Chapter 1052 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (9)

The head servant, Hengyuan, said respectfully: "I'm sorry to bother you, Your Majesty. It was just now that we discovered a thief who wanted to steal the treasures of Lingxiao Temple. Your Majesty ordered us to arrest the thief and bring him back for interrogation."

"Therefore, my lord, may I ask if you have seen a bad thief coming here?"

The Qingchen and compassionate Buddha twisted the beads, lowered his eyes, with a calm expression, "Amitabha, I have never seen it before."


Hengyuan was taken aback.

He glanced at Tai Chi Palace again, and seemed a little suspicious.

No, it was clearly coming in this direction.

The only Heavenly Palace here is the Taiji Palace. If it wasn't here, could it be that he went to the lower realm?

Hengyuan's expression changed.

So he hurriedly said goodbye to Venerable Sakyamuni, and then ran towards the lower realm.

When the group of god attendants left, they were mighty again, and the spears and halberds in their hands reflected a cold light, and it was stained with the blood of countless people.

The cold and dusty Venerable, with a calm expression, turned around slowly and entered his Tai Chi Palace.

The servant closed the heavy door and followed the Buddha.

As a result, before he had time to speak, he saw a woman sitting on a swing under the palace in the next second.

The woman was wearing a light green smokey dress, with a beautiful white flower on her temples, holding the rope of the swing with her tender white hands, looking at them with a smile, her pretty face was almost glowing white.

The light gauze skirt was flying in mid-air, and the extremely stunning beauty was coquettish and coquettish, like an extremely dangerous vixen, as if hooking his fingers could make a man lose his soul, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

The waiter froze.


This Taiji Palace, because it is an important Buddhist hall and the place where the venerable lived, for the convenience of avoiding suspicion, no women have ever appeared here.

Not to mention, such a beautiful woman.

The waiter stared straight at him and didn't move.

And the snow-white Buddha clasped his hands together, with Buddhist beads hanging on his delicate wrist bones, and looked at her calmly, his eyes were dark and deep, and his emotions were light.

"Benefactor, I remember telling you, please leave as soon as possible."

"." Yun Si was swinging on the swing with a smile, her pink cheeks were delicate, and the tips of her eyebrows were lively.

She said: "Little master, don't be so heartless, I'm tired, I'll leave after a while."

"Really, just a little while."

She emphasized it a little more seriously.

The merciful Buddha did not make a sound, lowered his eyes, his brows remained peaceful.

Put your hands together and salute her.

She didn't say anything about her stubbornness.

I don't know if I don't want to say it, or I know that even if I say it, it won't work.

The indifferent and cold Buddha twisted the beads and went to the Buddhist hall.

The rest of the waiter and Yunsi stared at her with big eyes and small eyes. The waiter looked at her, and at the back of the venerable leaving, as if he was so stunned that he didn't know what to say.

After being stunned for a long time, he managed to recover his voice and asked, "Could you be the little thief that the servants wanted to catch just now?"

Yun Si clicked her tongue, somewhat disapproving.

"I'm not the thief they're looking for. I haven't stolen anything."

"Then who are you?" The waiter asked curiously.

"Me?" Yun Si raised her eyebrows, and glanced at the snow-white figure that had gone away from the corner of her eye.

The swing of the swing stopped immediately, and she grabbed the rope of the swing, beckoned to him, and signaled him to come over.

"Well, let's exchange."

"As long as you tell me who the Venerable is, then I will tell you who I am, how?"

(End of this chapter)

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