Chapter 335
It was the hottest time of the summer season, and Kashiwagi Moyu regretted wearing a long-sleeved black skirt very much.

The wig above the hairnet was long and thick, with two layers of thick hair covering her forehead with sweat, and she couldn't keep her eyes open.

She tried her best to water the last piece of land, poured all the remaining water under the cherry blossom trees in the courtyard, and quickly fled back to the house.

Kitahara sage turned on the air conditioner earlier, and the watermelon in the refrigerator was used up, so he cut each person in half.Hearing the sound from the entrance of the corridor, he reminded loudly: "There is iced watermelon on the table, I left half of it for you, dig it with a spoon."

There was the sound of washing his face in the bathroom, and the sage of Beiyuan spat out the watermelon seeds, and looked back at Xuanlang, wondering if she could hold on.As far as her slender body and bones are concerned, she doesn't have a physique for frequent work. If she doesn't persist for ten days, she will be exhausted first.

When I saw classmate Bai again, she had already taken off her wig.

The sage of Beiyuan sighed and said, "Don't do it, you can rest for a while. It's not too late to wash the curtains tomorrow."

This time, Baimu Moyou didn't try to be brave any more, and obediently walked to the dining table, dug a spoonful of watermelon and put it in his mouth. Once the cold and juicy flesh entered his throat, he felt comfortable all over.

The sage of Beiyuan recalled the childhood scene in his previous life, and said with emotion: "If you want to say iced watermelon, it must be the kind stored in the well to taste, sink it into the cool well water, freeze it for six hours, and take it out. It’s ice and sweet, and it’s not cold, so it’s good for your health.”

Kashiwagi Moyou stopped digging watermelon with a small spoon.

"Iced watermelon in well water?"

"Why, you also know? Have you eaten it before?"

Baimu Moyou was silent for a while, then lowered his head and said, "I haven't eaten."

She has heard many times that watermelons are chilled with well water.

Every summer when she was a child, she could always hear Xufeng's grandmother telling them while recalling that the watermelon in the well water was cool and sweet, much more delicious than the watermelon in the refrigerator, and it was not cold, so it was better for the body.It is exactly the same as what the sage of Kitahara said.But until Xufeng's grandmother passed away, she never tasted the watermelon chilled in the well water.

The sage of Beiyuan said regretfully: "It's a pity that there is no well in the city."

Baimu Moyou was in a trance for a moment, and the words were exactly the same.

The Kitahara sage poured a spoonful of watermelon into his mouth. Feeling that the air conditioner was blowing a bit cold, he turned his head and asked, "Are you cold? Turn up the temperature of the air conditioner?"

Baimu Moyou recovered, feeling a little sad.

After adjusting her mood, she shook her head at Bei Yuan, but she didn't feel cold.But just now she was so hot that she was sweating all over her body, her back was soaked, and her clothes were sticking to her skin wetly. Now after the sweat dries, she feels uncomfortable all over.

She subconsciously looked at the bathroom, Kitahara Sensei understood, she was sweating, and wanted to take a bath, but she didn't have any clothes to change.

Baimu Moyou simply packed up his things, turned to the sofa and said, "I'm going to buy ingredients for lunch."

The Kitahara sage was very clear in his heart, so she stopped by to buy a change of clothes, or she might as well go to the public bathhouse.

"Be careful on the road." He instructed casually.

after an hour.

Hearing the doorbell, Kitahara Kento, who was lying on the sofa, got up to open the door.

Carrying a big bag of things on a hot day, his fingers were red, Kashiwagi Moyu was still on the phone with someone, Kitahara Kento guessed it was Takanashi, turned sideways, and let her into the house.

Waiting for Xufeng to hang up the call first, Baimu Moyou put down the phone, and with that unusually polite attitude, turned to Beiyuan, leaned slightly and said, "Let me borrow the bathroom."

She has considered going to the public bathhouse, but it is psychologically difficult to accept taking a bath with strangers, and after washing, she may have to sweat again on the way back.

"Please go ahead."

Baimu Moyou walked into the bathroom with a bag of newly bought clothes, locked the door, and walked into the inner bathroom.

She took off her long black dress, and threw it together with two pieces of underwear into a basin mixed with washing powder. Then, she stroked her soft, light golden hair to her chest, combed it from top to bottom with a comb, and stretched out her lotus arms , twist the rain shower, water mist
Three 10 minutes later.

