
Southland Forum.Chat on public screen.

Takanashi Xufeng entered a string of text expectantly, and asked all online chatterers on the public screen.

"Nan Guo: Has anyone seen "Nan Guo Hong Bean"?"

After the message was sent, it fell into disarray and no one cared about it.It wasn’t until a while later that someone noticed something strange about her username.

"Why is your name the same as the forum name?"

"Did you preemptively register?"

"(Kitten shocked.jpg)"

"Nan Guo: There is no squatting, it's just a coincidence."

Gao Li Xufeng immediately asked again.

"Nan Guo: Excuse me, has anyone watched "Nan Guo Hong Bean"?"

No one answered her directly, and those who spoke to her were talking about her username in surprise.

Takanashi Xufeng was a little disappointed. According to her guess - her Hongdou ID was confiscated and the forum was named Nanguo - nine out of ten forum managers had read that book. Otherwise, how could it be possible? Such a coincidence.

As for why you are obsessed with finding that person. "Red Beans from the South" is a very, very niche book. It is so niche that no matter how you search for it on the Internet, you can't find a relevant news entry. If you can meet someone who also likes that book, she will still I really want to get to know each other and communicate with each other.

"He (she) should be the administrator of the Nanguo Forum. Isn't he (she) watching the forum's public screen? He still saw it and didn't want to reply to me." Gao Li Xufeng thought for a moment and decided to post a post to arouse him (her) ) attention.

After making the decision, just as she was thinking about the content of the post, Yu Guang suddenly noticed that someone replied to her in the chat interface.

"Anko: I've seen it."

Takanashi Xufeng straightened up in surprise to see who it was, and when he saw the name "Hongdou", he couldn't help but slowly opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at the user name called "Hongdou".

"red beans?!"

"Why is she using my previous username?" Takanashi Xufeng was at a loss, unable to react for a while.

Takanashi Xufeng rubbed his eyes in disbelief and stared at the laptop screen intently.

"That's right. It's Hongdou," she murmured.

Takanashi Xufeng was suddenly full of doubts and could not care about the book. She typed quickly on the keyboard with her hands and asked why the other party's username was Hongdou. However, before the message was sent, the other party questioned her on the public chat screen.

"Anko: Why are you called Nanguo!"

Gao Lixufeng was slightly stunned, and said in a dazed mind: I also want to ask you why your name is Hongdou!
Takanashi Xufeng immediately leaned forward, stared at the message sent by the other party five times, and then looked at the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence, "!".

"The reaction of 'Red Bean' seems a bit big. She seems to mind that I use 'Southern Country' as my name." Takanashi Xufeng thought for a moment and looked up again, feeling more and more certain that this "Red Bean" was what she was looking for. people!

This private matter was not convenient to discuss in public, so Takanashi Xufeng moved the mouse, clicked on "Hongdou"'s name, opened the private chat window, and sent a message to the other party.

"Nan Guo: Why are you called Hongdou?"

After waiting for a long time, Takanashi Xufeng still didn't get a reply, so she couldn't help asking again in doubt: Why is your username Hongdou.

Still no reply.

"Why didn't she reply?" Tao Li Xufeng was confused and couldn't figure out the reason. Did Hong Dou not notice her message?
It wasn't until she moved her eyes and noticed the scrolling messages on the public chat screen that she couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that the other party actually replied to her on the public screen.

"Anko: Can't you?"

"Red Bean: I like this name, don't you?"

"The attitude doesn't seem very friendly. And why is she replying on the public screen." Takanashi Xufeng didn't quite understand what Anko was doing.

She thought about the meaning of the other party's behavior for a while, and after a while, she couldn't help thinking strangely: Is she not very good at using computers, and doesn't know how to chat privately?
Gao Li Xufeng hesitated for a moment and tentatively edited a long string of text in the private chat interface to teach Hongdou how to chat with her privately.

As expected, soon, the private chat window started to vibrate, and she received Hongdou's private message. The content was still the same two sentences, asking her repeatedly.

Gao Li Xufeng thought for a while and typed a reply:

"Your username, Hongdou, is my previous name. Due to some reasons on the forum, the super moderator changed my name."

