Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 393 I really want to touch it

Baimu Moyou was 100% sure in her heart that Amameiya's sudden visit was for her, and the other party's gaze was not hidden at all, and she was always circling and sizing her up, paying special attention, as if she had to gain insight into something.

Baimu Moyou pretended not to see the impolite indifference, and served tea as a gift as a landlord.

A cup of hot black tea and a cup of grape juice were placed in front of him, and the owner of the wooden house brought the seat over. Amamiya Masahira didn't even look at it, as if nothing had happened, without saying a word, she kept wandering around the blonde girl with her hands behind her back.

Baimu Moyou frowned inwardly, and vaguely felt that it might have something to do with the chance meeting yesterday morning: she was posting the "Pollution Source" poster for a classmate in the Propaganda Department, and happened to meet Yu Gong.Did Yugong "misunderstand" something.

Baimu Moyou was worried that Xu Feng would notice something strange if he continued like this, so he quietly moved two steps sideways to block Xu Feng's sight, and at the same time glanced quietly at Xu Feng's side from the corner of his eye.

Takanashi Xufeng's little mind flew up.

Although I felt that Amamiya-san's behavior was rather strange, but Amamiya-san was a very strange person in the first place. Thinking about it this way, I didn't think it was strange. Moreover, there were more important things to consider at the moment.

I have been worrying about the anniversary before the winter vacation, how to persuade Amamiya to perform on stage, after much deliberation, there is no good way.

The relationship between each other is too unfamiliar, and they haven't even said a few words, let alone the previous band competition, or they are still lively competitors.

When talking about business, I tend to trust old acquaintances, let alone ask for help.

In three or four seconds, Takanashi Xufeng secretly decided in his heart that he wanted to convince Amamiya-san that it would not be as simple as overnight, it had to be done step by step, starting with finding a way to become friends with Amamiya-san!
She is quite confident about this. Although Amamiya-san's personality is difficult to capture, she also has many friends, so there is no reason to doubt her social skills.

Takanashi Xufeng took the initiative to create a topic, responded with a friendly smile, and asked, "Have you finished reading this book, Amamiya?"

Masahira Amamiya, who had just circled around the blonde girl, stopped, looked at the blonde girl, and gave a brief "hmm".

Takanashi Xufeng asked with a little expectation: "How does Amamiya-san feel?"

"So-so." Amamiya Masahiro's eyes were still locked on the blonde girl.

Kashiwagi Moyu averted her gaze, pretending to be staring at the steam coming out of the hot water.

Although he got an answer that didn't meet expectations, Takanashi Xufeng was not discouraged, and continued to raise the topic of "Nanguo Red Beans" logically.

"If you just look at the content, it's a bit dull. But the hero and heroine in the book, the progress of the relationship between the two people, if you think about it yourself, it's actually very exciting. Both of them are obviously very shy and very careful. Very cautious, but tacitly approaching slowly together. All kinds of content are like real events, because they are really very real."

Amamiya Masahiro was silent for a while, and did not speak for a long time.

Takanashi Xufeng felt a little nervous, did Amamiya-san dislike that book and the topic of love?

She immediately changed the subject, and then asked tentatively, "Does Yu Gong also like reading?"

"Don't like it. Don't watch it."

A sentence was blocked, Takanashi Xufeng was dumb for a few seconds, and at the same time, his little brain was spinning rapidly.

"By the way, Yugong, speaking of it, I'm quite curious about one thing. The entry limit for the Leeds International Piano Competition seems to be 16-30 years old. At that time, Yugong should have just turned seventeen? Are you The youngest contestant in that session?" Takanashi Xufeng asked curiously, asking openly and secretly pleading.

"I don't know, I don't know. This is the first time I heard that there is an age limit."

Baimu Moyou stayed out of the matter, saw it in her eyes, heard it in her ears, and sighed in her heart. She knew it would be like this, and she rejected Xu Feng's "three visits to the thatched cottage" again and again.

Takanashi Xufeng is still not discouraged. Since the high-end touting method doesn't work, let's be more straightforward.

"Student Yugong was able to beat all the old geniuses who were nearly 17 years old at the young age of 30, and broke the record for the youngest winner. It is really amazing and not easy."

Takanashi Xufeng paused for a moment, and continued speaking.

