Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 389 Who Is Harming Me

Chapter 389 Who Is Harming Me
Japanese style living room with modern furniture.

Huajiang Qinyin put the change of clothes into the clothes basket, took out a white bank card from her pocket, and threw it on the chest of Kitahara sage who was lying on the sofa and reading the chess record.

"Is it yours? I don't know who slipped in through the crack of the door this afternoon."

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at it, picked it up and put it in his pocket, and said in a natural tone: "I accidentally left it in the school, please ask a classmate to bring it back for me."

Huajiang Qinyin walked to the door of the living room with a clothes basket on her shoulders, turned around and asked, "Why do you bring your bank card to school?"

The sage of Beiyuan opened his mouth nonchalantly without blushing and heartbeat: "Please invite the seniors of the Chess Academy to have a drink. It's about the workplace, you know."

Huajiang Qinyin was amused by Beiyuan's sentence "workplace contacts", and gave him a blank look.

"Also 'workplace contacts', when you also become a sophisticated social person."

The sage of Beiyuan sighed and said, "Let's start from the time when there was a naughty and worry-free younger sister at the stall."

Like a vigilant little meerkat, the innocent Huagu lying on the gun raised his head, turned his head to look at Beiyuan, curled his mouth unhappily, then lowered his head, and continued rubbing the rabbit with his small hands while carefully looking at the height of the peak. Ranked magazine for girls.

There was the sound of a dripping shower in the bathroom.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at his daughter, this little naughty bastard flipped through the magazine, like choosing a concubine with a picture of a hundred beautiful pictures, and picked a mother for himself in his head.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Huagu looked up at the direction of the bathroom, stood up quickly, ran to the sofa with her short legs, and pointed at the blonde big sister in the magazine with her little finger.

"Sister Kashiwagi, does Oni-chan think it looks good?"

The sage of Beiyuan put down his mobile phone and sighed weakly: "She must not be your mother, how do you look like her?"

Huagu repeated unhappily: "Haiji is asking if this sister is pretty."

The sage of Beiyuan said perfunctorily, "Well, as long as you are satisfied."

"Does Oni-chan think it's pretty?"

The sage of Beiyuan continued to perfunctory: "Well, yes, you are right."

Huagu persistently asked repeatedly: "Does Oni-chan think she is beautiful?"


The two sentences were repeated over and over again more than a dozen times, and the sage of Beiyuan couldn't stand this pestering little fairy.

"It's impossible for this girl. She has someone she likes." He said tiredly, wanting his daughter to give up as soon as possible.

Huagu's little face was full of pity, and she slowly squatted down and sat up cross-legged, continuing to flip through the magazine.

Kitahara sage straightened up and looked at his daughter in surprise.

Get over it so easily?Did the little naughty fool believe it so easily?

Shouldn't it? Could it be that she ran into classmate Baitong in the afternoon, and classmate Baitong also fooled her like this?
The sage of Beiyuan felt that it was almost inseparable, otherwise why did the kid suddenly turn out the magazine again and ask him if Baimu Moyou looked good.

Huagu said casually: "Maybe this blonde sister actually likes you. It's not impossible for her to move on."

"Isn't it obvious enough that this blonde sister was sneaking around our neighborhood this afternoon? She must have come to see you, and you're the one she likes."

The sage of Beiyuan has long been used to this child often fooling him into dating girls, and when his daughter finished talking nonsense, he replied perfunctorily: "Yes, you are right."

After flipping through the first ten pages of the magazine a dozen times before finally getting tired of reading it again, Huagu threw it aside, touched the phone, lay down on the floor, and browsed the web in a boring way.

After seven or eight minutes of silence in the living room, Huagu sat up straight suddenly, turned her head and said, "Oni-chan, there are a lot of news items about you on the Internet, and Ouni-chan seems to be famous."

Huagu stretched out her small hand and showed the phone screen to Beiyuan.

