Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 449 The end of dinner

447 The end of dinner

"No, I'm not sick, it's just a bit cold outside and I don't want to go out. Please ask Kitahara-san to help me buy something."

"Well, I'll probably go back to Tokyo tomorrow."


Takanashi Xufeng, who was huddled in the quilt, talked about the past two days with the person he was talking to. Kitahara Kento, who had nothing to do, sat quietly on a chair by the window, while watching the live broadcast of the finals of Ruoli Battle on the mobile screen. Listening boredly to the conversation between Takanashi and Kashiwagi.

"It was raining really hard and I was all wet."

"No, it doesn't snow in Sapporo."

"I really want to see snowflakes."


More than 20 minutes later, Kitahara Kento noticed out of the corner of his eye that Takanashi Xufeng finally put down his cell phone, and said to himself, "One call lasted for three to ten minutes. Student Yuri is really good at finding words."

After finishing talking on the phone, Takanashi Xufeng clicked on the live broadcast of Ruo Li Zhan and asked quickly: "How is the chess game going?"

"It's still the same, Aoi has been looking for opportunities." Kitahara Kento said tactfully.In fact, the situation is not very optimistic, and we are not far from losing.

After saying that, Kento Kitahara lowered his head and looked at the real-time winning rate, and secretly asked Xiangwu Kui from a distance: "What are you thinking in your little head? Do you want to finish losing and go home early?"

Takanashi Xufeng, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and wrapped in a quilt, couldn't help laughing and asked, "I was on the phone with Moyu just now. Was Kitahara-san scared?"

"Of course you will be scared." Kitahara Kento sighed: "After I entered the door, you held your phone motionless, as if you were frozen. I thought you were on a video call with your parents."

Gao Li Xufeng thought for a moment and said, "If you think about it from someone else's perspective, it's actually quite normal."

"Think from someone else's perspective." Kitahara Kento straightened up and imagined.If you and your daughter are on a video call, and suddenly a woman walks into the room carrying lunch and is clearly captured by the camera, you will most likely be stunned.

Kitahara Kento's lips moved, wanting to tentatively ask Takanashi what else Kashiwagi Moyu said. In case one hundred contract students were jealous, he had to be on guard.But after thinking about it, he estimated that based on his current friendship with Kashiwagi Moyu, it would be unlikely for them to turn against each other again.And when asking about this kind of thing, it always seems quite ambiguous. I am not afraid of others thinking too much, but I am afraid that others will think wrongly, so I firmly hold back what I want to ask.

"Hey, this move has reduced the winning rate by more than 20 points." Takanashi Xufeng suddenly said.

Kitahara Kento immediately lowered his head to look at the chessboard on the screen of his mobile phone, and couldn't help but be speechless for a while, incredulous.

"What is going on in that child's mind? Does she really want to lose the game quickly?!"

He knew Xiang Wukui's chess ability. The move just now was very substandard. It was obvious that the correct move was not difficult to find, but she chose the worst variation.

"It seems that the situation is already very bad." Takanashi Xufeng looked at Beiyuan worriedly.This partial finalization was completed, and even she, who was only at the fifth or sixth level of online chess, could see that Aoi was in a very bad situation.

Kitahara Kento glanced at her, nodded, couldn't help but sigh, and explained the current form to her in detail.

After an hour and a half.

Ruo Li's final battle ended with Xiang Wu Kui's crushing defeat.

The live broadcast screen was cut off, and Kitahara Ken and Takanashi Xufeng looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, looking at each other speechlessly.

Tao Li Xufeng smiled bitterly and asked, "How should I comfort Aoi later?"

Kitahara Kento was silent and said to himself, "There is no need for comfort. She didn't want to win at all. She had probably already thought about losing the game as soon as possible, and then came to us as soon as possible."

Maybe it was because he had been surrounded by Xiang Wukui recently. As soon as the idea came to an end, Kithara Kento became suspicious and suspicious.

"She lost the game on purpose. Is there some treacherous plot hidden behind her?"

Kitahara Kento couldn't sit still for a while, and was secretly surprised. He immediately cheered up and carefully thought about what trick Xiang Wukui was planning to play.Takanashi Xufeng frowned slightly, thinking deeply, half melancholy and half worried, thinking about how to comfort Xiangwu Aoi who came back from the game after losing the game.

Within a few minutes, the sound of hurried running came from the hotel corridor outside, and then, there was a "dong dong" knock on the door of Takanashi Xufeng's room.Kitahara Kento stood up and looked through the peephole.Outside the door, a little Xiang Wukui raised his head, looked at him, and waved his little hand.

Kitahara Kento stretched out his hand to open the door.Somu Aoi immediately asked: "Is Ouchi-chan okay with your cold?" Kitahara Kento did not answer immediately. He looked at Somu Aoi expressionlessly and asked her with his expression: What are you planning?

