Chapter 454 Symptoms of Love


The sound of small footsteps could be heard on the second floor of the old-style single-family wooden house.


When he heard his daughter yelling at him upstairs, Kitahara Kento remained silent and lay on his side on the sofa watching TV indifferently, waiting for his daughter to come downstairs to find him. Anyway, ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, that little naughty guy would not be serious about greeting him suddenly.

"Ou Doudou?" Huagu ran into the living room on his little feet, waving a black bag while running in front of Beiyuan, looking at him complainingly with his pink lips pursed, his expression clearly saying: Why did you still do this even if you heard it? No reply.

Kitahara Kento, who had long been used to it, didn't bother to correct his daughter's calling him a "super senior" step by step, and casually asked: "What's the matter?"

"Dang~dang-" Huagu waved the black bag in his hand again and looked at Beiyuan with a smile.

Kitahara Kento glanced away and asked: "What is it?"

Huagu looked at Beiyuan with a teasing smile, and deliberately said in a low tone: "Dad bought something for the girl before." Huagu paused for a moment, and said a few key words with a smile: "Red, lacy, light and breathable. .”

Kitahara Kento was slightly stunned for a moment. What is this? Did I buy it for a girl?

"It's the thing that my father and I found when we came home from skiing in the snow-capped mountains last time and broke his arm."

Kitahara Kento instantly understood what Hanatani was talking about, and his expression gradually became ugly.

When Lily was working as a nanny for him, she broke out in sweat one time on a hot day and borrowed the bathroom at his house. However, due to a moment of negligence, she accidentally washed her underwear, and she didn't have any underwear to change into. Then he took the initiative to suggest Go help buy one.

Who would have thought that the shopping guide misunderstood what he meant, and by some strange combination of circumstances, he bought back a rather special piece of underwear. Huagu and Sister Qinyin discovered it when they returned home. At that time, the naughty little naughty boy was still making trouble for him.

"Why haven't you thrown it away yet?" Kitahara Kento said angrily, reaching for the black bag.

Hua Gu cleverly stepped back to avoid it, spreading his short legs to hide far away.

"We haven't yet found out which eldest sister my father bought it for. How can we destroy the physical evidence so easily?"

Kitahara Kento stood up and stepped forward, reaching for the black bag while biting it to death and refusing to admit it.

"The merchant sent the wrong goods."

Hua Gu ran away, running around the house, jumping up and down to avoid enemy attacks.

"Hey, dad always hides a lot of things from Hua Gu, I don't believe it."

Kento Kitahara chases him here and there, but the naughty little naughty egg is very nimble, like a wild rabbit that runs very fast, burrowing under the table, climbing over the sofa, burrowing in all directions, and scurrying around. Taking advantage of his small size, he exploits his strengths and avoids his weaknesses. Kento Kitahara is all I was panting tiredly, but I didn't even touch it.

"Huagu's yoga fitness ball is not for nothing, Onii-chan~~"

The naughty little naughty boy ran around with a proud look on his face, and the cheerfulness on his little face made him look like he was playing a game of catch a thief. She also did not forget to shake the "victory items" wrapped in black bags at any time, as if to declare that she was the winner.

Kitahara Kento's eyes twitched when he saw it. It was really hard to catch the naughty guy in close combat, but the naughty guy with a proud face also reminded him that if melee combat was not enough, he would have to use some long-range attacks.

He made a show of scaring the little naughty egg to the kitchen table, and then picked up the yoga fitness ball next to him with both hands.

The naughty little naughty boy who had just crawled under the dining table took a look at this posture. His little face changed again and again. He opened his mouth and shouted, "Onii-chan!" Then he hurriedly climbed out and hurried towards the door of the living room. Kitahara Kento was not merciful either. He held up a fitness yoga ball, aimed at the running thief, and swung his hands to hit her with a big ball.

The yoga fitness ball drew an arc in the air and slammed towards the door with great force.

Huagu, who had been prepared for a long time, braked with his feet.

Missed by a hair. Just a little bit away, the big purple balloon flew past the little naughty egg's nose.

Seeing that he was not hit by his father, he dodged. Before he could stand firm, Hua Gu proudly shouted: "Ou Doudou's vitality bomb is lifeless, ah——."

