Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 355 Mom and Xu Feng are still too young and childish

Chapter 355 Mom and Xu Feng are still too young and childish
It seemed that my mother was shocked by the content of the text message. Five minutes had passed, and Kashiwagi Moyou still hadn't waited for a reply to the text message.

Bai Mumo, who had been holding her breath all the time, got impatient and edited the text again.

"Have you ever been in a relationship? I mean a serious relationship!"

"Tick tock", there is a reply.

"I've never been in love, where did you come from?"

Baimu Moyou stared at the screen of the mobile phone. So, mother still has feelings for her biological father, at least at the beginning?
She didn't have the heart to think about Mama Gu's love history, and continued to edit the text messages, asking straightforwardly:

"What is it like to like someone and have a crush on someone?"

This time my mother responded quickly and straightforwardly.

"Anyway, it's not the kind of deformed feelings you have for the girl from the Takanashi family."

Kashiwagi Moyu tapped the screen angrily with her fingers.

"Speak the truth!"

"Okay, okay, let me think back. It's been so many years, I almost forgot what it's like to like someone."

"All in all, the person you think about the most is the person you like the most (it's a man! Women don't count!)"

Kashiwagi Moyou pretended not to see the content in the brackets, and continued to ask for advice patiently.

"Does the tension and apprehension that arise from close contact count?"

"Forget it. This is the most basic physiological reaction, don't you even understand this?"

Kashiwagi Moyou continued to question without giving up.

"Are there any exceptions? I'm nervous and apprehensive, but I don't really like it."

"Did you steal from someone?"


"Have you ever done something bad to someone?"

"I don't!"

"Then why are you nervous? That's because I like it, don't argue."

Kashiwagi Moyou kneaded the phone angrily, and edited the text fiercely with her fingers.

"I'm asking! Are there any exceptions! I'm nervous and nervous, but I don't like it!"

"Tick tock", my mother sent an MMS photo of helplessly spreading her hands.

"There must be, but you don't have that kind of character, and you don't have that kind of experience. You are definitely not in an exceptional situation."

Baimu Moyou threw away the phone, and leaned heavily on the sofa, feeling sulking.

She was very suspicious, a woman who likes to take care of young men, how can she know what it is to really like, maybe her mother has never had a serious relationship.

Moreover, a few words can't be separated from persuading her to stop having unreasonable thoughts about Xu Feng, her mother is obviously not on her side, even if her mother really knows, she may be lying to her on purpose.

"I found the wrong person again." Baimu Moyou secretly thought.

She still stubbornly believes that she definitely does not like "pollution sources", and there is no such division of likes between family members and friends. Likes are likes. There is no classification!
"I want to find a real professional." Baimu Moyu looked up at the ceiling quietly, his thoughts gradually diverging.

An idea suddenly popped into her mind.

"Are the counselors professional enough?"

Kashiwagi Moyou straightened up for a moment, thinking about the feasibility in his heart.

Consulting fees don't matter to her, she has no shortage of that money, the only problem is that she is extremely resistant to revealing her deepest secrets to strangers.

Baimu Moyou was in a very struggling mood. After hesitating for half an hour, he gritted his teeth and decided to look for it!

They don't understand her, let alone like her, but a professional psychological counselor can definitely understand her!
Immediately doing what he said, Kashiwagi Moyou got up immediately, walked into his bedroom, turned on the lights, and turned on his laptop.

She wants to consult online and anonymously.

Although she doesn't know a counselor and doesn't want to involve her mother's network, she has her own way to find a reliable counselor.

Kashiwagi Moyou tapped the keyboard with ten fingers, moved the mouse, and clicked into the Indeed website, one of the world's largest recruitment information search engines.

She searched for recruitment information about psychological counseling studios, carefully memorized a few names, and then compared them one by one through the Internet, and selected a studio with the highest recruitment salary and a very well-known industry.

Of course, she didn't come here to apply for a job, but just to get the contact information of a psychological counseling institution.

Sliding the mouse wheel, it was easy to see the official website and contact number of the psychological counseling room under the recruitment website.

Baimu Moyou moved the mouse and clicked on the hyperlink to go to their official website, glanced roughly, and quickly noticed the small communication window for online contact.

