Chapter 408
In the parking lot near the old-style single-family wooden house next to the high-end apartment building, Takanashi Xufeng pushed Kashiwagi Moyu's back hard, and delivered the goods to the courtyard gate of Kitahara's house.

The closer he got to the finish line, the more he flinched. Baimu Moyou kept going backwards like a frightened bird, and hurriedly said: "Wait, wait, wait until I get my mood together, and I will go over by myself."

"No. I almost let you run away just now."

"This time it's real, really don't run away."

"Really?" Takanashi Xufeng withdrew a little bit of strength suspiciously, considering that if Moyou was really driven all the way to the door of Beiyuan's house, the picture would be really unseemly, so he said, "Okay, I only give you 2 minutes." Said After finishing, she let go of Kashiwagi's shoulders, and switched to her right hand to imprison Kashiwagi's left wrist.

Baimu Moyou breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the entrance of the small courtyard of the old single-family wooden house, and thought to himself, "I really can't escape this time. When I see him later, what should I say?"

"I've already paid a visit. If I just ask my relatives and say polite words, will it arouse his suspicion?" Baimu Moyou thought sadly.

"Or just turn around and run away, or you will be lectured tomorrow." Baimu Moyou looked around, looking for a better way to run, but she could feel the grip on her left wrist, and she looked down, pessimistically abandoned the plan.

".When I met him, I just said a few words at a minimum. The less words the better, it won't arouse suspicion."

Kashiwagi Moyu took a long breath, calmed down, turned to Takanashi and said, "Let's go. What are you looking at?"

Takanashi Xufeng looked at the parking lot area and whispered, "Look at that car, the lady in the car, did we see her just now?"

Kashiwagi Moyou looked in the direction.In the main cab of the white car, there is a young lady dressed as a professional beauty, with her arms resting outside the window, looking at the front leisurely - the old single-family wooden house - seems to be aware of being stared at, the young lady turned her head, Facing Takanashi and Kashiwagi not far away, he smiled and nodded in greeting.

Takanashi Xufeng also showed no signs of timidity, and gracefully bent over to return the salute with a smile.

She withdrew her gaze, and whispered to Baimu, "Just now, she was the one who drove classmate Yugong away at the entrance of the shopping mall."

After finishing speaking, Gaoli Xufeng looked left and right, and was not in a hurry to go to Beiyuan sage again at the moment.

"Student Yugong must be nearby." She whispered.

"Have you noticed, Moyou? At the entrance of the shopping mall just now, classmate Yugong was holding an exquisite gift bag in his hand. I don't need to say what it means."

As if a greedy pirate dug up an ancient treasure, Takanashi Xufeng said excitedly: "We may have found a breakthrough. There must be a person that Amamiya-san wants to see hidden nearby. Maybe he can find that person and he can help us convince us. Amamiya is attending the anniversary celebration. I think you can give it a try."

"Even if it doesn't work, I believe that as long as you make persistent efforts, a drop of water will wear away a rock, and maybe you can touch the heart of student Amamiya."

"Why didn't Moyou say anything, don't you think this is good news to be happy about? The anniversary is very important, and it only happens once in ten years."

Kashiwagi Moyu didn't know what to say.

She looked away and looked at the old single-family wooden house in the distance.

No need to use your brain, in that house, there must be a "golden house hiding the beauty" now.

As long as you go in now, you can encounter a huge scandal that will hit all the news headlines tomorrow.

Baimu Moyou was silent for a while, and asked tentatively: "Why don't we look for clues nearby, focusing on the anniversary first? I will definitely send him a text message in the evening. No, I'll just video call him, okay? ?”

"What good things are you thinking about?" Takanashi Xufeng squeezed Kashiwagi's wrist, and said with a smile, "Ten minutes are enough to visit Beiyuan-san, and there is no rush to find clues when you come out."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Baimu Moyou again and delivered the goods to the door.Baimu Moyou said helplessly: "Wait a minute, I said it just now, I will leave by myself."

Baimu Moyou was not worried or afraid at the moment, and was very calm.

Because they can never see the "pollution source".

There is a "big news" hidden in his house, not to mention the two of them knocking on the door, even if the Prime Minister came to observe the people's situation in person, that guy would definitely pretend that no one was at home and keep silent.

And the young lady sitting in the car is not supposed to be idle, she must be closely monitoring the neighborhood to ensure the safety of Amamiya Masahiro's tryst.Maybe the people in the house already know by now that there are two sneaky girls outside.

An old Japanese-style living room with modern furniture.

A pile of colorful postcards were scattered on the coffee table, some signed with real names, and some with online names.Amamiya Masahira picked up a pink postcard, opened it, read the content silently, and asked with a frown, "Where did these papers come from?"

Kitahara sage did not specifically explain that the name of "these papers" is actually called "postcards". In an understandable way, he said euphemistically: "The Chess Institute arranged a meeting for chess friends, and it was a gift from those who supported me."

"so much?"

"It's okay." The sage of Beiyuan shifted his target and said, "Compared with you, I can only count as a drop in the bucket."

Although looking at this pile of "confession letters" was very unhappy, Amamiya Masaki felt that she had nothing to say when Kitahara Kento spoke like that.

