Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 431 Kashiwagi Moyu imitates Amemiya

Chapter 431 Kashiwagi Moyu imitates Amemiya
"Are you awake?"

Kashiwagi Moyu looked away and ignored the text message from her mother. She had no time or energy to reply now.

She held up "Southern Red Beans" thoughtfully, her thumb pressed against the thick pages, and the paper flipped through.

"That guy must have become stupid after drinking, otherwise how could he write such a mess." Kashiwagi Moyu couldn't help but doubt in his heart.

She has experience in this matter. She also has random thoughts when she is drunk. Her thoughts are like a bee flying in the sky, buzzing here and there.

It's just that she is relatively temperate and has strong self-control. She gets drunk very rarely and only for a short period of time.

As for the "source of pollution" during that period, she could foresee that it must be mental depression, and maybe hangovers every day. Although the book does not mention the protagonist drinking (it would definitely not be reviewed if it did), she felt that drinking Nine times out of ten, yes.

Kashiwagi Moyu returned her attention to the content of Chapter 1 of "Southern Red Bean" and went back to watch it again. The more she watched, the more strange thoughts she had.

"Why does this book look more and more like a 40-word confession book? Or a self-examination report?"

Kashiwagi Moyu re-read the first sentence of Chapter 1 and read it in a low voice: "I am an annoying nerd."

"If you hate 'people', who do you hate? This 'person' is an allusion to Amamiya Masahira."

Kashiwagi Moyu combined the information he knew and reread the book again with frowning eyebrows.

After reading Chapter 1 again, she felt as if she was enlightened. She understood it completely in an instant, and could even connect the true intentions of the following contents in her mind.

This is a well-designed confession book!

Chapter 1, the first sentence at the beginning, I am an annoying nerd, and only certain people who know the inside story can understand it!

——I apologized sincerely from the beginning.I know I made you angry and hated you. I'm sorry, I was wrong.

Going to the last paragraph of Chapter 1, "I" shyly said, "In fact, I already liked you when I saw you for the second time."

——Move with emotion and awaken the old love deep in the heart of the old love.It's like fanning the air against the embers that have been burned to ashes, and blowing a little spark again, rekindling the ashes.

Chapter 2’s intentions are even more obvious, and they don’t even hide it.

Chapter 2 occupies three-fifths of the entire book. It is all about childhood memories and the happiness and love in the past.Like a continuous tide, one wave after another, gently patting the soft area deep in Amamiya Masahira's heart, constantly touching her and resolving the resentment in her heart.

——Look, we were so good and happy before. I miss that time very much. Do you miss it?I miss you very much and miss you very much.

Chapter 3: State where you went wrong and what happened to your inner life after you made the mistake.

——Shame, self-blame, and hatred of one’s own mistakes.I didn't see you at the beginning, not because I didn't want to see you, but because I was stupid and ignorant at a young age and failed to take corrective measures. I hope you don't misunderstand me.

Chapter 4, I paid the price for my mistakes.

——Losing you has been a huge blow to me, and my life has become a mess. I regret it every day, and I want to jump into the river later.Subtext: You are important to me, come back, I need you.

Kashiwagi Moyu closed the book in shock, already dumbfounded.

After a long while, she murmured: "Awesome, so awesome."

"People who don't understand will think that this is a long love novel, telling the story of the protagonist who made a mistake against his girlfriend, and the heartbreaking process of his slow decline. It expresses that men must be brave and dare to face the mistakes they have made in a timely manner. The wrong ideological theme. And those who really understand this book can only understand it if they know the specific objects of those past events. This is actually a 40-word confession book. To put it harshly, it is a letter to a scumbag to redeem himself from being angry. A long letter from my girlfriend who ran away.”

The shocked Kashiwagi Moyu took a long time to recover, lowered his head, and stared blankly at the cover of "Southern Red Bean".

She didn't know what Xu Feng thought of this book - he probably couldn't understand the real plot - but she was completely shocked.

"No wonder Amamiya Masahira traveled across the ocean and returned home alone. Let alone her, a 40-word sincere confession book was placed in front of her. Anyone else would have surrendered," she murmured.

"But was this book really written by him?" Kashiwagi Moyu was so shocked that he even became suspicious.