This is a foreign psychological counseling institution. She calculated the time difference in her mind. The time zone where the other party is located is about three hours behind Tokyo, and she should not be off work yet.

Kashiwagi Moyou decisively clicked on the chat box and asked in English if the other party was there.

The response speed of the customer service was very fast. After some communication, Moyou Baimu proposed that he wanted to find a professional psychological counselor, and money was not a problem.After greeting her politely, the customer service quickly transferred her to the chat window.

On the new chat window, the English name of the psychological counselor is marked, and the countdown of the 3-minute free time limit is also marked, and it shows "the other party is typing".

As if competing to be the fastest to ask first, Kashiwagi Moyu tapped the keyboard quickly with ten fingers, with a "snap", and pressed the Enter key first.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"The other party is typing" on the chat window suddenly stopped.

After a while, re-enter in the chat window and send a reply message.

"I have been married for 24 years. Now I have a very hard-working son and a lovely daughter. The son is currently studying for a master's degree in architecture. The daughter just celebrated her 16th birthday last week. What should I call you?"

Kashiwagi Moyou was a little relieved, the other party had a serious relationship experience and had two children, so he would definitely understand her understanding of liking.

"Helena." She made up a name.

"Ms. Helena, do you have any emotional questions?"

Kashiwagi Moyu asked straight-forward questions:
"What does it feel like to like someone?"

"Like is a relatively complex emotion. It is affected by life experience, regional customs and traditions, and various factors of the other party. Like has a variety of inner manifestations. Ms. Helena, can you describe yourself in detail? To that gentleman—”

Baimu Moyou found it troublesome to read the long list of long-winded content, so he typed directly and told him:
"You don't have to worry about me, I'm in a good state of mind. You should keep it simple, and it's better for me to understand at a glance. After 3 minutes of free time, I will renew the fee, and it's okay to cover 24 hours."

The chat box was silent for a while, and a reply was sent.

"Okay. Ms. Helena, are you confused about liking someone?"

"When you get along with her, you feel at ease, warm, relaxed, and enjoy it. Do you like this feeling?"

It seemed that the word "she" confused the chat window and fell silent for a while.

"With the liberty of asking you, is the person you like a lady of the same sex?"

Kashiwagi Moyou didn't answer directly, but just acquiesced.

She quickly typed back:
"Just answer a little bit, do you like it?"

"Ms. Helena, can you briefly describe part of your experience with that lady?"

Kashiwagi Moyou hesitated for a while, then replied: "I don't want to say."

"Ms. Helena, you can rest assured that I will implement strict confidentiality procedures for all the conversation records between you and me. This is also my professional ethics. You only need to briefly describe it and extract a few that you think are more relevant. Representative piece."

Baimu Moyou was still extremely resistant in his heart, and didn't want to share his childhood with Xufeng with others.

"I do not want to say."

This time, the chat window was silent for quite a while before sending a reply.

"If you only analyze the mood you describe when you get along with that lady, and don't consider various factors that may mislead you, I think your feelings for her are not just liking, but have been sublimated to 'love and family' Degree."

Kashiwagi Moyou was surprised and delighted at the same time, she was so happy that she wanted to jump up from her chair!
She was very satisfied, quite satisfied, and sure enough, only a professional psychologist could understand her.

Xufeng and his mother are still too young and naive.

As for the various factors that might mislead her, she didn't even take a second look.

No misleading, no misleading!

That's liking, real liking!And it has been sublimated to the level of liking of "Love and Family"!

Baimu Moyou was in a good mood, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and he quickly typed a reply.

"The liking of 'love and family' is the highest level of liking."

To her surprise, this time, the other party did not agree with her point of view very much.

"Likes cannot be divided into grades. It is very dangerous to do so. During my conversation with you, I can tell that you are a very conservative and sensitive woman who is extremely repulsive and resistant to everything that strangers approach you. I seriously advise you, please don’t blindly classify personal emotions.”

"It's like buying vegetables in a supermarket. You can't dislike all fruits and vegetables except tomatoes just because you like tomatoes the most. If you only eat tomatoes as a food and only supplement a few kinds of nutrients, it will last for a long time. There must be something wrong with the body."

(End of this chapter)

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