Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 400 The Day the Lavender Withered

Chapter 400 The Day the Lavender Withered

After school the next day, the student council cabin.

At the head of the long table, Takanashi Xufeng lazily rested her chin, looking thoughtfully at the blond girl on the right.

"I always feel that today's Moyou seems to have a special liking for mobile phones? He has been looking at his mobile phone all afternoon."

"Is Moyou studying?" Takanashi Xufeng asked suddenly.

Kashiwagi Moyu quickly touched the screen with his fingers, exited someone's fan forum, and calmly raised his head and said, "I'm learning English."

Takanashi Xufeng was slightly stunned, he was actually studying so hard.

"The final exam is still far away." Takanashi Xufeng looked surprised.

Baimu Moyou took advantage of the situation and said nonsense: "Well, I want to get a scholarship, so I made an agreement with my mother."

"Scholarship?" Takanashi Xufeng had no doubts at all, and asked curiously, "Is there anything you want to buy?"

What I want to buy. Baimu Moyou was speechless for a while, the scholarship was naturally made out of nonsense, how could she have agreed with her mother about any scholarship.

However, just using the final grades as an excuse, it is not a bad idea to ask my mother for a scholarship.

Although there is nothing I want to buy now, there is no guarantee that there will be places where money is urgently needed in the future.

The more the number of scholarships, the better, and the reasons must be reasonable, otherwise, mother will not easily pay. Kashiwagi Moyou thought about it for a while, made a decision in his heart, and explained to his friend: "I want to have a car of my own."

"Car, car?!" Takanashi Xufeng was completely shocked, and his eyes on Moyou became a little dull.

She originally thought that Moyou just wanted to buy a few dresses, or gadgets like jewelry, which would fit the shopping list of high school students.

But such a major event as buying a car is too far ahead for high school students!

After a while, Gao Li Xufeng asked in a shocked tone: "Didn't Moyou have a car? You also drove me and classmate Beiyuan."

"That car is not mine, I want to have a car of my own."

"Whether the car belongs to Moyou is the key. Can it be driven in the same way? I don't understand." Gao Li Xufeng nodded with confused eyes, expressing that he understood, but in fact he was completely at a loss.

"Moyou's idea is really advanced, haha." Gao Lixu finished with a dry smile, reacted for a while, and said with sincere admiration: "If it were me, I would absolutely never think of buying a car of my own."

Baimu Moyou pondered for a while, then looked up and replied, "Maybe because I already have a driver's license."

The mobile phone in the palm of his hand suddenly vibrated slightly, Kashiwagi Moyou quietly pressed the volume button to mute it, then ended the conversation by looking down at the mobile phone, and returned his attention to the fan forum.

If you want to become an administrator or moderator of a fan forum, the membership level is important, but you can't just sign in, you have to be familiar with each section to highlight your presence, just like running for parliamentarians or prime ministers, you must first let the public know I know you. Kashiwagi Moyou has been thinking deeply. Since last night, she has finalized her plan. She plans to spend [-] hours a day surfing and chatting on forums intensively, actively participating in discussions on various boards.

The vibration of the phone just now was the daily check-in reminder that she set, three times a day, once in the morning, once in the middle of the night, to help her develop the habit of checking in, and also to avoid negligence on a certain day, interrupting the number of consecutive days of signing in.

There is also daily answering questions, she almost capsized in the gutters in this area in the morning.

At first, she thought that the so-called daily answers were nothing more than common sense questions about life, but she never expected that the first question would make her stunned on the spot—Sage Kitahara's student number. ABCD four choices. Countdown selection within 15 seconds.

According to them in the chat interface, the daily answers are all of this type: Beiyuan Xianren's student number, chess academy affiliation, birthday, class, blood type, best subject, and each question is directly related to the "pollution source".

Baimu Moyou understood that the extra experience of answering questions every day is not so easy to get. Only a group of diehard fans who know "pollution sources" very well can answer those strange questions correctly. Most fans can only rely on Sign in every day to slowly improve the forum level.

But just like this, it's not difficult for her.

Early this morning, she went to Fenggao's file room and retrieved all the files of the sage of Beiyuan.

As for his personal blood type, family ancestry, and even the names of his grandparents, she carefully took notes and memorized them silently, clearly imprinting them in her mind.And in the future, she will follow up and understand the latest news about "pollution sources" as quickly as possible.

Kashiwagi Moyu didn't believe it anymore, so there would be daily answers that she couldn't answer!
"Don't let Xu Feng know about all this." She glanced over with a guilty conscience.The gauze curtains on both sides of the window sill fluttered lightly, and Xu Feng put his hands on the edge of the platform, leaning forward to look at the lavender field under the dark sky.

Bai Mumo Youguang thought about it in his head, if Xu Feng knew what she did in the "Pollution Source" fan forum, it would be unstoppable, as if he was going to faint with shame, extremely embarrassed, and his heartbeat would fly out .

And that annoying woman, Kashiwagi Moyu, was quite worried and conflicted.

On the one hand, she was worried, if Masahiro Amamiya also found out about that fan forum, how would that guy react, would she have a strong possessive desire, try to use her relationship, and order the forum to be closed; on the other hand, she secretly looked forward to , Masahira Amamiya was shocked to find the fan forum, and was severely annoyed by some of the fanatical fans.

"Moyou, the lavender is almost past its flowering period."

Kashiwagi Moyu quickly recovered, and turned to look at Takanashi in front of the window sill.

She silently counted the days, and before she knew it, autumn was getting deeper, and the lavender field outside the house was about to wither.Realizing that the lavender field she had planted by herself was about to wither, she was at a loss for a moment.

"Autumn is getting colder and colder. After a while, these flowers will soon be unable to withstand the cold wind, and they will wither slowly." Takanashi Xufeng stared at the purple flower field outside the window and murmured: "Although the five-month flowering period of lavender It’s been a long time, but it’s a pity if you think about it, it would be great if it can bloom in winter.”

Baimu Moyou got up, walked to the window, and stood side by side with Xu Feng. In the colder autumn wind, the patch of lavender seemed to be no longer as tall and straight as it used to be, and it was obviously decaying.

"The lavender field in front of the door has withered, will this neighborhood look too desolate?" Gao Li Xufeng murmured thoughtfully.

Kashiwagi Moyou turned sideways and suggested: "Plant another flower, which can bloom in autumn and winter, and I will go to the flower market after school tomorrow to have a look."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, shook his head towards his good friend, and said with a smile: "Lavender was the flower that Moyou chose last time. This time it should be my turn. One person at a time. I will choose this time. I will plant."

Baimu Moyou hesitated for a while, then nodded.

"What kind of flowers does Xufeng want to plant?"

Takanashi Xufeng leaned forward, leaned out of the window, and looked at the purple flower field daydreamly while talking to himself: "Well, what kind of flowers are you planting? Let me go to the market tomorrow and have a look."

"Why did Moyou want to grow lavender in the first place?" She asked casually, looking for clues to buy flowers.

Kashiwagi Moyou has answered this question many times, and said methodically and calmly: "The flowering period is long, the color is eye-catching, and the flower field is amazing. Although the meaning is not good, I didn't consider those."

Baimu Moyou hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "What color flower does Xufeng want to grow? Do you have any preliminary plans?"

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and said: "It's white, it should go well with winter, and I'm looking forward to it when it snows."

"What kind of white flowers can bloom outdoors in winter? Plum blossoms? I only know this one, but is it troublesome to grow plum blossoms? You should plant trees. Are there other options?"

(End of this chapter)

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