Chapter 1060 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (17)

As a result, Yun Si is not afraid of him going to investigate.

Anyway, yesterday's flower cake, she did give it to Chishen Tianjun who passed by while running.

As for the process, the Chishen Tianjun couldn't tell clearly.

When the time comes to prevaricate, it will naturally be almost the same as what she said.

After Yunsi finished speaking calmly, the yellow figure of Daoming gave a deep laugh, as if he had other intentions.

He asked, "What punishment are you willing to bear?"

He sat up slowly, looking down at her condescendingly, the emotion in his eyes symbolizing desire was extremely strong.

Yun Si lowered her head, with a calm expression: "Your Majesty is wise and determined, and he has a decision in his heart. Xiaoxian made a mistake this time, and it was really wrong, so His Majesty just said it, and Xiaoxian will definitely do his best."

She seemed to want to see how he could punish her for such a small mistake.

After all, he is the Emperor of Heaven with many eyes on him.

Indiscriminate punishment, but to arouse criticism.

It's just that the high and mighty emperor of the God Realm doesn't seem to care about these criticisms.

He stood up and walked slowly down the stairs.

The naked and undisguised eyes lingered on her all the time.

Approaching, raised his hand, as if he wanted to lift her chin.

But the beauty took a step back indifferently and avoided it.

The Emperor's hand was empty.

He squinted his eyes and became displeased immediately.

Go ahead and get closer to her.

"Yun Si, is this your attitude of admitting your mistakes?"

He suddenly increased his tone.

The beauty is delicate and charming, with a special face.

His long and slender eyelashes drooped down, his eyebrows were lowered and his eyes were flattering, but his straight and cold body seemed unaffected by his status.

Unmoved, she said lightly: "Your Majesty wants to punish Xiaoxian, just ask."

Why bother to use hands and feet on her in the name of punishment?
She didn't say this, but both of them seemed to know it well.

The emperor, who had been in a high position for a long time and was used to controlling everyone, seemed to be irritated by her appearance.

For a long time, no one dared to challenge his authority like this. Even if she looked a little like Heng Ji, he would never allow her to contradict.

As a result, the emperor had no desire to be charming, and turned away in a huff.

He left a sentence coldly and pronounced her punishment.

"Yunsi, who is below the level of the criminal, has an arrogant personality and no dignity in her eyes. Immediately, she will be sent to Qilian Mountain to face the wall for 500 years. She will not return unless she is summoned! To serve as a warning to others!"

"." The beauty's face was calm, still indifferent.

Offending the Emperor of Heaven, Tengxian was demoted and sent to Mount Qilian, an extremely barren and dilapidated ghost mountain, where gods and immortals shunned.

Here, not a single blade of grass grows, and spiritual energy is lacking.

All kinds of demons, ghosts and ghosts gather here, occupying the land as kings, and causing harm to the world, so it has always been a very troublesome place in the heaven.

Now that Tengxian was sent here, she was supposed to face the wall on the surface, but in fact, she was asked to suppress the demons and goblins here.

If you can't suppress it all the time, you will be bullied by the little monster here until one day, the Emperor of Heaven wants to call her back.

When Yun Si left the Flower God Temple, she didn't have any luggage to bring.

He casually packed two sets of clothes, bid farewell to Flower God Baixi, and left.

He didn't beg for mercy, and didn't say a word.

With a straight body and an arrogance like blue, he would rather be punished than succumb to the crotch of the Emperor of Heaven.

Looking at the back of her leaving alone, Bai Xi sighed.

Poor people, born beautiful, is the original sin.

(End of this chapter)

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