Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 301 Confess and be lenient!Don't try to fool around!

Chapter 301 Confess and be lenient!Don't try to fool around!
Forest trail.

"Obviously there are not many things, why did you ask two people to go?" Takanashi Xufeng was holding a bag of thin folders, always a little puzzled.

"Ou Nei-chan, how come the budget of the Go club is larger than that of the sports club?" Xiang Wukui clattered a forecast form of the club's expenses with her small hands trembling.

"The Go club? Fenggao won the championship of this year's college Go players' conference. Maybe there will be freshmen who like Go sign up next year. It's understandable that they want to buy a few more boards."

"That's it," Xiang Wukui thought for a while, "Ou Nei-chan, I think Kashiwagi-senpai is also very good at chess."

Takanashi Xufeng paused.

She frowned and thought for a while, then looked down at the thin bag of documents.

"Aoi, could we have been lured away on purpose? While we're not around, what are Kitahara-san and Moyou talking about quietly?"

Xiang Wukui blinked her lower eyelashes. She promised to keep Senior Beiyuan a secret within a week, and it hasn't expired yet.

"do not know."

"Moyou has always disliked playing chess with "outsiders". The first time Beiyuan invited Moyou, she immediately agreed, and there was always a feeling of suddenness." Gaoli Xufeng looked at the road ahead and hesitated for a while.

After hesitating on the spot for a long time, Gaoli Xufeng whispered: "Kui, let's walk through the woods, you follow me, don't go into the house for a while."

She glanced back and forth, and went into the woods first.

"Wait a minute, Ohne-chan." Aoi Sangbu hurriedly called Takanashi to a halt, feeling increasingly restless.Although I don't know what Senior Bei Yuan is secretly plotting, but before they confessed, Ou Nei-chan suddenly discovered the secret, and the relationship must have deteriorated!

"What's wrong?" Takanashi Xufeng looked at him questioningly.

"Tie the shoelaces." She whispered, turned her back, and pretended to bend over to tie the shoelaces.

Takanashi Xufeng in the woods said "hmm" and waited patiently.

Xiang Wukui quietly took out the phone and quickly edited the text message.

"Be careful, Ernie-chan is eavesdropping!"

"It's fastened."

Hidden by trees, the outline of the wooden house became clearer and clearer.

Takanashi Xufeng hid behind the tree trunk, gestured behind him, took a detour, and detoured to the side of the wooden house, leaning against the wooden wall by the window, listening intently to the movement inside the house.

It would be quiet in the house, and she held her breath.

"When can you quit the student union, I'm really fed up with you!"

Takanashi Xufeng's heart skipped a beat, it was Moyou's voice.

Xiang Wukui's little mind was also stunned, didn't senior Beiyuan see the text message?
She quickly poked her head out and peeped through the window. She was relieved when she saw that the mobile phone that Senior Beiyuan put on the table did not turn on the SMS notification light.Senior Beiyuan should have seen the text message. Could it be that he is just planning?

Takanashi Xufeng hurriedly lowered Xiangwu Aoi's little head, put her index finger by her mouth, and signaled her to be quiet.

"Everyone, I've had enough of you. If you don't want to look at me, how about trying to cover your eyes? Quit the student union and stop talking nonsense. I don't think there is any need to listen to your unreasonable orders."

It was Kitahara's voice, Takahashi Xufeng, who was temporarily sluggish, and his cognition was shocked.
"Moyou and Beiyuan are like this in private? Why did they become like this?"

Her mind was blank, and she was even terrified of things she didn't know.

The room fell into silence. After a while, the sound of the falling sound was heard, and then I heard classmate Beiyuan say:
"That's what you asked me to talk about?"

"Do you think?"

"Then there is no need to say any more."

The room became silent again, with intermittent conversations, as if to prevent someone from breaking into the room suddenly and bumping into all this.

"I'm seriously negotiating with you. How are you willing to quit? Money? Or the qualifications on the university declaration form? Could it be that you are plotting against someone!"

"Have you got water in your head? Nonsense, nonsense..."

"Your brain is flooded!"

The smell of gunpowder in the house intensified and was imminent, Takanashi Xufeng hurriedly stood up straight and ran to the door.

She pushed open the door and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

The sound of firing the gunpowder cord came to an abrupt end.

"What's going on?" Takanashi Xufeng stepped forward quickly.

The Kitahara sage didn't look back, pretending to be stunned, with his back turned to her, motionless.