The sage of Beiyuan knows it without looking, he has known it for a long time,

During this period of time, the Chess Academy has been vigorously promoting him, especially after he broke into the final circle of celebrity battles - "The Most Handsome Male Chess Player Meets Once in 3000", "The New Professional Chess Player Passed Five Levels and Killed Six Generals to Break into Celebrity Fight the final round robin! "" "The first stage of career that is most likely to break the record of the first domestic championship" - he has seen too many such news.

Even a fashion magazine about women's outfits has published his column.

Tokyo Chess Academy really did a lot of tricks, especially the "The Most Handsome Male Chess Player You Meet Once in 3000 Years" made him feel ashamed. Tokyo Chess Academy actually learned from the entertainment industry. XXXX, who meets once in 3000 years, this is all The clichéd propaganda technique that the island nation's entertainment industry has been playing badly for more than ten years.

"Oni-chan is really famous, look, there are so many web links about you."

The sages of Beiyuan were speechless, and the vulgar returned to the vulgar. Even today, quite a few people still practice this.

Huagu's little hands slid back and forth on the screen, watching with gusto.

"Walking on the street, Oni-chan, have you ever been recognized by passers-by? Have you ever been watched?"

The sage of Beiyuan, who was lying on the sofa, changed his lying position and said, "It's still far from that level. I'm not a well-known artist, at most I have a little reputation in a small circle."

Huagu said confidently: "The greater the fame of Oni-chan, the more people in China pay attention to Go. This is a good thing for Oni-chan and Qiyuan. It's a win-win situation. Qiyuan will definitely help Oni-chan. a handful."

The sage of Beiyuan didn't say anything, but he knew in his heart that as long as he could reach that step with his strength, the Chess Institute would definitely promote him vigorously.

It is not surprising that good-looking skins can be seen all over the street.

Good-looking skin + outstanding talent, in order to continue to be talked about by the world.For the line of entertainers and stars.

A rookie chess player who has only debuted for half a year has "broke into" the final circle of celebrity battles. Although this is amazing, it is still not enough to make a blockbuster.

A rookie chess player who has only debuted for half a year, "won" the final cycle of the celebrity battle, sharpened his sword and fought against Jingshan Chess Master, this is worthy of the labels of "miracle" and "genius"

Without excellent professional performance, blind publicity and exposure, and uncoordinated talent, the follow-up will only provoke public ridicule.

Kitahara Kento knew the next plan of the Ki-in, and only at the moment when he really got the right to challenge the celebrity, the Tokyo Ki-in's propaganda offensive would be fully fired.

"By the way, Oni-chan," Hua Gu's small face was a little worried, "If Dad became famous too early, will the negative things before happen?"

The Kitahara sage put down his cell phone and looked at the ceiling with divergent thoughts. He had considered his own tainted history.

He withdrew his thoughts and said with a smile, "It should be fine."

"Except for an editor of "Weekly Wenchun", no one knows about my past." Kitahara Kento told his daughter thoughtfully: "Go is a niche circle, and professional chess players are niche celebrities, and there is a room full of people who don't know anything about me. An 'ascetic monk' who wins nothing."

"In addition to Jingshan Chess Master and the former six super-class players, in the current Go world, a top professional chess player is picked out, and he goes to the street to ask passers-by. Out of a hundred people, there are probably at least 95 people who don't know him."

"It is impossible for gossip magazines to pay attention to such a small circle, and it is even more impossible to waste manpower and material resources to dig deep into a group of 'ascetic monks' whose mind is only winning chess."

"The gimmick has no value, it cannot sell sales, gossip magazines are too lazy to pay attention to the chess world."

The sage of Beiyuan paused, and joked: "If a certain honorary chess master had an affair during marriage, and didn't go home for three years, during which time he had no letters, and one day, he suddenly fled home with his lover's illegitimate son in a state of distress. It’s more or less a explosive event.”

Hua Gu was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Is this true?"

