Chapter 351

The high-end apartment of the Kashiwagi family.

The blond girl wrapped in a bathrobe lay flat on the sofa, covering half of her bright green eyes with the back of her hand, quietly looking at the warm yellow halo on the ceiling.

Thoughts are messy, tired, and restless.

Kashiwagi Moyou let out a breath, turned over to face the back of the sofa, with complicated emotions.

She couldn't control her own thoughts, and she would always think of certain scenes that she couldn't avoid in her mind: cooking together, eating together and living together in Beiyuan's house.

And when she returned home and faced the empty living room again, she felt a huge gap in her heart, and her mood became depressed involuntarily.

She was not unfamiliar with this feeling of depression, and was already very familiar with it.

As early as ten years ago, every time my mother told her "I'll be back in seven days" before going out, she walked into the living room that was empty except for herself, and she felt so depressed, with a huge sense of gap.It's just that she has experienced this more than a dozen times. She should have gotten used to living alone ten years ago, but now, it has reappeared.

"He is a source of pollution!" Baimu Moyou murmured in a low voice.

She has already deeply realized that if she stays close to the sage of Beiyuan for a long time, her body and mind will be polluted by him.

She really wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep as soon as possible.

But before, she used to clean up Beiyuan's house every day, and she was used to being exhausted every day, and she could fall asleep when she got home, but today she "off work" early, and she didn't have time to do any get off work, so she didn't feel sleepy at all.

The hand on the forehead slowly slipped down, Kashiwagi Moyou sighed in a low voice, slowly sat up from the sofa, and turned to look at the empty kitchen counter.

She wasn't hungry, and she didn't have any appetite. She just wanted to find something to do for herself, which was better than lying on the sofa and thinking wildly.

Twelve sheets of paper were pasted on the door of the oven, which were the Chinese food recipes translated by the "pollution source" for her.

Moyou Baimu forced himself to stay away from these twelve "small sources of pollution" instead of looking at them.
She used her mobile phone to search for Chinese recipes—sweet and sour vinegar cucumber, a cold dish that Xufeng likes very much, but it happened that there was no record in the twelve "small pollution sources".

Sugar, vinegar, green onion and ginger, the Chinese names of many seasonings, "Pollution Source" specially made a translation list for him, and she memorized them all in her heart.Although I still don't know some Chinese characters on the Chinese recipes, but those are the cooking steps and the amount of seasoning, as long as you experiment a few times, you can get a general understanding.

Add a spoonful of sugar to the balsamic vinegar, add a little salt and sesame oil, and use a spoon to stir the sauce evenly on the other side of the sofa, but didn't know it.

10 minutes later,

She came to the dining table with a plate and sat down silently.

The moment she picked up the chopsticks, for some reason, she suddenly felt even more uncomfortable.

The dining table is very quiet, the living room is very quiet, and the whole house is extremely quiet. It is so quiet that she hates the ultra-quiet refrigerator. It would be nice if it could make a little cooling noise. It is so quiet that she hates the silent clock. Why is there no mechanical "tick" Voice.She didn't even have the heart to taste the vinegared cucumbers that Xu Feng was experimenting with at the moment.

Kashiwagi Moyou took a deep breath, let go of his brain,

"What a source of pollution!"

She clenched her chopsticks tightly, half cursing "pollution sources" secretly, and half cursing herself secretly.

She took a deep breath again, tried to concentrate, and "built" a solid "heart gate" for herself, blocking all the turbulent waves of thoughts.Don't think about it anymore, it's better to forget it.

Baimu Moyou concentrated on picking up a piece of cucumber, and after tasting two mouthfuls, she frowned slightly.There is too much sesame oil and too much vinegar.

After tasting only three or four yuan, she silently put down her chopsticks, not in the mood to eat again.Stand up and throw away the leftovers.

Then she went straight to the bedroom, hoping to fall asleep quickly so that the day would be over soon!
Turn off the lights, go to bed, put on the cool summer quilt, Baimu Moyou closed his eyes, and kept reminding himself to go to bed soon.But as time passed, not only was it completely useless, but after stopping all activities, my thoughts and thoughts became even more chaotic!

She hugged the quilt sadly, tossing and turning.

"How to fall asleep"

After turning anxiously again, she suddenly thought of her mother's wine cellar, and sat up abruptly.

She quickly moved to the bed, put on her slippers, walked quickly to the living room, and opened the refrigerator. In the bright cold storage room, one warehouse was a lady's fruit-flavored beer, and the other was a high-malt craft dark beer.

Baimu Moyou was not satisfied with this, so she went to her mother's room again, pushed open the door of the changing room, walked in, turned on the light, and there was no clothes in the changing room of more than [-] square meters, which was converted into Family wine cellar.

Under the ivory white light, the mountain-shaped wood grain of the red oak wine rack shines brightly, and dozens of wine bottles shine with charming red light.

Baimu Moyou didn't understand red wine, nor could she understand the abstract languages ​​of various countries, and she didn't know the price. She glanced roughly, picked out one that looked pleasing to the eye, and immediately took it away.

She doesn't need to sober up, she doesn't do wine tasting, she just wants to get drunk and sleep.The ruby ​​red wine was poured into a tall crystal glass, and the glass was full. She took a small sip first. The aroma was rich, the entrance was smooth, and there was almost no alcohol.

Baimu Moyou sat quietly on the sofa and waited for a while, waiting for the drink to rise, but the amount of one cup seemed insufficient, she only felt her face was a little hot, so she poured another half cup and drank it down in one gulp.

3 minutes later, another half glass of wine.

In less than 5 minutes, she drank half of the bottle of wine whose price was unknown.

Baimu Moyou hesitated for a moment, did not dare to drink more, slowly lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes, and quietly waited for the drunkenness to come.

Slowly, like 10 minutes passed?She couldn't explain clearly, her brain gradually had a sense of flying, and when she opened her eyes, the crystal chandelier on the ceiling was already slowly rotating.

Baimu Moyou closed her eyes in peace, enjoying the dizziness.

"very good."

But soon, she began to feel bad.

Borrowing wine not only did not make her feel drowsy or drowsy, on the contrary, "the red wine hurts her throat and her heart hurts", "using wine to relieve her sorrows makes her worry more", her dizzy and disobedient brain, like a wild horse that has run free, began to have fun , all kinds of thoughts were unfettered, and a group of demons began to dance wildly.Alcohol turned into a can of violent explosives, "Boom" exploded, and the "heart gate" she built was instantly torn apart and fell apart.

Those complex emotions that have been suppressed for a long time, catalyzed by the madness of alcohol, formed a violent wind and waves, breaking through her broken "heart gate" and rushing into the depths of her heart, rushing like a flood, like a blizzard The same is flying and raging.She felt extremely uncomfortable, and could no longer suppress her emotions, and could no longer hide them.

She is used to eating with two people, and facing the dining table of one person again, she feels very uncomfortable.

She is used to two people sitting together, facing the sofa alone again, she feels very uncomfortable,

She was used to being accompanied by two people, and it was hard for her to return to the world of one person.

The memories she wanted to forget, the feelings she was afraid to delve into, and the people she avoided, all broke into the depths of her heart at this moment, and together with alcohol, they troubled her.

Baimu Moyou's eyelashes were trembling, and he covered his face with his hands, feeling extremely regretful in his heart. Some things, just vaguely aware of them, are enough, don't pursue them any further, don't poke them out, once they are clearly revealed to your eyelids Bottom. She regretted why she had to drink, she just wanted to help her sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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