Baimu Moyou walked out of the room wrapped in a newly bought bath towel, bent down to search for a large bag of clothes.

Slowly, she was stunned.

It seems that I forgot to buy underwear
Kashiwagi Moyu was silent for a while, and tried on the white shirt.

She looked in the mirror, and it was obvious that she couldn't go out to meet people in this state, and it was uncomfortable to the touch.

She was in a daze for a while, then looked at the soaked underwear that had been soaked in the basin.

"what should I do now."

The sage of Beiyuan played two chess records while sitting on the sofa, and he couldn't help being more and more surprised when he waited until Baitong went out.

"What's the matter, I can't hear the sound of water, why don't people come out?" He looked back frequently, full of doubts.

After waiting for another 5 minutes, he really couldn't figure it out, even if he lacked an arm, he shouldn't be so slow in getting dressed.He has experience with this.

The sage of Beiyuan turned around and shouted towards Xuanlang: "Are you alright?"

No one answered.

"Haven't finished washing yet?"

Still no answer.

He got up in a daze, and went to the door of the bathroom. He listened carefully, and there seemed to be a strange sound of "wheezing and wheezing", which was very similar to the sound of forgetting to take out the paper when washing clothes, and could only shake the clothes vigorously afterwards.There is also the sound of blowing air through the mouth.

"What are you doing?" he asked strangely.

The sound of "huchihuchi" stopped, and after a while, I heard classmate Bai whisper: "I forgot to buy underwear."

The Kitahara sage was speechless for a moment. He could imagine that classmate Bai was probably drying the soaked underwear manually, and even wanted to dry it.

"Don't throw it away, I'll take it out and hang it for you." The sage of Beiyuan wisely didn't say such stupid words.

He sighed and said, "How long can you brag about it. Forget it, wait a minute, I'll buy it for you."

No one in the room responded again, probably too ashamed to speak up, so they simply acquiesced.

The Kitahara sage put his wallet on, and before leaving, he yelled, "Wait for me for 15 minutes."

There is a women's underwear store in the community, and Kitahara Kento bought underwear for his daughter before.

He was familiar with the streets of the community, saving a lot of time than taking the main road. When he arrived at the door of the store, he deliberately didn't step in, and reached out his hand to signal the female shopping guide to come out.

It's fine to buy underwear for his daughter, and Hua Gu is still young, so he doesn't need to pay too much attention to avoiding suspicion, but it's really inconvenient for him to choose things like Bai Tong's classmate himself.

The female shopping guide who knew the sage of Beiyuan got up and went out, bowed politely and said, "Hello, welcome."

"Is it still a small size underwear?"

"No, this time it's a big size."

"Okay, please come with me."

"Wait," Beiyuan Xianren stopped her, coughed dryly, and said, "It's not convenient for me this time, you go in and pick two pieces for me, pack them, and put them in black bags."

"It's not very convenient. Black bag." The female shopping guide thought about it for a while, and then smiled knowingly.

"Okay, what size underwear do you want?"

The sage of Beiyuan was silent. How could he know that this kind of knowledge should not belong to him.

He stretched out his hand and gestured, "It's about this size, maybe a little bigger. It doesn't matter if it's bigger, I guess it's only for one day."

The female shopping guide covered her mouth and smiled, "Okay, please wait a moment."

After a while, the female shopping guide walked out of the store with two black bags in her hands and explained to him:
"The total in this bag is 7290 yen, and the total in this bag is 12690 yen. Which one do you want?"

The sage of Beiyuan was surprised: "More than 1? So expensive?"

The female shopping guide smiled and said: "The expensive one has better 'breathability', and the workmanship is better, it is durable and looks better."

The sage of Beiyuan hesitated for a while, considering that Baitong had worked hard these few days, he spent a lot of money on him.

Just spend more money on her.

Pointing to the expensive black bag, he said, "Just the expensive one, and swipe the card."

 I just learned that this year's college entrance examination composition is about Go terminology.In fact, in addition to ordinary hands, good hands, and master hands, there are good hands, bad hands, ghost hands, winners and losers, desperate moves, divine moves, flying fairy moves, and slippery moves that have just entered the annals of history (laughs).

(End of this chapter)

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