Chapter 1030 Departure (57)

Trembling cold fingers lightly touched the book.

On the cover of the book, it is impressively written - "Quick Introduction to Tui Na Massage"

For a book without temperature, the pages of the paper have already turned yellow due to the long time.

Opening the book slowly, the aroma of the book diffused along with the paper, and the printed characters were full, all of which were the key points drawn by herself.

Including when to massage, when to help people who are recovering with foot massage, and various massage techniques for promoting blood circulation.

She read it carefully herself, and folded some important pages.

That was the last book she read before she left, and she was still thinking about how to make him feel better.

The man lowered his head, looking unclear.

Only his shoulders trembled slightly, and he seemed to be choking.

The severe pain in his heart was like an invisible hand holding him tightly, and the pain made his chest scream wildly.

The pain and sourness he had been suppressing all this time made him feel as if a mouthful of fishy-sweet blood surged up and permeated the tip of his tongue, the bitterness reached the extreme.

He began to cough violently, one after another, as if he couldn't stop coughing.

A mouthful of warm and bright red blood spilled directly from his lips, and he fell to the ground as if he had lost all his strength.

Coughing, coughing non-stop, he held the book tightly, his eyes were red, his mouth was full of fishy and sweet cough, and his fingers were trembling to the extreme.

Pain. Pain all over
He fell to the ground like a dying fish, breathing heavily, his eyes bloodshot with terror.

Holding the book tightly with both arms, he cried and laughed, coughing and laughing for a while, and crying with a hideous face for a while.

Muttering something in his mouth, he seemed to be crazy, holding the book and hissing.

Carefully glanced at the empty bed, his mouth was full of blood, with tears in the corners of his eyes, he laughed.

He said: "Si Si is sleeping, so don't make noises about Si Si"

He was lying on the ground, tears streaming down his face drop by drop.

His eyes were dull and stupid, staring straight ahead at the sky, coughing up blood and laughing.

With a messy collar and twitching limbs, he smiled lowly, flicked his wrist, and hit the corner of the table directly.

Where the cuffs were exposed, one could vaguely see the traces of self-mutilation with a knife.

There are knife marks all over there, new wounds with old scars, overlapping layers, shocking.

Hitting against the corner of the table, he was still smiling as if he didn't feel any pain.

Laughing like a crazy mental patient, he took out a portable knife from his pocket.

The blade is sharp, and it looks like it has been polished to the point of cutting iron like mud.

He raised the knife, letting the silvery knife shine in the light.

With a soft hiss, he looked at the book in his arms.

He said, "Si Si is angry and Si Si is angry with me."

"It's okay, punishment. Just focus on the punishment."

"Sisi, don't be angry, I'll cut off my own flesh and give it to you, okay?"

"Or, Si Si wants to cut my mouth, slap me, Si Si can do whatever she wants, please don't get angry, Si Si"

He smiled, but choked up.

Blood was coughing up continuously. He grabbed the knife and stabbed it fiercely into his left arm, and the blood gushed out.

He smiled softly, with a dazed look on his face.

As blood flowed drop by drop, his laughter grew louder, with heart-piercing madness.

(End of this chapter)

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