Chapter 1036 Departure (63)

But soon, she pushed him away, walked past him with a cold face.

"It's late and I'm tired."

He Yan looked at her, and then stuck it on her from behind, like a large dog skin plaster, which couldn't be shaken off.

Yun Si entered the bedroom and turned on the light.

Everything inside is brand new, and there is still a fresh smell of washing in the air.

The man with half-dry hair threw the towel aside casually.

His scarred chest was pressed tightly against her back. He lowered his head and buried it deeply in her neck, smelling the smell of her body, and kept silent.

The pale crimson lips are slightly pursed, and the clear eyebrows seem to have returned to the appearance when they were in love seven years ago, obedient, with a little youthful youthfulness.

The woman's soft and slender body seems to be the best medicine for him to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

He was breathing heavily, kissing her again and again, pushing her forward.

Yun Si avoided his kiss, her profile was cold, "I said I'm tired, don't you understand human speech?"

His movements froze.

But soon, he calmed down, hummed cautiously, and put his head on her shoulder.

Be obedient, don't dare to touch at all.

Yun Si raised her chin, signaling him to lie down.

But he hugged her waist tightly, and asked with some embarrassment: "You, you sleep with me, don't you?"

Yun Si squinted at him: "There is only one bed here, otherwise where else can I sleep?"

Who told her to come back early, the second bedroom next door hasn't been tidied yet.

Otherwise, she really planned to sleep in separate beds.

He Yan was startled, then bent his lips and said yes in a low voice.

Only then was he willing to let go of her and lay down on the bed.

Yun Si went to bed from the other side and turned off the light.

In an instant, the man's naked body was hugged up, hot and scalding.

"Si Si." With trembling hands, he gently stroked her face.

Yun Si closed her eyes, ignored him, and went to sleep.

He grabbed her hand, kissed her, then kissed her face, kissed her eyes, as if he wanted to kiss back all the things he had missed all these years.

Yun Si's forehead twitched, as if she felt something pressing against her.

She turned sideways, turned her back to him, and didn't want to talk to him.

In the end, the man stuck up to her thoroughly and took her into his arms.

Although it wasn't too much to kiss and hug her, it was still a little noisy.

Yun Si closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, "He Yan, sleep."

The man behind hummed, and his movements became smaller.

But he was still holding her and kissing her constantly.

Too excited and enthusiastic.

She took a deep breath and barely endured it.

"He Yan, are you disobedient?"

He fell silent again.

He whispered: "Be obedient. I listen to you most."

Only then did Yun Si close her eyes and let herself go.

Fortunately, although He Yan has been making small moves, he has not gone too far.

I knew she wanted to sleep, so I didn't bother her.

After she fell asleep, he moved a little harder, turned her body over, and pressed her for a kiss.

The strong strength is very different from the humble and pitiful appearance before.

Holding her face, he was almost going to eat her.

Feeling sleepy, Yun Si only said a few words to him symbolically.

Only when she made a sound, he would barely settle down, waiting for her to fall asleep.

When she fell asleep again, he would hug her tightly again, as if he was afraid that she would disappear suddenly.

He held his baby and stayed up all night.

(End of this chapter)

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