Takanashi Xufeng came to the side of the chessboard and looked at her friend first. Moyou lowered her head for a moment, as if avoiding her sight, not daring to face her.

Takanashi Xufeng sat at the head of the long table, with a stern attitude of "Leniency for the confession! Don't try to get away with it".She looked to the left and right in turn.

"So, what happened?"

Baimu Moyou was speechless, and Beiyuan sage was also silent.

They discussed how to behave in each situation according to the impression they have in Takanashi's mind.Keeping silent like now, not pouring dirty water on each other, not slandering each other, is in line with their impression in Takanashi's mind.

The plan is that Takanashi Xufeng stepped into the "trap" they expected first, and then they would explain it naturally.The Kitahara sage had to admire that Baitong knew Takanashi better than Takanashi's own mother, and she listed almost all her possible actions and speech skills clearly.

Takanashi Xufeng asked again seriously: "What happened and why did it become like this?"

Neither of the two said anything, and they were quiet for a long time. Takanashi Xufeng reluctantly slowed down a little bit, put his chin in one hand, thought for a while and said:
"If none of you are willing to confess, then listen to me, okay? No matter what conflicts or misunderstandings you had before, you must slowly clear up the past, not just to maintain the unity of the student union, but also to our summer. , Everyone in that band, okay? Otherwise, many people will be affected because of the relationship between the two of you."

"Huh?" She looked to the left and right one by one inquiringly.

Beiyuan and Kashiwagi still waited patiently and kept silent.

Takanashi Xufeng twisted her hair around her ears in distress. After a while, she touched the phone on the table, clicked on the photo album, found a photo, and stretched out her hand to show it.

A summer photo, it was during the band competition, in the front camera, everyone gathered in a large warehouse, Takanashi Xufeng showed half of his face, behind him was practicing the piano, Tsurumi Chinatsu stood aside interestingly Watching, Tsurumi Chiharu was lazily fanning a small fan, Kagawa Ningning was licking ice cream, Kuriyama Mizuho was holding her chin in a daze, and Kashiwagi Moyu was sitting next to Takanashi.

Takanashi Xufeng tried his best to be a peacemaker, and said sincerely: "Look, wasn't it very good before, very happy. I think there is some misunderstanding, you just need to talk about it?"

Beiyuan sage's secret passage finally came, Bai Tong's guess was very accurate, just wait for you to talk about that time.

The other opened his mouth, but he hesitated to speak, and he closed his mouth as if he was unable to speak.

Takanashi Xufeng observed keenly, and seized the opportunity to ask: "Is it at that time? During the band competition, you and Moyou already-I know!"

She came to her senses and asked, "Is it because of the scandal?"

"During the band competition, the gossip media maliciously hyped the 'masked man' and 'blonde girl'. At that time, because of the scandal, did the conflict arise? You don't want to make me in a dilemma, so you keep hiding it?"

Kitahara sage glanced at Kashiwagi, and Kashiwagi Moyu also glanced at him - using the scandal as the source of the conflict was a well-thought-out excuse for both of them.Neither of the two sides will suffer, and it will not affect their impression in Takanashi's mind.The blame is all thrown to gossip magazines.

The sage of Beiyuan was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "That's right."

"There are other reasons?" Takanashi Xufeng was a little surprised.

"Sports festivals too."

Takanashi Xu Fengshensi was slightly stunned. At the sports festival, she tried every means to get Kitahara and Moyou to compete together, and recommended them to sign up for the two-person and three-legged event, because they were the only male and female members of the whole group, which seemed relatively Ambiguous, also had a little impact after the game.

Takanashi Xufeng was speechless for a long time, if this is the case, she can hardly absolve herself of the blame.

She was suddenly in a complicated mood. She had done something wrong with good intentions. At that time, she naively thought that Moyou and Beiyuan were very promising!
"Then Moyou, why did you give 'Snowball' to Beiyuan for foster care?" Takanashi Xufeng's confidence suddenly weakened a lot.It was because of this that she was completely misunderstood.

Baimu Moyou explained in a low voice: "It's a disguise, I don't want you to notice our problems."

Gao Li Xufeng kept silent for a long time, staring at the sky in a daze, he was too funny.

After a while, she asked embarrassingly: "So it's because of the previous scandal that the two sides had a grudge, and small conflicts accumulated bit by bit, and finally because of the sports festival, the gunpowder line was completely ignited? "

As if by default, Kitahara and Kashiwagi remained silent.