"The usual training must be very hard. In just ten years, it has surpassed the efforts of others for more than 20 years. I can't imagine how hard it is for Amamiya in private."

She looked at Yu Gong with a smile.Everything is ready, as soon as Yugong finished speaking, she said: This is the reward that Yugong deserves for his hard work.

"Hard work." Amamiya Yazheng glanced at him. After all, the other party is the owner of this room, so he replied patiently, "It's far from being considered. After I got No.1, I hardly touch it. Playing the piano, they should be more worthy of a gold medal champion than me."

Takanashi Xufeng's smile froze a bit, as if she had secretly learned a big news, it turns out that Amamiya also likes to be lazy
She didn't dare to ask Yugong again how hard he trained in private before winning the championship. She was afraid of being blocked by another word of embarrassment, so she could only smile a little reluctantly: "Student Yugong is very honest, haha."

Now Takanashi Xufeng is really out of control. She doesn't like reading books, doesn't like the love topics that girls often talk about, and even the piano that she is super good at, Amamiya-san is very interested. She really can't think of what Amamiya-san is interested in .

In desperation, Takanashi Xufeng had no choice but to talk about a person who had no hope.If this doesn't work, she can only ask straightforwardly, "Does Yugong have any hobbies?"

"By the way, Yugong, your deskmate is the secretary of the student union. Has he told you?"

"That idiot—?" Amamiya Masahiro was speechless, usually angry at him for being an idiot, and accidentally slipped it out.

Of course she knew, she couldn't know more.

"Stupid, idiot?" Takanashi Xufeng was obviously taken aback. Unexpectedly, Amamiya Masaki called Kitahara-student an idiot?Fool? !
On the side, Baimu Moyou pretended to be deaf and dumb, watching the water vapor in the cup disperse.

Xufeng Gaoli asked worriedly: "Has classmate Beiyuan ever made you angry?
Amamiya Masahira was silent for a few seconds, not wanting to say more, and replied briefly: "Once."

"Many times!" She secretly gritted her tone in her heart.

Takanashi Xufeng was a little confused, and even a little bit unconvinced, it should be impossible for Beiyuan classmate.Go and provoke this big star who is not easy to provoke in every sense.

However, this was the first time that Yugong answered her directly, and left room for her to reply!
Gao Li Xufeng showed surprise, and said, "I didn't expect Beiyuan to make you angry. Although I don't know what happened, but in the student union, Beiyuan will mention you occasionally."

After hearing this sentence, Kashiwagi Moyu, who had been staying out of the matter, was slightly stunned, and suddenly couldn't help herself, and quickly turned to look at Takanashi.

She was very sure that, except when they occasionally discussed Yugong in private, the "pollution source" never took the initiative to mention Yugong, and he wished that no one would mention it!

Received the questioning gaze from a friend, Takanashi Xufeng nodded slightly, his eyes hinted: No way, other topics can't attract Amamiya-san's attention, so I can only work hard for Kitahara-san!

Bai Mumo hesitated to speak, but the relationship between the "pollution source" and Yu Gong was not as simple as Xu Feng thought.

Amamiya Masahiro asked with frowned eyebrows: "Does he mention me occasionally?"

Amamiya Masahira didn't quite believe it, but it wasn't that she didn't know. At school, that idiot was almost afraid to avoid her, so how could he take the initiative to mention her to outsiders.

Takanashi Xufeng nodded, took it back a little, and added: "Although I don't mention it many times, every time everyone talks about you." Speaking of this, Takanashi Xufeng paused and explained embarrassingly : "Student Yugong should also know how attractive I am in school, so everyone cares more about you, please forgive me."

"Every time I talk about you, Beiyuan-san's evaluation of you is so high that it can't be higher." Takanashi Xufeng said a bit exaggeratedly. On the one hand, it's good to speak to Beiyuan, don't be because of the previous festival, Beiyuan-student was hated , on the other hand, also in order to continue to expand this rare topic.

While talking, Takanashi Xufeng walked towards Amamiya, while quietly observing the other party's expression.

When she came to Yugong's body, as soon as she approached, her eyes were immediately attracted by Yugong's smooth and long black hair.Takanashi Xufeng was secretly surprised: It's really beautiful, the hair quality is so good, it's like an exquisite work of art, I really want to touch it.

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