If it is cruel , this is where the losers and members of the atmosphere group meet."

Xufeng Gaoli asked curiously: "Student Beiyuan seems to be from a family of Go?"

Kitahara sage said carefully: "It can't be called a 'family', it's far behind the four great Go families in the Edo period, it just started from my grandfather's generation."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and asked, "At what age was Bei Yuan, when he had the chess skills of professional advancement, ten years old?"

The sage of Beiyuan said truthfully: "It's about the same, eighty-nine is not far from ten."

Takanashi Xufeng looked at him in surprise, she knew that Beiyuan was not the kind of person who likes to talk big.Ten-year-old determination, if it was seven or eight years ago to determine the career, wouldn't the youngest recorder be Bei Yuan!
She smiled and said: "Then, when Beiyuan was ten years old, he was able to hit everyone here? Why didn't Beiyuan go to the set?"

The sage of Beiyuan was silent for a while. At that time, he played the piano with a small house girl every day for lunch break and dinner. Playing house with the girls, the time just passed by.

Gao Li Xufeng secretly scolded himself for being an idiot, which must have reminded Bei Yuan of the sad family matter, so he quickly changed the subject: "Aoi, you are so good at chess, you must be able to pass the professional stage competition."

Xiangwu Kui, who was sitting between the two, came back to her senses. She looked at Takanashi, shook her head and said, "I don't know. My brother taught me Go when I was young. He is an amateur fourth-dan, and he always lets me go, but I know I can't beat him."

Takanashi Xufeng continued to ask: "Later, you played chess with yourself in your head? Later, artificial intelligence AI was born, and you slowly started to play chess with AI?"

Xiang Wukui nodded.

The sage of Kitahara withdrew his thoughts, Xiang Wukui should have been around ten years old when he was a child?Under the age of ten, he is only an amateur fourth-dan, which is a normal talent.

"You can persist in playing chess with AI, which is very powerful." He commented sincerely.

He absolutely does not want to play chess with AI.Because it is not at all a joyful process of enjoying the confrontation of momentum and brain games in Go, but it is a kind of repeated psychological torture, which greatly damages the winning spirit of a professional chess player.

The reason why Xiang Wukui was able to "be late blooming" and improve his chess power rapidly must be due to the teaching of Ai. The Kitahara sage was quite amazed for a while.

Perhaps, only her way of dealing with the world without contending with the world, her quiet temperament that can endure loneliness, and her indifferent mentality that does not care about winning or losing can make her able to survive under the hands of the cold AI even after being beaten hard for thousands of years. For a hundred games, even if your heart is wounded and you doubt yourself deeply, you can still click the mouse lightly with a calm mind and continue to the next game.Such repetitions, how can the chess strength not rise fast.

"It's time to open the door! Ando, ​​get ready to enter!"

"Holy Mother of God, the Holy Mother of Buddha, I must bless Iwata Toko to keep No.6!"

"Hey, is that person Cosmic Ruwu Palace?"

When Kitahara sage heard the sound, he was quite surprised that Grandpa Takemiya was actually present as a special guest in a small amateur competition for high school students.

"Why is the world champion here?" Someone was very surprised.

"Universal Ryumu Palace is going to present the award in person!?" Someone had a very excited expression.

Gao Li Xufeng covered his mouth with a smile and said, "Grandfather Wugong is here to present you the award, student Beiyuan."

Hideki Takemiya stepped onto the front desk, quickly glanced over dozens of chairs, paused for a moment on Kento Kitahara, and then smiled kindly and wished everyone a perfect performance.

Kitahara Kento also felt that what Takanashi said was right. For this kind of small amateur game, it is enough to find a first-line chess player to be present, and a few words of encouragement are enough. Grandpa Takemiya ran over in person, which seemed that the chess academy took it too seriously.

"Aoi, don't you like to go down the cosmic stream? Do you know who that grandpa on stage is?" Gao Li Xufeng asked in a low voice.

Xiang Wukui answered in one go: "Universe Ryu Wu Palace! The universe flow is unconstrained, and it swallows mountains and rivers with energy. It is a chess record that will shine brightly after 200 years. My brother used to like to play the universe flow chess record the most."

The sage of Beiyuan was a little surprised. She didn't know so many professional chess players, but she really knew Grandpa Wugong.

As a chess player, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him.Even though more than half a century has passed, the name of Universe Liuwu Palace is still spread in every corner of the world.Perhaps, this is the goal that every chess player who seeks Tao pursues in his life.Playing the famous game of the gods with a master's hand will forever be recorded in the annals of chess history.

Hideki Takemiya stood on the stage with his hands behind his back, explaining the precautions for the game.Slowly, more and more people turned their heads and turned their attention to the sage of Beiyuan.

The Kitahara sage kept his expression motionless, feeling helpless in his heart.It's no secret that he is the son of Kitahara Masayoshi [-]th Dan, and everyone at the scene knows, and Kitahara Masayoshi [-]th Dan has a close personal relationship with Takemiya Hideki, so it's not difficult to know why the Universe Liuwu Palace came from a little association.

"Play this set well and win it perfectly," he told Xiang Wukui.

