Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 342 Tomato scrambled eggs and lotus seed mung bean soup

Chapter 342 Tomato scrambled eggs and lotus seed mung bean soup
Sheets, quilt covers, and pillowcases soaked in rain were piled up like a hill at the entrance of the porch. The sage Kitahara picked and picked them all, and they were all soaked. None of them were usable. He went to the washing machine again, and the drum was still soaking. A lot of things that can't be seen as sheets or quilts.

In short, after searching the whole family now, only the set of mattresses in his bedroom to be washed can still be used.

Kitahara sage shrugged helplessly at Kashiwagi Moyu, sleep on the floor, sleep on the sofa, sleep on his bed, choose one of the three.

The hard sleeping floor was ruled out first, and then the sofa, because the Kitahara sage still had to sit and play music, leaving only Kashiwagi Moyu who chose to remain silent and turned around to go up to the second floor.

Coming to his living room again, she opened the closet, picked up the only remaining mattress, and walked to the master bedroom in the next room.

She spread out the tatami mattress, unfolded the cool summer quilt, and placed pillows.It was inconvenient to dry the rain-soaked clothes at Beiyuan's house, because there were red things that were too embarrassing to see, so she hugged the black bag and got under the covers together.

Before the drowsiness after taking the cold medicine came, she was exhausted after working for a long time, and gradually closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

Beiyuan Xianren didn't go upstairs with him, and the girl went to bed, how could he stare at her.

He thought about it for a while, and remembered that Sister Qinyin came to his house to make mung bean cakes. There seemed to be some mung beans left, so he got up and went to the kitchen to look for them.

There was not much left, only a small packet. Fortunately, he also found a small packet of lotus seeds. The sage of Beiyuan turned on the gas stove and cooked a pot of lotus seed and mung bean soup that clears away heat, relieves heat and nourishes health. He will drink it when his classmates wake up.

After finishing everything, he continued to sit on the sofa and play music.

It's just that he never expected that the classmate Bai upstairs slept until nine o'clock in the evening.

Eight fifty-six in the evening.The rain hasn't stopped.

I don't know how many times I looked back at the door, the Beiyuan sage couldn't sit still more and more, and was confused, what was going on upstairs, it's been seven hours, she didn't get enough sleep, right?

"Didn't they all say that it's hard to sleep well when you sleep in someone else's house?" Beiyuan Xianren murmured in his heart, and he also felt that it made sense. How many places have the band been to before, with high-end decoration, luxurious facilities, and classical environment? I have never stayed in any hotel, but no matter how beautiful and beautiful it is, the golden nest and silver nest are still not as sweet and solid as my own small nest.

He was very worried about whether her condition was getting worse, or she hadn't moved for so long.

Completely unable to sit still, the sage Kitahara got up and left the sofa, and went up to the second floor to see what was going on.

Before opening the coat door, he asked softly, "Are you awake?"

No one answered.

"Student Kashiwagi?"

Still no answer.

The sage of Beiyuan gently opened the jacket door in wonder.

On the small tatami bed in the center of the master bedroom, the blond girl hugged the cool summer quilt sideways, with a peaceful expression.

He stepped forward, knelt down and called out softly, "Student Kashiwagi?"

Didn't hear it at all.

The Kitahara sage hesitated, stretched out the back of his hand, and gently pressed it against her forehead.

Not hot, the temperature is normal.

"That means sleeping too soundly?" He was silent.

Feeling someone touching her forehead, the blond girl who forgot where she was sleeping changed her sleeping position and muttered angrily, "Let me sleep a little longer."

The sage of Beiyuan was silent, what else could he say, he couldn't kick her up, tell her to get up and cook for him.Besides, he had already prepared dinner, and he just waited for the pan to stir-fry it a few times.

But soon, the blond girl suddenly realized something, opened her eyes suddenly, then hurriedly closed her eyelids halfway, and raised her hand to cover the light.

Realizing that the lights were on, she hurriedly asked, "What time is it?"

"At nine o'clock in the evening, you slept for seven hours."

Kashiwagi Moyu was stunned for a moment, seven hours!It's nine o'clock in the evening
She quickly lifted the quilt and was about to get up to cook, but unexpectedly, with a "squeak", the black bag fell from her arms and scattered all the wet clothes on the bed.

Kitahara sage subconsciously heard the sound and looked, a "very breathable" red lace underwear sparkled his eyes.

He was stunned, and Baimu Moyou was also stunned, staring at the romantic red underwear that stood out from the crowd together.

You can't just pretend not to see it. The sage of Beiyuan hesitated to speak. At this moment, what do you have to say?
He held his throat for a long time before he said hastily, "I made mung bean soup, and I'll bring it to you downstairs."

Run away first, and let her think about how she will explain it later!

He immediately got up and retreated.

The lotus seed and mung bean soup has already been boiled, and has been kept warm with a small fire. He did not rush to bring it upstairs, but turned on the gas stove, fried the beaten eggs and chopped tomatoes, and put a small spoonful of white sugar. Add some tomato sauce, a little more than 3 minutes, and it will come out of the pan.

The sage of Beiyuan guessed that she must have already thought about how to explain it, so he scooped up two spoonfuls of rice for her, added two spoonfuls of sugar to the lotus seed and mung bean soup, and went upstairs with the plate in one hand.

Back in the master bedroom, the black bags and loose clothing had been hidden.

When Baimu Moyou saw him coming in, she turned her head shyly and grabbed the quilt to cover her face.

Being able to see classmate Bai who was so ashamed to run away, the Kitahara sage opened his eyes again.

