Chapter 1020 Departure (47)

Except for walking slower and still a little unsteady, everything else is no different from ordinary people, and there is no slight difference.

Tears welled up in Jiang Wenxue's eyes, and she rushed up to hug He Yan immediately.

Even, he immediately called Father He who was away on business, telling him to come back now.

He Gu, a kid with a schoolbag on his back, was shocked to see it.

Taking Yunsi's hand, she quietly asked from the side: "Sister, is brother really healed?"

"He's not sick anymore, is he?"

Yun Si smiled slightly and nodded: "Brother has recovered, and will not get sick again in the future."

He Gu, the children, felt very surprised and also felt very miraculous.

Looking straight at He Yan's legs, he seemed to be thinking why those two legs couldn't stand up back then.

Seeing the mother and son talking, Yun Si turned around and went into the kitchen to cut the fruit.

Ten minutes later, when she came out with a fruit plate, she only saw He Yan sitting on one side of the sofa, and Jiang Wenxue sitting on the other side of the sofa.

The atmosphere between the two became weird, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was indescribably cold.

And the little girl He Gu, with his big eyes rolling, seemed to know something, so he beckoned to her.

Yun Si walked over to listen, only to hear He Gu whispering in her ear: "Mom wants brother to work with dad again, but brother doesn't want to."


"Yes, yes, mother said that brother should help father, so that father won't have to work so hard."

"." Reselling real estate?

Yun Si blinked.

But thinking about it, He Yan is 23 years old, and he is about to be 24 years old. It is not surprising that he has a family business and wants him to manage it.

She was looking at the atmosphere in the living room, and when she was hesitating whether to go forward, she saw Jiang Wenxue smiled at her, beckoned her to come over.

"Xiao Si, sit down."

".Thank you, Auntie."

Yun Si sat in the middle of the sofa.

He looked at He Yan who had a cold face and didn't say a word, and Jiang Wenxue's expression of clearly wanting to smooth things over.

She gently placed the fruit plate on the coffee table, waiting for Jiang Wenxue to speak.

Jiang Wenxue did have something to ask her.

She asked: "Xiao Si, I have really troubled you a lot during this period, and thank you for taking care of my son all the time, which made him recover so quickly."

"To be honest, I didn't expect that you could get along so well with my son and take care of my son so patiently. To be honest, I don't know how to thank you now."

Yun Si smiled slightly, her voice was soft, neither humble nor overbearing: "Auntie, you are welcome, these are what I should do."

"Auntie, if you really want to thank, thank your son himself. It is his hard work that can bring about such a result."

Jiang Wenxue sighed and said, "Although you said that, we can all see that you are doing very well."

"'s like this, because now Xiaoyan's body is recovering, and the next period of time is also a critical period. you have any plans for the next period of time?"

Jiang Wenxue probed.

She seemed to want to ask if she would like to continue doing it.

Yun Si was silent for a moment.

As the voice fell, the smile on her face seemed to fade a little.

After a few seconds of silence, she turned her head and glanced at He Yan.

He Yan was also staring at her with dark eyes.

Yun Si retracted her fingers slightly and looked at him: "I"

".I'm sorry, Auntie."

"In the next period of time, I want to resign."

(End of this chapter)

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