In the presence of a large audience, Takemiya Hideki was also inconvenient to leave the field to find Kitahara. After reiterating the rules of the game, he gave Kitahara a slight nod and left the waiting room.

Competitors come in one after another.

Takanashi Xufeng cheered them up and said, "Come on!"

Kitahara Kento nodded, and lined up with Xiang Wukui to search for the table where Fenggao played against Luonan School.The two took their seats one after another, waiting for the bell to ring.

Soon, the two opponents in the final round also came. A man and a woman had a sad face, as if they were about to go to jail, and sat down opposite Beiyuan in all desperation.

The sage of Beiyuan suppressed a smile and sat upright.It can only be regarded as the bad luck of Luonan School, and I don't know if losing this round will affect the final ranking of Luonan High School.

The bell rang to start the game.

The opponent holds black first, and the star position is placed.Beiyuan also picked up a piece, slapped it on the star position, and then quickly reached out and pressed the clock.

After a few moves, the black and white sides formed a layout of Xingxiaomu against Xingxiaomu.A man and a woman in Luonan suddenly looked at each other, as if they didn't know what to do.

When you meet Feng Gao, you can't win no matter what you do.
After a while, the boy put on a sad face and walked out of a Chinese layout.

After more than ten chess moves, the boy in Luonan couldn't hold back anymore and made the first move. Black 21 Xiaofei hangs, and when White 22 pinches, Black 23 brazenly touches Xiaomu, and then 25 consecutive boards! ·

The Kitahara sage's expression was as usual, this was just a slightly more complicated stereotyping technique, and it was hard for Xiang Wukui.

As expected, Xiang Wukui immediately made a brilliant move, Bai's 32nd move, the tip of the nose! ·
Although the three white pieces seem to be cut off by the black pieces and surrounded, but once this skillful move is made, the two black pieces dare not move rashly, otherwise it will cause a catastrophe!

But when it was the turn of the girls in Luonan to play chess, Black made a move of 33 and accidentally made a sideways move.Hei Erzi, who was held up by Bai's nose, actually ran out! ·

The Beiyuan sage's mood gradually became strange. Normally speaking, these two black pieces must not be saved anymore.

Opponent forgot the pattern?Still miscalculated?Or bite the bullet and start a fight?

He looked up at his opponent. The boy in Luonan had a very exciting expression. He obviously didn't expect that his teammates would trick him, while the girl looked confused and didn't know why she was looking at her.

After a while, she was taken aback for a moment, completely dumbfounded, and turned her head weakly to look at the boy with an expression of "I was wrong".

Forgot the order of the formulas.
Well, the sage of Beiyuan knows in his heart that this game of chess will soon be over.

Xiang Wukui looked at Bei Yuan and asked him with his eyes, Bei Yuan shrugged and said to continue, the opponent probably gave up soon.

One move made a big mistake, the follow-up finalization is terrible, the black chess has been broken, and the country is in jeopardy. Unless white stops two moves in a row, it is basically powerless to recover. ·

Not only the four black pieces below were killed tragically, without any aftertaste, which greatly increased the empty space of the white piece, but also the big dragon that escaped from the black piece was not at all stable. Once the white piece launched an offensive, the black big dragon would fight very hard.If AI is used to test black's winning rate at this time, it may be infinitely close to zero.

The boy in Luonan looked at the chessboard speechlessly, then turned his head to look at the girl, staring at each other, and both of them were silent for a while, as if they had reached a tacit understanding, the boy readily picked up a piece, landed it on the lower right corner of his own chessboard, cast the piece and recognized it. burden.

"Take me to dinner on the rest day." The boy demanded the girl.

The girl nodded helplessly and ashamedly.

The Kitahara sage was in a strange mood. The chess game that was supposed to take more than two hours ended in less than 10 minutes?It went too well.

He reached out to greet the tour referee. The referee walked over with strange eyes, looked down at the chessboard, and couldn't help laughing.

After the referee recorded the contents of the chess game, the two sides got up one after another, and the four of them walked towards the gate of the arena under the surprised eyes of the crowd.

Kitahara Xiancai walked out of the door, and Takanashi Xufeng who was seated in the back seat quickly raised his head and asked in surprise, "It's over?"

Kitahara sage said: "If you win, you will receive the championship trophy and certificate of honor at noon."

"So fast?!"

"There is a traitor among the opponents." He laughed.

Takanashi Xufeng reacted for a while, but she didn't expect it at all. She thought it would take an hour at the earliest.

"... shall we stay now and wait for the awards ceremony?"

The award ceremony will not be held until after lunch when the latest standings of the United Chess Group are updated. The Kitahara sage thought for a while and said:

"It's fine to stay, and we can go to the Qiyuan cafeteria to have lunch later." He paused, thinking that Takanashi must have some small plan, "If you think the cafeteria is too crowded and noisy, we can go out to eat. You are the leader, you decide Bar."

Takanashi Xufeng moved his gaze and asked, "Aoi, where do you want to go?"

"It will be all right."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and said, "Then let's go for a walk first, is that okay, Kitahara-san?"

"Okay. I'll go to the game staff. If you don't go too far, it should be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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