Chapter 1058 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (15)

Mobilize the spirit of [-] points and start the game.

The cold and dusty Buddha has compassionate and peaceful eyebrows, long eyelashes hanging down, and deep phoenix eyes lightly looking at the chessboard, making moves.

Afterwards, White followed.

This time, she was still decisive and ruthless, and she would make a move when she should.

He is still gentle and conservative, step by step, careful layout.

The sun outside the pavilion is still bright, and the valley deep in the bamboo forest is quiet and deserted.

When the sun was about to set in the sky, in the pavilion, the beautiful girl drank tea with a blank expression on her face, and put down the white pieces in her hand.

"I lost again."

Sure enough, when Meng went back to Taolin, she felt that she had already lost and was numb.

The Buddha, who is neither sad nor happy, won this game again, without any suspense.

He clasped his hands together, lowered his eyes, and had a warm and humble voice.

He said: "The girl's chess skills are very good, as long as she keeps practicing, she will improve."

It could be heard that he was comforting her.

Yun Si sighed, "That's true, but let's go."

She is really tired of losing.

Against him, she really has no chance of winning.

Dog man. Amnesia is amnesia, but the brain is still the same brain.

She stood up tiredly, "That's all for today, wait for me to go back and clean up my mood."

Wait for her to pack up.Fight another day.

The peaceful and compassionate Buddha naturally stood up accordingly.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, his face as cold as snow was even more noble, pure and soft without any impurities.

Qingjun's beautiful figure blocked the cool wind, and the faint sandalwood fragrance on her body seemed to have the effect of calming the nerves and calming the soul, quietly calming her irritable mood.

She looked at him, blinked, and clasped her hands together in a dignified manner, returning the salute to him.

"Little master, you have worked hard today to accompany me, a little novice, to practice all day."

She was respectful, but she didn't have the frivolity in the bath yesterday.

Only those pair of bright and clear peach blossom eyes are still delicate and full of fire, scorching and shining, so beautiful.

She saluted him, then rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "If possible, I have time in the future, don't know if I can come and play chess with the little master?"

"Or, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the little master can do whatever he wants. I wonder if I have the honor?"

The compassionate Buddha will naturally not refuse.

He lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes were thick, covering his deep eyes.

The beads between the wrist bones are still round and cool, bringing a little comfort.

The woman in front of him smiled and saluted him again.

After saying goodbye, she turned and left.

Well-behaved, she didn't touch him at all today.

Buddha watched her quietly, watching her figure transform into a green light and disappear into the sky.

At this time, the last bit of sunset light finally fell, disappeared, and hid in an unknown place, and the warmth dissipated.

God Realm ushered in a dark night.

After Yun Si left, Ananda's attendant, who had been standing in the distance, stepped forward and came to the small pavilion.

The cool and elegant Buddha still unhurriedly separated the chess pieces and put them in their respective chess boxes.

The attendant Ananda looked at him and said, "My lord, let the disciples do these things, and you can just sit down with peace of mind."

"No need."

The Buddha's voice is light and his expression is calm.

After packing up the shogi box, he lowered his long eyelashes and said calmly:

"When she comes in the future, let her come in here and wait, don't turn her away."


I'm afraid it's not good?

(End of this chapter)

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