She glanced at Beiyuan who was making eye contact with Haiji, and asked in a seemingly natural tone, "Aren't you very happy with so many confession letters? You feel very proud."

The sage of Beiyuan sighed, and said against his will: "It's very troublesome. Look at these things, they take up space, and they are not easy to deal with. So, I hope I don't want to see them."

The sage of Beiyuan paused, then shifted his target again and said, "I understand your hard work. It is very hard for you to organize these things. It takes a lot of time and effort. Pay more attention to your body. Don't stay up late, it's not good for your skin."

Huagu, who was watching the excitement, stretched his neck, looked curiously at Sister Yugong's expression, and gave his father a thumbs up with a smile.

"I have never received such a thing." Amamiya Masahira put down the "paper" and corrected in a low voice.

That's because your assistant understands you very well, and took care of it for you in advance. The sage of Beiyuan didn't answer the phone very much because of the occasion, so he just let this topic go and landed safely.

"Boom, boom, boom."


"Shh!" Hua Jiang Qinyin hurriedly made a booing gesture, signaling everyone to keep quiet.

"Buzz, buzz." Amamiya Masaki took out her mobile phone from her pouch, glanced at the text message sent by her assistant Akane Takeshita, frowned and whispered: "There are two people at the door. Your classmate. Girl."

"My two female classmates?" Kitahara Xianren looked at the small house girl in surprise. The news is so specific?

The sage of Beiyuan explained: "If there is only one girl, I know who it is." After speaking, he turned his head to look at Huajiang Qinyin, the meaning is self-evident.

Except for sister Qinyin, which girl usually knocks on the door.

"But it's obviously not her." Kitahara sage said implicitly, usually no woman would run into his house except Xiang Wukui.

But he was sure that at this time, Xiang Wukui was practicing chess with the AI ​​at home, and received a text message from her in the morning.The child also said that she would go with her to the first match of the Celebrity War three days later.

Amamiya Masahira put away her phone and whispered in an unhappy tone: "Student Council."

Takanashi and Lily are classmates. Kitahara Kento realized in an instant that it turned out to be that pair, which is really rare.

"Don't make a sound, you should be leaving soon." Huajiang Qinyin told Beiyuan: "Mute your phone. Don't answer the phone. Don't reply to text messages."

Huagu, who was lying on the sofa, looked left and right, and looked outside the living room with her head. Looking at the current situation, she suddenly thought carefully about the little mind that Yugong sister was about to move.

With a small body like a lizard crawling, she quickly crawled to the black silk legs of the glamorous beauty, and raised her head with a smile. Amamiya Masaki lowered her head and stared at the unscrupulous little girl with her eyes undisguised. Expressively "Don't bother me."

The little naughty boy who has always been daring would not be afraid, he still looked at sister Amamiya with a smile, and then stretched out his dishonest little white hand openly, but Masahiro Amamiya grabbed his wrist immediately.

"Stay away from me." Amamiya Masahira told Hanagu with her eyes.

As a father, the sage of Beiyuan understood at a glance, and the little naughty boy would grab the pole and climb up whenever he had the opportunity, pushing his nose on his face.Don't say three days, three hours without education, she dared to go to the house to lift tiles.

"I'll go upstairs and mute the phone." Beiyuan Xianren found an excuse, turned a blind eye, and hurried away.

As Huagu's father, he naturally hoped that the little house girl would accept Huagu from the bottom of her heart.

As for how his daughter would attack the little house girl, he had no idea anyway.Even if he has an idea, in his capacity, he is too embarrassed to say it clearly.

But he believed that sister Qinyin must have given advice to the little naughty egg in private.

As the "little fairy" trained by Huajiang Qinyin himself, the "super version of the little fairy" who is better than blue and better than blue, he is still optimistic about the result.After all, back then, Sister Qinyin was just like the naughty girl she is now. She got the autistic house girl by playing tricks shamelessly.

As for other methods, such as saying the ridiculous "please be friends with me" to the small house girl, the moderate way. The Kitahara sage 100% believes that even if you try a thousand times, it will be futile. The one who likes to be isolated from the world The small house girl will never feel any softness or touch to outsiders, and she nods in agreement with the other party.

Huajiang Qinyin smiled and looked at Haiji who was eager to try, and left with Kitahara sage tacitly, making room for Haiji to play freely.

"Sister Yugong's eyes are so beautiful." Huagu put both hands together, sticking to Yugong's body with all his strength, brazenly getting close, and whispered: "Haiji's eyes are also very similar to sister Yugong, almost exactly the same."

Amamiya Masahira kept waving her hands and patted the little white claws that were stretched out, retreating again and again, looking at this excessive little girl with displeasure.

This little girl named Haiji, except for her pair of eyes that are indeed very similar to her, everything makes her feel very unpleasant, and she is very annoying and annoying like Sister Qinyin when she was a child, and she can't be driven away.

"There are people outside." Amamiya Masahira reminded in a low voice with slight annoyance.

"Okay Sister Yugong." The little naughty boy immediately sat up straight with a smile, as if he was really a good boy.

However, as soon as Sister Yugong relaxed her vigilance a little and put down her hands to defend against the intruder, Huagu seized the opportunity in an instant, kicked back with her short legs, and pounced fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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