She really couldn't imagine how a little nerd with a head full of chess records and no knowledge of love could write such a confession book that could be called a teaching model. He was so accurate in picking up women's thoughts and acted like a man in love. old player.Thinking of this, Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly understood, and thought of Teacher Huajiang Qinyin who often hung out with the "source of pollution" - a female writer that Xu Feng liked very much, who often had a smiling expression - without that great writer She really couldn't believe that this was a classic scumbag instruction book written by "The Source of Pollution".

Sitting on the sofa, Kashiwagi Moyu slowly exhaled, looked down at "Southern Red Bean", and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I really can't compare to her."

"Forget it that he likes Amamiya Masahira, why does Xu Feng value her so much? Even if it's just for the anniversary of the school, it's too persistent." Kashiwagi Moyu couldn't help but feel sour and jealous.The two people she liked were actually supporters of the woman she hated the most.

As if asking from a distance, she asked in a dejected voice: "What's so good about her?"

Extremely unwilling, Mayu Kashiwagi reached out to hold the mouse, opened the search engine, entered the name of Masahira Amamiya, and hit Enter.

Among the countless web page entries about Amamiya Masahira, Kashiwagi Mo chose a photo of Amamiya Masahira, clicked on it, and enlarged it.

She looked at Masahira Amamiya on the screen carefully and muttered: "The eyes are so inhumane, the attitude and temperament are so unfriendly, and he makes himself look down on others, so what's wrong with that. The only advantage is , I think she is the only one with good hair quality.”

"The source of pollution' let's forget about her, there's nothing to say. But Xu Feng actually defended her." Kashiwagi Moyu was very shocked.

Although Xu Feng's excuse is: You can treat Yu Palace as a stunning polar world. As long as you overcome all difficulties and climb to the top of the mountain, you will not only gain an excellent friend, but also feel extremely proud in your heart. By the way, you can also take care of the anniversary celebration - - She understands, but when Xu Feng said this, he obviously wanted to admire Yu Gong.

"The stunning polar world." Kashiwagi Moyu sighed softly, raised her head, and looked at the people in the photo thoughtfully.

"Is it possible that a person with this kind of temperament is really popular?"

Kashiwagi Moyu thought for a moment, stood up, walked into his room, and opened the closet.

She took off her home clothes, took out Fenggao's school uniform, put it on herself, looked in the mirror - frowning, constricting her pupils, staring in warning - trying to imitate Amamiya Masahira's cold and cold attitude of keeping strangers away. Eyes.

Kashiwagi Moyu looked at the cold-eyed blonde girl in the mirror and couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

"Is this really flattering?"

She turned left and right in front of the mirror, and tried a few more poses that she thought looked like Amemiya.

"No. It can't be done." Kashiwagi Moyu sighed.

Amamiya Masahira's indifference is easy to imitate, but the sharp warning in her eyes, the mature posture that is different from the students, and the natural and aloof atmosphere signal released from the inside out, she There is really nothing you can do.

"There seems to be something missing," Kashiwagi Moyu recalled for a moment, "I remember she was wearing a tie."

"But there's no tie at home."

Kashiwagi Moyu looked around and remembered that although she didn't have a tie, she had something else.

She immediately rummaged through the closet again and found the Amamiya style long black wig that she had worn at Beihara's house.She covered her blonde hair with a hairnet and put on a wig.

After dressing up, she posed in the mirror again, while consciously frowning, contracting her pupils, staring in warning, trying her best to look indifferent and saying, "Don't come near me."

"What are you doing?"

Kashiwagi Moyu said "Ah" in surprise, turned around and saw her mother standing at the door!Look at her very curiously!
"Why are you back!" She hurriedly restrained her posture and arranged herself in a panic. At the same time, she asked angrily: "Why didn't you make a sound when you came home?"

Kashiwagi's mother looked at her daughter in this state with great interest and spread her hands innocently.

"I sent you a text message, and I sent it twice, but you never responded. Of course I thought you were still sleeping on your days off. Do you blame me?"

Kashiwagi's mother glanced at her daughter's whole body, looking at her daughter who was hurriedly taking off her wig and looking nervous as if she had done something bad, and she couldn't help laughing.

Kashiwagi's mother quickly stopped laughing, tried her best to suppress her laughter, and said teasingly: "Is this the so-called cosplay? Who were you pretending to be just now?"

"Yes, you look pretty. You have a different look than usual. You can dress up like this from now on."

Kashiwagi Moyu's face froze, and he suffered a heavy blow in every sense of the word!
(End of this chapter)

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