Chapter 1039 Departure (66)

"Si Si."

He called her cautiously.

Yun Si didn't speak, and opened his arm.

The man wanted to grab her almost reflexively.

But Yun Si turned around and her eyes stayed on his face.

Quiet, the mood is very light.

"He Yan, do you know? I'm really angry."

The man looked at her steadily, his eyes flickering slightly.

Subconsciously, like a child who did something wrong, he wanted to grab her hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Si Si, I was wrong."

She raised her hand to avoid his touch.

She continued: "He Yan, if possible, I really don't want to give you a chance."

His eyes trembled.

"But, I want you to know that I like you, so I don't want to part with you."

She stared into his eyes, then moved away.

The chin was lifted slightly, obviously it must have a very backbone and a very unfeeling look.

But in the end, she had a sharp mouth and a tofu heart.

She pursed her lips, and her beautiful eyes seemed to turn red for a moment.

Mingming was angry and wronged, but she said:
"This is the last chance. If you say those words again, I will never talk to you again!"

After the words fell, she was hugged instantly.

The man whispered: "Okay, don't say any more."

Never, never again.

Trembling, he stroked her back and carefully kissed her cheek, again and again, so softly.

She looked at him without saying a word, still looking angry.

But He Yan could feel that her hand slowly embraced him.

Like a soft big cat, willing to rely on his arms again and be his lover again.

He Yan lowered his eyes, the obsession and enthusiasm in his eyes were well concealed.

Kissing her tenderly, like a feather brushing by, light and fluffy, it tickles the heart, and I can't help trembling.

She really relied on him in this way, instead of the cold and empty dream every night.

He Yan's expression was distorted and ferocious for a moment, with a bit of sinister terror.

But soon, he readjusted his expression and returned to that cautious look.

Lifting her chin, meeting her suspicious gaze, she asked in a low voice, "Can Si Si sleep with me for a while longer?"

"I want to hug Si Si to sleep. I haven't hugged Si Si to sleep for a long time."

She was silent for a moment, thinking of his particularly dishonest hands last night.

Look at the look he is looking forward to now, pitiful and pathetic, and he still has the bad-tempered look back then.

So the goblin hesitated for a moment.

Finally, she hummed and agreed.

"Thank you Si Si, Si Si is so kind."

He hugged her and went back to the bedroom.

The curtains in the bedroom were drawn tightly and hadn't been drawn yet.

The outside sunlight can't come in, so the light in the bedroom is still slightly dim, which is suitable for sleeping.

The man pressed her on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then took her back into his arms.

Yun Si wasn't sleepy at all, so she blinked her eyes and was silently in a daze.

When she hugged his waist and leaned quietly into his arms, she was still thinking, was she letting go too fast?
After all, the two have been separated for so long, and the atmosphere was so tense back then.

If the dog man gets it, he won't cherish it.
She immediately thought angrily, then she should leave.

Leave a world and wait for the next world to appear again.

Left and right she can go back to hell, just right, go back and see Yun Yan and the others.

[The author has something to say]




【About people】

Let me explain here.

I found that some sisters said that the people in this world are too humble, which doesn't match Jiuge's people.

About this, what I want to say is
Because this is in a small world. [scratching head]

Jiuge is gentle, but does gentleness conflict with humbleness?
Doesn't seem to conflict?

I hope everyone can understand that in the big world, the reason why Jiuge is so calm is because he has confidence.

He can play tricks on people's hearts, guess people's thoughts, and easily make Si Si unable to leave him.

To put it bluntly, Si Si is the flower that he always holds in his hand.

As long as he wanted to, Si Si couldn't escape at all.

In this way, he has always been so gentle and restrained, and has never lost his composure.

But think about it, now in the small world, He Yan is not as thoughtful as Jiu Ge.

In other words, He Yan couldn't grasp Si Si at all.

If Si Si got upset and wanted to leave, she could easily shake her head and leave, but He Yan couldn't catch her.

Because I couldn't grasp it, I was afraid, and I showed such a fragile and gaffe side.

Does this conflict with Jiu Ge's gentle temperament?
As for Si Si.

I remember I mentioned before that in this relationship, Si Si seemed to be the one who took the initiative, but in fact it was Jiu Ge who was more active.

From the beginning to the end, Jiuge was working hard every step of the way.

As for Yun Si's indifference you said, she just walked away easily.

I want to say, now do you know why Jiu Ge never speaks cruelly to her?
Because of the different growing environments, Si Si is a very sensitive person.

It doesn't matter if you say she has a glass heart or if you say she is cruel.

Si Si also mentioned it over and over again before, as long as Jiu Ge said that she didn't like her and asked her to get out, she would get out immediately and would never look back.

This is her temperament, inferiority sensitive and proud.

As long as there is a vicious and hurtful word, she will shake her head and leave.

Straighten your chest and never shed a tear of embarrassment.

Jiu Ge knew her so well, how could she not know this?
So he never said harsh words to her.

Even when she was lazy, he would not scold her.

Because he knew that her heart was very sensitive, and she couldn't listen to these words.

But He Yan, he didn't know this.

He said it easily, and of course Si Si would leave.

Because this is her, inferior, sensitive and arrogant.

Especially in front of the person she loves the most.

You are all from the perspective of God, so you think that with just such a sentence, how can Si Si be so glassy?
That's right, she has a glass heart, but she just can't listen to Jiuge's half-sentence to tell her to go away.

Because this is her, a strong and fragile little girl.

Finally, stop saying that Si Si is indifferent.

For him, Si Si was willing to never rest.

For him, I study massage very seriously.

For him, I don't want the work in my hand, and I have been with him all the time.

Even an arrogant person like her, after he apologized, quickly lowered his head and hugged him back in aggrieved manner.

This is her, loving him softly and hard.

You say that Si Si has changed, but in fact she has never changed.

She is very dependent on him, more and more dependent, so dependent that she is like an extremely fragile and sensitive child.

You say she is cold, but if she is really cold, she can disappear immediately when she is in the hospital.

Or when He Yan knelt down, he could slap He Yan, turn around and leave.

But does she have it?
She doesn't?

She carried him home, changed his dressing, bathed him, allowed him to hold her, and slept with him.

If she was really ruthless, would she be like this?

As for Si Si's face was cold.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, and He Yan said that again.

I just want to ask, if Si Si doesn't have a cold face, is it possible that you want to make Si Si smile and hug He Yan happily?
She has a cold face, but she still has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

What you show is completely different from what you do, can't you all see this?
To sum up: Don't scold my Si Si!
Flip table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

(End of this chapter)

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