"It's a real thing that happened." Kitahara sage nodded.

Hideyuki Fujisawa, a lifelong honorary chess master, has a licentious private life, indulges in lust, alcoholism, and gambling. Because of gambling debts, he has been living in poverty all his life. At the most exaggerated time, even the huge bonus he won for dominating the chess sanctuary for the sixth time was not enough to make up for his accumulated wealth. A fraction of the debt.

Even after a game, the commentator criticized Fujisawa Hideyuki for a bad move. When Fujisawa Hideyuki heard it, he immediately ran to ask the commentator, "What's wrong, what's wrong?" They scuffled in public.

Fujisawa Hideyuki's black history, although it is too many to count on two hands, is so much that it is more than enough to be banned ten times if replaced by an artist, and he has deep conflicts with Nihon Ki-in, and he was even banned by Nihon Ki-in for five years. Delisted, deprived of the nine-dan Duan.But to this day, he is still a "Lifetime Honorary Chess Master", famous in China, Japan and South Korea, and respected by millions of chess fans.

The reason is that there is no doubt about the talent of Fujisawa chess master himself, and he has made an indelible contribution to the internationalization of Go and the development and progress of Chinese Go. It can be said that many chess players of the older generation have done his work. student.

The Kitahara sage thought, his black history, in terms of severity and quantity, compared with Fujisawa Chess Master, a little exaggeration, it should be a drop in the bucket, a drop in the ocean.

He does not pursue any chess holy war six consecutive championships, nor does he pursue any honorary chess master.As long as I can get the title of celebrity, or even the title of Chess Master before the age of 20, even the title of Honinbo is fine, as long as it is the three major titles.There are precedents first, and the little stains in life are not concealed.

Huagu thought for a while and said, "Oni-chan thinks that "Weekly Wenchun" won't expose you? Or, they don't even bother to pay attention to the Go world?"

The sage of Beiyuan hesitated for a while, and said, "At least for now, it should be like this."

Having said that, there is one thing that he has on his mind.Huagu once revealed that in the future, those black histories will eventually be exposed.

Beiyuan Xianren thought about many people in private, but he really couldn't guess who messed with him.

At first, he had doubted that fellow Baitong, after all, at that time, only the two of them were rivals, and Baitong knew more or less about his past.But now it seems that the suspicion of Bai's classmates can basically be ruled out.

Kuriyama also knew about his past, but Kuriyama couldn't harm him.Sister Qinyin, Yugong's small house girl and Yugong's mother are also impossible.

Except for these people, no one knows his past.

"Could it be her?" Kitahara sage was lost in thought that the bad girl who was jealous of Yugong's small house girl was also the one who was pushed down the stairs by him half a year ago after drinking and broke her leg.

He and that bad girl did have an unresolvable enmity.

Beiyuan Xianren thought about it for a moment, and felt that it was impossible. That bad girl was more afraid of being involved in the media than he was.

After all, once it is exposed, she will face public anger, but Yugong Xiaoyue's millions of fans and supporters, she will not think about living well for the rest of her life.It is estimated that she will wake up with nightmares when she sleeps now.

The sage of Beiyuan thought about it, and wondered, could it be that "Weekly Wenchun" took money and didn't do anything?A few years later, it was exposed to him drinking and fighting?
He thought for a moment, "Weekly Wenchun" is a disgusting mad dog, but in the profession of gossip paparazzi, a professional bottom line is still needed.He didn't do anything after receiving a confidentiality fee, because he was a small character, and because of that little gossip, he recklessly violated the bottom line, wouldn't it be self-defeating?

Not to mention he was not happy, the artist agencies were more anxious than him. If "Weekly Wenchun" did this, it would be a small loss, picking up sesame seeds and losing an acre of watermelon field.The peers have to add insult to injury to it.

The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his divergent thinking, and sighed softly in his heart. At present, no one is suspected, so who will harm him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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