"It stands to reason that the administrator should have prohibited users from registering this name. I think there may be a bug in the program, so you can use Hongdou as your username."

After sending the message, I didn't receive a reply for a long time.

Takanashi Xufeng considered that the other party was not familiar with using computers and her typing speed was slow, so she waited for a while. Until 5 minutes passed, there was still not even half a reply. She couldn't help but leaned forward in confusion and looked at the chat screen again. I thought: Did Hongdou reply to me on the public screen again?

It's not even on the public chat screen.

Takanashi Xufeng really didn't understand it now, and was very confused: Why didn't Hongdou reply me?Did she go to the moderator to ask about the username?But after such a long time, it should be over.

Takanashi Xufeng hesitated for a moment, then sent another private message, asking the other party straight to the point:

"Nan Guo: Are you there?"

"Nan Guo: Excuse me, have you read the book "South Country Red Beans"?"

This time it was very quick, and Hongdou replied to her immediately, concise and powerful.

"Anko: I've seen it."

Gao Li Xufeng was surprised and typed quickly to send a friendly signal:

"Nan Guo: I am also a loyal reader of this book. I like "Nan Guo Red Bean" very much. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Tao Li Xufeng patiently waited for the reply and mentally organized what to say next.

However, what she didn't expect was that Hongdou's reply was extremely strange.

"You don't understand the true meaning of Nanguo Hongdou at all. I'm not happy to meet you. Don't come to me."

Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help being slightly stunned, what's going on?Is Hongdou angry?Did any sentence offend Hongdou?
"I don't understand the true meaning of Nanguo Hongdou at all?" Takanashi Xufeng couldn't understand this sentence for a while, what did the other party want to express?
Out of caution and to avoid further inexplicably offending the other party, she stopped chatting with him privately. "Does the southern red bean have any deep meaning?" Gao Li Xufeng fell into deep thought.

"Southern Kingdom, as the name suggests, refers to Ryukyu and Okinawa."

"Red beans, generally on celebration occasions, people will eat food made from red beans."

"The combination of meanings does not seem to be harmonious, and it is incomprehensible." After thinking about it, Xufeng Gaoli decided to check it carefully. She really ignored this point before.

She moved the mouse, opened the search engine, and searched for the meaning of Nanguo first, but the search terms were basically the same as her cognition, just like Beiguo refers to the Hokkaido area, and Nanguo also refers to the area in Okinawa, Ryukyu.

Takanashi Soufeng's index finger pressed the backspace key a few times, deleted the keywords, and then searched for the related meaning of red beans.

The search results were still basically consistent with her knowledge. They were all Hongdou's common sense of life, as well as web page entries such as food recipes and online sales.

Tao Li Xufeng released his hand on the mouse and lowered his head in thought.

"It shouldn't be that simple, southern country, red beans." She suddenly had an idea, "Could it be the meaning in Chinese culture!"

Takanashi Xufeng immediately straightened her back, thinking it was very possible, so she started searching for keywords - Nanguo, Hongdou, Chinese.

Among the keywords in a series of articles that were refreshed, her eyes quickly focused on "Acacia beans".When you click on the web article, the first thing that catches your eye is a poem.

"Lovesickness." She whispered.

The red bean is born in the southern country, and a few sprigs come out in spring.

May Jun pick more, this thing is the most acacia.

The article also lists many poems about red beans. However, she cannot understand some Chinese characters and cannot pronounce them correctly. She can only understand the poetry through the Japanese translation below.

But what is certain is that among the poems listed in the article, the two most common Chinese characters are "red beans and lovesickness"!
She read them one by one, and then returned to the top of the page. She stared at the poem "Lovesickness" and almost determined in her heart that "Red Beans in the South" came from this poem.

"Hongdou means acacia bean." Gao Lixufeng murmured: "Nanguo refers to the area south of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River."

Takanashi Xufeng wanted to find someone to confirm his speculation, and the first thing that came to mind was Kitahara-san.

Among the people she knew, apart from her deceased grandmother, only her classmate Kitahara understood Chinese culture better.But then she thought that Kitahara-san would have a chess match tomorrow, so it was best not to disturb him at this time.