Gaoli Xufeng came to her senses, the stern attitude of "confession and leniency" just now was gone, she looked at the two people at a loss, and for a while, she was embarrassed and at a loss, like a guilty conscience, unable to raise her aura.He thought he was a just judge, but after checking, he turned out to be an accomplice who fueled the fire!
But soon, she straightened her waist again, coughed twice and said, "Anyway! This is not acceptable."

"Moyou, are you willing to reconcile with classmate Beiyuan?" She turned her head and asked.

Baimu Moyou said in a flat tone, "I don't want to."

Gaoli Xufeng's waist suddenly collapsed, and he asked distressedly, "Why don't you want to?"

Kashiwagi Moyou remained silent.These are all negotiated. If you can't talk about reconciliation, just reconcile.

Takanashi Xufeng looked helplessly to the other side.

"Where's Bei Yuan?"

The sage of Beiyuan was about to speak, but suddenly the door of the room was pushed open with a click.

He immediately heard the sound and saw that it was Chiharu Tsurumi, the little one, Shi Shiran walked into the room with a delicate flower fan in his hand.

"In a meeting? Wait, let me say a few words." She was not polite at all, pulled out a chair, and sat down carelessly.

Takanashi Xufeng glanced at Beiyuan and Kashiwagi, so she had to put the question aside for the time being. She quickly adjusted her mood and greeted, "Long time no see, Senior Tsurumi."

Tsurumi Chiharu glanced at Takanashi, snorted lightly with her nose, and the small fan snapped shut.

"You all remember what I said before."

Although the visitor was not very friendly to her, Takanashi Xufeng still politely smiled and asked, "Is it a mysterious activity during the summer vacation?"

"Just remember, and" Tsurumi Chiharu weighed the fan bone in his hand, turned to look at Beiyuan, "Congratulations, I heard that you won a Go championship? Not bad."

"What kind of event is it? If it's too far away, I won't go. You know, I have a younger sister to take care of,"

"I know, I know, I know what you are worried about when you say this, and it is impossible to take you abroad, and I also know that it is impossible for you to go." Tsurumi Chiharu muttered dissatisfied.

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless, did she really consider traveling abroad!
"I'll be ready when the time comes. I'll contact you in advance." Chiharu Tsurumi stood up slowly, glanced at Takanashi, Kashiwagi, and Aoi Sangbu beside him, and then the old god walked towards the door with his hands behind his back, "That's it , you continue the meeting."

When she came to the door, she stopped, turned to look at Beiyuan, and asked casually:

"By the way, don't forget to call Li Shan, that idiot is almost learning how to be stupid recently, and everyone must be there by then. I told you months in advance!"

Beiyuan sage smiled and said: "I have notified in advance, she will go."

"If she doesn't want to go, she won't go, and no one expects her to go." Tsurumi Qianchun muttered softly, reaching out to close the door.

Kitahara Kento retracted his gaze, glanced at the blond girl across the table, and replied to the question just now.

"I don't want to."

Takanashi Xufeng rested his forehead with both hands, kneading the center of his brows in a frowning manner, both sides refused to give up easily, what should be done, can it only be solved slowly with time?
Like an outsider, Xiang Wukui sat on the side quietly and obediently, never interrupting, until she saw that the room fell into silence, she jumped off the chair, went to pour three cups of tea, and poured them down one by one.

"Senior Beiyuan, drink tea."

When Kitahara sage came back to his senses, he was quite surprised. He really didn't expect that in this planned performance, Xiangwu Kui could hide from Takanashi and secretly tip him off.

"Thank you."

Xiang Wukui blinked implicitly, continued to act like an outsider, returned to the chair, and watched quietly.

Kitahara Kento looked sideways slightly, feeling straight in his heart that Xiangwu Kui seemed to have seen through his and Baitong's plan, but she had her own ideas, pretending to be confused, and deliberately concealing Takanashi Xufeng.

"Is that kid really playing a big game of chess?" He couldn't help muttering to himself.

Takanashi Xufeng looked around at the two people who had remained silent all this time, and sighed inwardly. It seemed that she wanted to mediate the two parties and resolve the conflict. It would not be successful in a day or two, and it would probably be a protracted battle.

Takanashi Xufeng looked helpless, "I really can't do anything with you two", and said distressedly: "Let's stop here today, and go home early."

(End of this chapter)

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