Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 362 Make money easily, here you go!

Chapter 362 Make money easily, here you go!

Today is the first round of qualifiers for the BC round of the Celebrity Title Tournament. Kento Kitahara arrived at Tokyo Kiin early in the morning.

The Celebrity Battle is the second largest event of the Eight Title Battles, and it is second only to the Chess Holy War with the highest prize money in terms of inheritance and "gold content".

In each Celebrity Title Tournament, about 36 professional chess players from all island countries affiliated to Tokyo Chess Academy and Kansai Chess Academy will compete for about [-] places to enter the A round of preliminary selection through the second round of C and B rounds.Chess players who participated in the Celebrity Tournament in the past can be re-ranked based on the results of the previous year. After discussion by the Chess Academy, they can be promoted or demoted.

It was the first time for Kento Kitahara to participate in the Celebrity Title Tournament. He had no previous results, so he could only pre-select from the bottom BC round, and play round after round. Although the process was more troublesome, his mentality was relatively relaxed, because most of the chess players in Group C They are all young chess players and old seniors, so it is not difficult for him to deal with them.

He walked through the hall on the first floor to the assembly hall, and met a few acquaintances on the way, exchanged a few words, and walked together.

There are quite a few chess players competing today. The Kitahara sage came to the assembly hall and scanned around. He estimated that there were less than 100 people, most of whom were older generation chess players. They walked around, looking for old friends and opponents with smiles on their faces. It was agreed that whoever wins the game today will be treated to a drink.

The sage of Beiyuan has long heard of the rules of entertaining guests among seniors. Those who win chess, don't be too happy, obediently pay the game fee at night, and invite the old guys to have a drink.

Drinking is secondary, and what is more important is the reunion of old friends.

After all, in the days when there is no title battle, everyone is scattered all over the place, and they are getting older and have less energy. It is inconvenient to walk back and forth, and it is difficult to meet each other. Only in the annual title battle can the old guys reunite rarely. Together, talk about the past, talk about the current situation.

In other words, the professional Go environment in the island country is so good that it makes chess players all over the world envious. Just a title match in the Celebrity Tournament is still the lowest-ranked group C preliminaries, and the game fee for a game is [-] yen!This far exceeds the game fee of the World Series!
The game fee is equivalent to the salary of a professional chess player. If you spend money to invite you to play a game of chess and leave a game record, you will get the money no matter you win or lose.

The sage of Beiyuan found an empty chair and sat down. Perhaps because of the plaster cast on his left arm, he always felt that he was very eye-catching, and all kinds of eyes were often cast on him.

The acquaintances who were traveling with him sat down with him, and said with a smile: "Beiyuan-san has the demeanor of 'fighting soul' Zhao Zhixun."

The sage of Beiyuan laughed. Zhao Zhixun, one of the six top-notch masters in the island country in the last century, was known as the "fighting soul" in the chess world. Because the style of chess is extremely fond of the field, he was called "the mole who drills the ground" and "the go of the ditch". It's the exact opposite of Grandpa Takemiya, who is unconstrained and cosmic, and both of them are brothers under Kiya Minoru's sect.

On the eve of the 1986 Qifanqi finals, Zhao Zhixun suffered a sudden car accident, tore the ligament in his left knee and fractured his right tibia.Although strongly opposed by the attending doctor, Zhao Zhixun still persisted in the game and uttered a famous saying that was recorded in the annals of chess history-play chess with your life!
The game went on as scheduled.On the day of the game, Zhao Zhixun, who had stopped the analgesic, was bandaged, wearing a bottle, and sitting in a wheelchair.This is the origin of the title "fighting soul".

Not long after, several leaders of the Tokyo and Kansai Chess Academy entered the hall, faced the camera lens, and conducted the launching ceremony of this year's celebrity battle. After a few minutes of brief talk, they announced the start of the game.

The sage of Beiyuan walked quickly to the game room, his pace was very fast, after all, as a rookie in the chess world, it is not good to let the seniors wait for him first.

He arrived at the game room, sat down for a while, and the opponent of this game also came.

Shuzo Awaji, an old shogi player in his 60s. When he was young, he won the winning prize twice in the new cutting-edge war. Later, he entered the final circle of the celebrity war and the holy war eight times, and entered the final circle of the Honinbo war five times in Kitahara. The past experience of the opponent flashed through the mind of the sage.

In the era when the island country Go was still brilliant in the world, this old man can be called a quasi-super-class chess player with his remarkable achievements in the past, and he can rank first in the world chess world.

The Kitahara sage greeted him politely, and Awaji Shuzo smiled kindly. He had heard about this young junior who was highly valued by the chess academy, and he did not put on airs of a senior. He and the scorer entered the arena and announced that they would start guessing first.

The so-called "guess first" means that the high-ranking player grasps a handful of white stones and does not show them to others, while the low-ranking player guesses the odd and even numbers of the white pieces (if the ranks are the same, whoever is younger will guess first).

If you guess right, you get black, and if you guess wrong, you get white.Different games have different rules, and some games have guessed odd and even numbers, and you can freely choose to play black or white.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't guess right, and took the white queen to go.

180 minutes of thinking time for both sides, keep 60 seconds/5 countdowns.

At the beginning of the layout, the chess was still played very quickly. After more than ten moves, the old man holding the black actually used a very traditional layout idea.

Kento Kitahara liked it very much. He had only been in touch with the AI ​​thinking of modern Go for a few months, and he was not very familiar with it. However, he had learned the traditional Go thinking for more than ten years, and he welcomed the old Awaji to play like this in his heart.

Before the advent of AI, in traditional Go, you often disassemble the sides, and I also dismantle the sides. Dismantle the corners and corners, and spread beans into soldiers on the board until all the big fields are dismantled in a mysterious way. Enter the middle game.Not to mention laymen can't understand, even insiders often can't figure out what to do next.

Slowly after three hours.

The Kitahara sage felt that this set could be won, and he already had a great advantage.

The difference in computing power is too great. He can almost read all the moves of senior Awaji in advance, and can often set the opponent quietly in the later changes. However, the old senior who is old and has a serious decline in computing power , but often do not count those deceitful changes.

A game of chess was played in less than four hours.

The discrepancy was too large, and the aged Awaji Shuzo was also tired, so he simply chose to break a piece of chess, destroying all the possibility of a comeback, and found a way for himself to admit defeat.

The sage of Beiyuan humbly accepted a few words of praise from the senior, and got up and left together.

A full [-] yen, earned in less than four hours.

The process is so relaxed and happy, not tiring at all.

When he passed by the assembly hall, he noticed from the corner of his eye that many people had already returned to the hall, and the end was even faster than them. They were gathering together laughing and discussing where to go for a drink later.All of them are old-timers in the chess world.

Seeing this scene, the sage of Beiyuan was slightly stunned for a moment. He originally thought that his speed of finishing a game of chess in less than four hours was fast enough.

"How did they play chess? They lost so easily?" Beiyuan Xianren was a little confused. It is impossible for so many people to kill Dalong early in the middle game.

It stands to reason that they are veterans who have played chess all their lives and experienced many battles. No matter how weak their computing power is, it is impossible for Dalong to die early in three hours. There are six full hours!This is not counting the unlimited countdown time!

The sage of Beiyuan suddenly thought of something, and his heart was silent for a moment, and his heart suddenly became more determined about the future path. The work of Go is really a good way to live, and it is definitely the right way to choose this way!He came to the right place!

He couldn't help but swear in his heart.

"Damn, it's really easy to earn [-] yen!"

(End of this chapter)

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