Chapter 1032 Departure (59)

Like a big cat just waking up, the words are long and charming.

Mu Lin's cell phone was snatched by the man all of a sudden.

Mu Lin immediately motioned him to be silent and let him come.

"Shh-" he gestured to him.

The man gripped the phone tightly, his chest heaving violently.

Mu Lin cleared his throat and said, "Boss, it's me, do you remember me?"

The female voice seemed to pause for a moment, then said lazily, "Remember, what's the matter?"

Mu Lin smiled unnaturally: "That's right, when are you coming back? I'm in a hurry here, and I want to ask you for help."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Mu Lin: "It's just something that I can't explain for a while. Anyway, I'm in a big trouble now. If you don't come to help me now, boss, I might die!"

"." There was silence on the phone.

Seeing that He Yan moved his lips and wanted to speak, Mu Lin hurriedly signaled him to be quiet, quiet, and quiet again.

after awhile.

The female voice said, "Yes, but it will take two hours. Can you wait?"


Mu Lin quickly hung up the phone.

Snatching the mobile phone from He Yan's hand, he took a few steps back, rushed the crazy man up and snatched his own mobile phone.

He guarded his mobile phone, looked at him vigilantly, and said:
"You just heard her say that you have to wait for two hours, and then I will ask her to come here. If there is anything going on between you, just talk about it."

"I've already helped if I can. Don't come to me again. Talk about things between you. Don't always torment yourself like this."

After Mu Lin finished speaking, he ran away immediately.

I'm afraid that the crazy man behind will go crazy again.

And He Yan, sitting beside the hospital bed, remained motionless.

Slowly, little by little, he lowered his head, blocking his expression.

Two in the morning.

It was the dead of night in the hospital.

Because there were no patients, the doctor on duty had already gone to sleep, and only a small number of nurses and guards were guarding.

In the emergency department of the outpatient clinic, the beds here are separated by curtains, and each bed is almost full of people.

The beeping sound from the medical equipment, the groans from the sleeping patient from time to time, and the pungent smell of cold disinfectant in the air, everything seemed to be isolated from one of the beds.

With the curtain tightly drawn, nothing can be seen from the outside.

It just felt quiet inside, as if there was no one there.

Soon, the dozing nurse heard the sound of tuk-tuk stilettos.

In the middle of the frosty and dewy night, a curly-haired woman in a fiery red dress appeared on this long corridor with nothing in her hands.

She was wearing a peaked cap, with her head bowed, and her complexion was snow-white.

The new and bright high-heeled shoes tapped rhythmically on the ground, the sound was not loud, but it seemed particularly abrupt in this silent corridor.

Because of the peaked cap, the nurse couldn't see the woman's face clearly.

All he could see was her bright red lips as bright as a flower, and her slender, tall and slender body, so beautiful and charming, so attractively white.

The nurse stared blankly, forgetting to ask who she wanted to see.

Watch her pass the information desk and walk towards the hospital bed inside.

The sound of the stiletto shoes on the tiles was not in a hurry, and the bright red skirt fluttered lightly.

When the nurse remembered to ask her, she had already seen her go in.

She saw her footsteps stop suddenly, standing in front of one of the tightly drawn curtains, quietly, motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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