The back of the head was suddenly hit by something soft, and Hua Gu staggered on his little feet.

Kitahara Kento expressionlessly threw a sofa pillow again, locking onto the back of the target who had just been hit.

"Ah! I was hit. What kind of attack is this." The little naughty man fell to the ground.

Kitahara Kento quickly stepped forward, picked up his daughter's back collar and lifted her up like a kitten.

"Your Honor, Huagu was just playing games with his father. Can he be acquitted?" Huagu looked up at Beihara pitifully, exonerating himself from the crime.

Kitahara Kento snatched the black bag angrily, didn't bother to unbutton it, and just opened a slit.

However, there was only a red bag wrapped in the black bag. Kento Kitahara was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and asked, "Where are the things?"

Hua Gu pouted his lips pretending to be stupid and said: "I don't know, I put it in this bag before. Maybe I asked Sister Qinyin to throw it away."

Kento Kitahara didn't believe it and asked, "Where did you hide it?" "No, Sister Qinyin threw it away."

Kitahara Kento asked: "Since you threw it away, why did you keep this black bag? And there is a red bag inside?"

"The things were thrown away, but the bag was not thrown away." Huagu paused, looked at Beiyuan with a smile, and said: "I told you it was just a joke, so I threw it away a long time ago. Put Huagu down quickly."

"Really threw it away?" Kitahara Kento asked, staring at his daughter.

Hua Gu kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, and kept saying, "Throw it away, throw it away."

"If you don't believe me, ask Sister Qinyin."

"If you lie to me, you will never grow taller in your life."

Hanaya was speechless. After a few seconds, he looked around and said, "Isn't it just a red underwear? There's nothing worth caring about. It's not just throwing it away. Don't be so serious, Onii-chan." ."

After saying that, the naughty little naughty egg still imitated the expression of "don't care so much" like an adult, and reached out to pat Kento Kitahara on the shoulder. Even the little face looked earnest and took the initiative to educate Beiyuan.

“Only when people think less about irrelevant things in life can they be happier.”

Kitahara Kento squinted at the restless Hanagu.

This little naughty egg must not have been thrown away. I don’t know where he hid the things.

Seeing that he couldn't be fooled anymore, the little naughty man raised his hands in a pitiful manner, saluted and said: "Your Honor, Huagu surrenders. Huagu can help the judge with his homework for the week. I can put Huagu down." ?"

Kitahara Kento threw away the bag, stretched out his index finger and flicked the naughty egg on the forehead.

"capital offense."

The Takanashi family.

Dressed in white pajamas, Takanashi Xufeng was hunched over the desk, holding a pen with the cap of the pen resting on her chin, looking thoughtful.

"What are the feelings of liking someone?"

The pen tip touched the notebook, recalling the book series and TV series I had read bit by bit, trying to summarize a few universal symptoms of love.

Takanashi Xufeng tapped the pen tip on the blank line, murmuring over and over again, while carefully writing line by line:

“Always consider and care about each other.”

"Looking forward to being alone with each other."

“Two people feel at ease and happy when they get along.”

"Do you feel nervous if you get too close?"

"I care a lot about what others think of me."

“You feel happy and warm when you are cared for and cared for.”

"You will miss each other after not seeing each other for a long time."


Two lines shy of filling the page.

Gao Li Xufeng put the cap on his pen and read it over again with a thoughtful expression. After thinking about it, he added a few more items with his pen.

"That's all for now."

"Well, the first symptom, caring and caring about him, has been proved today." Tao Li Xufeng lowered his eyes and focused on the second symptom.

"Looking forward to being alone." Tao Li Xufeng looked at this item and slowly fell into deep thought.

"It seems that I have never looked forward to being alone with Kitahara-san. I didn't have that feeling or thought before, and I don't have that kind of feeling or thought now."

Takanashi Xufeng was a little confused. She felt that this item should be included in the love symptoms, and it was also very universal. Why didn't she have it?

"But you have to give it a try before you know. Let's start with this one tomorrow."

After finalizing the order of the plan, Takanashi Xufeng put down the pen and nodded when he was done. Then he carefully tore the paper of love symptoms written down from the notebook piece by piece, folded it neatly, and put it into his small bag. Carry it with you, check it at any time, and check yourself at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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