Xiang Wukui pretended to be confused while pretending to understand, and just looked at Beiyuan innocently without blinking.

Kitahara Kento asked pointedly: "Are you not sad at all when you lose? It looks like you don't care about winning or losing."

Xiangwu Kui spread her short legs, bypassed Beiyuan, and ran into the house. Beiyuan Xianren closed the door and followed.He watched Xiangwu Kui jump onto the bed, shoulder to shoulder, next to Takanashi Xufeng, who was wrapped in a quilt, and then one person comforted and enlightened, and the other nodded and obeyed.

Seeing that Somu Aoi didn't care about the result of the game, Kitahara Kento could only shake his head helplessly and sighed in his heart, maybe the mentality of rich people is different.A small prize for a small competition is nothing to worry about.

Moreover, Aoi Aoi does not play chess just for a living.The reason why I became a professional chess player was to find a hobby activity for myself.After all, in order to arrange for him and Takanashi, this kid spent a lot of money on the celebration in Shiroi Koibito Park. He probably couldn't earn it by playing chess for more than ten years.

Kitahara Kento glanced at Aoi Aoi, walked back calmly, said, "I'll go back to the room to charge my phone," and then fled.

Back in his room, Kitahara Kento sent a text message to his daughter, telling her to go home the day after tomorrow. In fact, he would go back tomorrow afternoon, but he was worried. The naughty egg had an idea and quietly went to the airport to ambush him and Takanashi Xufeng. He lied about not going home until the day after tomorrow.

Putting down his cell phone, Kitahara Kento fell down on the bed, closed his eyes, and continued to think about what Aoi Aoi had in mind. He thought about it for more than 40 minutes, and then his cell phone beeped to tell him that there was new news coming.It was Aoi Aoi who called him to come and play in Sister Takanashi's room.Kitahara Kento immediately chose to pretend to be asleep after seeing it.

It wasn't until the evening that news about Xiangwu Kui and Takanashi Xufeng took turns reminding him to come out for dinner, and Kithara Ken had no choice but to get up from the bed, put on his shoes, and go find them.

Following the message, Kento Kitahara came to a roast mutton restaurant near the hotel where he was staying.

After finding a table and sitting down, Kento Kitahara raised his head and asked Takanashi sitting opposite him: "Is the cold okay?"

"Well, my head doesn't hurt anymore, and my body feels strong. I took my temperature just now and it's completely back to normal." Takanashi Xufeng said with a smile.

Kitahara Kento turned to Xiangwu Kui.

Xiang Wukui was dejected and looked unhappy.

Kitahara Kento was surprised. Just now, she still looked like she didn't care whether she won or lost.

"I will definitely not lose in the Ruoli battle next year." Xiang Wukui took the initiative to encourage himself.

Kitahara Kento was even more surprised, what happened to this child, why he suddenly started to care about winning or losing again, why the weather was changing from sunny to cloudy.

"But in next year's Wakali Battle, your sister Takanashi and I won't be here to accompany you." Kitahara Kento said to himself.

Although I think so in my heart, I still have to say a few comforting words.Kitahara Kento comforted: "It's already amazing to reach the finals in the first year."

"I'll get a few more plates." Tao Li Xufeng left a few words and stood up to leave.

Kento Kitahara watched Takanashi Xufeng walk away, thinking that he might as well have a showdown with Aoi Aoi and stop making any more small moves behind his back as soon as possible.

He leaned forward slightly, and just as he was about to speak, he saw the dejected Xiang Wukui suddenly let out a long sigh and whispered: "It feels so uncomfortable to lose chess."

"I can't even eat anymore, I don't even have the slightest appetite." Xiang Wukui looked up at Beiyuan, with a look of disappointment and grievance on his face.

Kitahara Kento's words suddenly stuck in his throat. He stared at the little boy opposite him, becoming more and more speechless.With this kid's dejected loser attitude, he was actually trying to prevent him from showing off his cards!

The drama star Wu Kui then said in a low tone: "Onii-chan, I understand, it turns out that losing chess feels so uncomfortable. It's more painful than a cold or a fever."

"No wonder Onii-chan has been bored at home since he lost the celebrity battle. It turns out that's the case. I understand Onii-chan."

Kitahara Kento stared at her, wanting to speak but stopping, stopping and wanting to speak, over and over again.

Xiangwu Aoi quickly said, "Thank you, Onii-chan. I know how Onii-chan is thinking of comforting me. Give me a few days and I can adjust myself."

From the corner of his eye, Takanashi Xufeng was already walking back with a plate. Kento Kitahara was helpless and glared at Xiangwu Kui, then silently closed his mouth.

Who made me lose today?Kitahara Kento sighed and said helplessly: "If you spend all your energy on making plans and thinking carefully on playing chess, you might win today."

(End of this chapter)

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