Moreover, it seemed to be different from the past. He remembered that Baitong used to face this situation with a shameful attitude, staring at him, embarrassed and angry.But now, should it be described as "shy"?The difference is that there is no anger in her eyes.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't go into the details. She accidentally tore off the black bag, and he didn't tear it up. It's not his fault. Naturally, she has no reason to be angry with him.

"I've already eaten it," Kitahara sage put the plate by his pillow, "I can't handle fish and shrimp with one hand, so I simply fried a scrambled egg with tomatoes. I wonder if you can get used to it."

Kashiwagi Moyou, who had his back turned to him, didn't say a word, curled up in the quilt, and hadn't adjusted his mood yet.

She never imagined that she could sleep for seven hours at Beiyuan's house.

Moreover, she didn't dream or open her eyes halfway, not only did she not have any discomfort, but she even felt a faint sense of peace of mind.Even if he hadn't come to wake her up, she would have almost slept through the night.She thought it was terrible!

"Don't you want to eat?" Beiyuan sage asked.

Kashiwagi Moyou hugged the black bag tightly, but remained silent.

After a while, she turned around a little bit in a very forced manner, and explained in a low voice: "My mother won't let me wear that underwear. I don't want to listen to her, that's all."

Don't want to listen to mom?
Rebellious against mother, that's why you wear that underwear?What does she mean?Kitahara sage reacted quickly.

He was silent and did not speak.Most people in the world, everyone has their own misfortune, since she doesn't want to say more, he naturally won't ask.

But I heard Nakamura Yuki say that Kashiwagi Moyu's parents seem to be quite prestigious lawyers.

But he has also heard that the divorce rate of female lawyers is not small.

Lawyer is a career that sounds glamorous. It seems that the professional risk is not low. It depends entirely on one's own ability to earn a living. Only by successfully representing cases can one earn income.As a layman, he didn't understand how many flies and dogs were hidden in it, and whether the water was deep or not.

He said in a soft tone: "I don't cook Japanese cuisine, and I can't cook complicated ones now, but I think scrambled eggs with tomatoes are delicious and nutritious. You should try it."

After explaining, Kashiwagi Moyou gave a soft "hmm", and sat up slowly still a little shyly, not daring to look at Beiyuan.She is also a girl, and she really has no face to look up in front of a man, showing such shameful underwear.

Tomato scrambled eggs. She thought to herself, and skillfully mixed the soup into the rice and mixed it well with a spoon. .

Xianren Beiyuan was quite surprised, she still knows how to eat, has she eaten this dish in a Chinese restaurant before?
"Have you ever eaten this kind of stir-fry before?"

Baimu Moyou nodded slightly, "Xufeng's grandmother often cooks for us."

She paused and was surprised. After Xufeng’s grandmother passed away, she sometimes missed her childhood memories and taste. She tried to reproduce this dish many times, but I don’t know what secret recipe was missing. The taste always There is a significant discrepancy, and she has no idea which step went wrong.And this scrambled eggs with tomatoes, although there are differences in taste from the version made by Grandma Xufeng, but it is very close.

Kashiwagi Moyou couldn't help asking: "I've made this dish before, and the taste is very different from yours."

The sage of Beiyuan knew in his heart that he could be said to be a senior expert in this dish.

"Is the taste not strong? Doesn't it taste 'fresh'?"

Kashiwagi Moyou nodded seriously, "I chose ripe tomatoes, and the taste is still not strong. I feel that something is missing."

"Next time, you can try adding tomato sauce and a little sugar to enhance the freshness. If you are more particular, cut a few diamond-shaped cucumbers, add some fungus, and finally sprinkle some shallots for decoration." The method in Li said it again, the key is tomato sauce, with it, the taste can be improved to a whole level,
"You don't need tomato sauce, you can also try tomato sauce, the taste will be a little sweeter."

Hearing what he said clearly and clearly, Baimu Moyou couldn't help asking in surprise: "Do you know Chinese cooking very well?"

The sage of Beiyuan dare not say that, the eight generations of cuisine plus dozens of small cuisines are so broad and profound that ordinary super chefs dare not say that he can be proficient in three or four cuisines, let alone him, he can only cook a few dishes at most I like to eat home-cooked food, and I am not even good at cutting vegetables.

"I don't dare to say that I understand, but I just know a little bit of superficial knowledge," Kitahara sage corrected her, explaining, "Everything is available on the Internet, and it's not difficult to learn. I was born in a family of Go, professional Go. Cross-border exchanges are very frequent, you should be able to understand the rows of ancient Chinese books in the study."

Kashiwagi Moyu said "Hmm", holding the bowl in one hand, and reluctantly ate scrambled eggs with tomatoes and mixed rice.

The sage of Beiyuan reminded in no hurry: "There is also mung bean soup, drink this to clear away heat and relieve heat in summer. I added some lotus seeds, you may not recognize them, they are lotus seeds. They are delicious, and the soup is very fragrant."

Baimu Moyou turned his head to look behind him, and there was a bowl of clear lotus seed and mung bean soup on the dinner plate.

"No, I know lotus seeds." Baimu Moyou said to himself, "Although the taste is bitter and slightly astringent, it nourishes the heart and calms the nerves, which is very good for the spleen and stomach. Xufeng's grandmother often persuades me and Xufeng to eat the leftover lotus seeds."

The sage of Beiyuan introduced: "It makes soup delicious, but its taste is a bit bitter and astringent. If you don't like it, just leave it in the bowl, but eating it is good for your health. Or spit out the lotus heart, that thing is the best. bitter."

Listening, for some reason, Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly felt a little hot in the eye sockets.

(End of this chapter)

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