Chapter 1075 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (32)

"." She looked at him coldly, without saying a word.

The two hands are still writhing, as if unwilling to give up, and want to break free from the fairy rope.

But the reason why the fairy-binding rope is called the fairy-binding rope is that it can bind the immortals, making them unable to exert their divine power and escape.

This is why, the Emperor of Heaven tolerated her continuous retreat.

Because every prey before was like this, struggling hard.

But in the end, didn't he cry and beg him to help relieve the medicine?
The Emperor of Heaven really wanted to see such a beautiful face begging him with tears in his eyes.

Hesitant to speak, submitting to him humbly, such a picture must be very beautiful.

He smiled and counted the time patiently.

The beauty trapped in the corner, with her delicate and charming face, was still stubborn and did not give in.

When he was counting down, she narrowed her eyes, and the redness in her eyes flashed past.

The flames are burning, and the blood is full of coquettishness.

Coming in blood, it's terrifying.

She slowly clenched her fists, quietly waiting for him to count down.







The palace gates shattered.

The gravel was splashed, the dust and mist were lingering, and the fierce and thick Buddha's light passed through the god attendant guarding outside the temple almost instantly, breaking the tendons and shaking the bones and soul.

The power of the Buddha's light is unstoppable.

Standing inside, the Heavenly Emperor, who sensed the danger, instantly waved his sleeve to block it.

But the Buddha's light is thick and deep, and it can contain all things, but it can also destroy all things.

The Emperor of Heaven secretly thought that it was not good, and he used all his divine power to block him with a huge protective cover, resisting the thick Buddha light that was shrouded in dust and mist.

The crashing sound caused cracks to appear in the protective cover instantly.

Finally, the protective cover cracked.

The Emperor of Heaven blocked the fatal blow, but still unavoidably took two steps back, a fishy and sweet taste rose in his throat.

It had been a long time since anyone could hurt him, which made him look gloomily at whoever was coming.

The visitor was dressed in elegant and white clothes, with his palms folded, stepping on the dust, standing in front of the door with gentle and calm eyes.

The dust is flying and the ruins are hazy, but the Buddha's light on his body is still clear and moist, and the blessings he has received are even more profound and powerful, unrivaled.

He came slowly, with lotus growing every step of the way, with a benevolent and gentle face, fair and beautiful finger bones.

The Buddhist beads on his wrist symbolized his identity. Wearing plain cloth shoes, he came to the gloomy Emperor of Heaven and saluted slightly.

"Amitabha, benefactor, how are you doing recently?"

His voice was calm and clear, as if he didn't see the expression of the Emperor of Heaven who was extremely displeased and wanted to get angry at this moment.

After a simple salute, his gentle eyes seemed to have inadvertently swept across Yun Si who was bound by his hands.

Her dress was complete and her complexion was normal. It seemed that the Heavenly Emperor hadn't had time to make a move.

However, as soon as I looked at him, I saw that the little beauty's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Looking at him, aggrieved, seems to want to say something.

He gently withdrew his gaze, and looked at the gloomy and silent Emperor again.

It's a good thing that the Emperor of Heaven was ruined, but he can't do anything to the people in front of him.

After all, Sakyamuni Buddha is a Buddhist, so he doesn't have to abide by the rules of the heavens, and naturally he doesn't need to obey his orders.

On the contrary, it is he who needs to be respectful to the Buddha and not contradict him in the slightest.

After all this, how to make him feel better?

He forcibly held back his anger, and gritted his teeth: "My lord, why did you come here suddenly? But do you have something to discuss?"

(End of this chapter)

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