Chapter 1044 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (1)

On the top of the mountains, the wind returns and the clouds disperse.

The light golden sunlight is projected from the lingering clouds, and the blue sky is close to the world, as if it is within reach.

The ancient tree, like a crouching dragon, stands quietly between the sky and the earth, and has been holding a huge umbrella cover since ancient times.

The wind gently swayed the swing, accompanied by the soft snarling of a few fallen leaves, and the old creaking sound echoed in this vast time.

In this aura-filled forest, the ancient tree is like a kind mother, nurturing this aura-filled land and supporting countless creatures here.

The old tree is old, but its body is still so high that it pierces the sky. The emerald green branches and leaves are accompanied by clouds, one green and one white, as if the clouds have become the embellishment of the tree, and a little bit of flower clusters on it.

On the trunk, there are one after another rugged wear and scars, which symbolize the vicissitudes of the ancient tree for a hundred years, which makes people marvel at it.

And on the thick branch piercing through the clouds, the dark and gloomy vines are like its children, clinging to it, relying on it, and absorbing its nutrients.

The vines are flexible like snakes, starting from the root of the tree, all the way up, and then growing continuously from the tall and majestic body of the ancient tree.

From the birth of the ancient tree to the present, the vines have lived for thousands of years.

But now, the vines have finally absorbed enough of the aura of heaven and earth, used it for their own use, and cultivated into a Sanxian, who is about to transform into the heaven.

Thick and dark green vines, as if they had spiritual consciousness, kept fading from the branches of the old tree.

When it landed, the light green plain dress fluttered with the wind, and the white toes landed slowly, surrounded by fairy air.

And on the corner of the skirt, vines were embroidered with spreading wings.

The beauty who had successfully cultivated into a Sanxian, stood barefoot under the shade of an ancient tree, wearing a light green and secluded plain dress, which was extremely stunning.

She has a clear and beautiful appearance, with lightly raised brows, and there seems to be a trace of flowing charm in her immature greenness.

She wears waist-length long hair, and there is no other decoration except for a small white flower in her hair.

With a slender waist like a willow and shaved shoulders, he has a figure as cold as an exiled fairy, and a pure and charming face.

She stood with her hands folded, her delicate and soft peach blossom eyes slightly bent, turned around, and saluted the ancient tree.

"Sister, I have become a fairy."

Her quiet light green figure is gentle and peaceful.

The dense branches and leaves of the ancient tree seemed to tremble, as if silently responding to her.

At this time, in the vast and boundless sky, a golden glow disappeared in an instant.

Scattered floating clouds, layer upon layer, cover the sky.

Only in the center, a golden light suddenly appeared, symbolizing the glory of the sky ladder, slowly extending from the clouds and falling down.

Surrounded by immortal energy and auspicious clouds, the pure white ladder lowered little by little and stopped under the ancient tree, welcoming her arrival.

And the vine beauty, who had successfully survived the thunder tribulation and successfully cultivated into a loose immortal, raised her head.

Shuli's beautiful face was wrapped in golden light, so pure and flawless, it seemed that everything in the world had lost its color.

Dressed in an elegant and elegant green dress, as bright as the moon's bare fingers, she pursed her lips and smiled, saluting the ancient tree again.

Thanks to the ancient tree for sheltering her from wind and rain for thousands of years and giving her the safest shelter.

The beauty saluted, then lifted her light veil skirt and walked towards the ladder.

When her feet as white as jade stepped onto the first step of heaven and earth, she looked up, and from a distance, she could only see the ladder extending to the depths of the clouds without end.

(End of this chapter)

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