"Wait!" Takanashi Xufeng was thinking, and suddenly realized something, and whispered softly: "Kitahara-san."

"Kitahara-san knows the author of "Nanguo Hongdou". Kitahara-san's fan forum is called Nanguo. Kitahara-san knows Chinese culture very well." Takanashi Xufeng's expression gradually became weird.

"Could it be that Kitahara-san is the author of "Southern Red Beans"?" Takanashi's eyes were strange and subtle.

"But classmate Beiyuan said that he didn't write the book, he just knew the author of the book, and the author is also a colleague of Teacher Huajiang Qinyin." Gao Li Xufeng's heart was a little shaken, and now she didn't know whether to trust Beiyuan sage said.

Takanashi Xufeng was skeptical but did not dare to make a conclusion easily. He slowly got up from the chair, lowered his head, and paced back and forth in the room in thought.

"Whether it's him or not? It seems like it's really him, but Kitahara-san didn't have any reason to lie to me. It's okay to just say this kind of thing. There's nothing to hide."

The more Gaoli Xufeng thought about it, the more distressed she became. After pacing for more than ten minutes, she suddenly stood still, her shoulders sank and she let out a long breath.

"Forget it!" She turned around, looked at the glowing laptop screen, and thought to herself, "I believe Kitahara-san won't lie to me. He has no reason to lie to me."

"Perhaps the name of the forum, Nanguo, was the idea of ​​his author friend? This is entirely possible. And it's hard to say, all this is just a very coincidental coincidence." Despite this coincidence, she didn't dare believe.

Takanashi Xufeng returned to the chair, sat down, concentrated for a moment, and sent Hongdou a private message again.

"Hongdou means lovesickness, and Nanguo refers to the region. The meaning of "Nanguo Hongdou" is very simple, lovesickness, yearning, and concern."

After the message was sent, it was like a stone sinking in the sea, and there was no reply.

Tao Li Xufeng thought that Hongdou would not reply to her. She was about to shut down her phone when the message notification tone of the Nanguo Forum suddenly sounded.The content still shocked her.

"Here's 50, change your name quickly. Send me your bank card number."

Tao Li Xufeng was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing, and whispered softly: "He is a really strange person, and also a very interesting person."

The second floor of a high-end apartment building is Amamiya Masahira's secret spying base.

In the dimly lit study room, the girl with long black hair, Masahira Amamiya, was so anxious that she could hardly sit still.

"Nan Guo: No need. I like the name "Nan Guo" very much and I don't plan to change it."

Amamiya Masahira stomped on the floor several times with regret, regretting that she should have let this guy know the true meaning of "Southern Red Bean" because of her arrogance.

And how on earth did this guy know!

She understood the meaning only after Sister Qinyin translated the poems for her sentence by sentence. How did this guy know!
Amamiya Masahira quickly sat upright with great reluctance and sent another message to discuss changing her name.

"Anko: Under what conditions are you willing to change your name?"

"Nan Guo: It's getting late, good night."

"Anko: The conditions are negotiable."

"Nan Guo: You can change your name, and I won't accept anything from you. The condition is that we exchange our names again, I change it back to Hongdou, and you change it to Nan Guo. If you want to change it back again in the future, we can You can also swap them at any time, how about it?"

Amamiya Masahira read it carefully several times, understood what the other party meant, and immediately refused.

"Anko: No! I want all the names."

"Nan Guo: (smile) Good night, I wish you a sweet dream."

Amamiya Masahira's body hit the back of the chair with a clang, and his whole body slumped down.

She really regretted it in her heart.When I first came up with the username, I thought about just calling it "Nanguo Hongdou", but I was worried at the time. Once Kitahara saw it, he would definitely know it was her immediately, so she chose half of the name.

But I really didn’t expect that the other half of my name would be taken away by someone else if I didn’t notice it!If she had known earlier, she would have registered another account!

Amamiya Masaki felt uncomfortable, wronged, dissatisfied, and angry, so she could only wail helplessly and furiously in her heart: ""Nanguo Red Bean" is a book specially written for me, why should I give half of it to you, why should I share it with you? What a name!”

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