Chapter 1077 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (34)

The compassionate Buddha sighed, and glanced at the palace with his indifferent gaze.

What is done here is obvious.

He said calmly: "Your Majesty, since this benefactor has said that she is unwilling, why not do a good deed of a gentleman and let her go free?"

"In this way, the reputation of His Majesty's brilliance and martial arts will not be ruined, and even a good story about a gentleman can be left behind, what does Your Majesty think?"

The indifferent Buddha, even when he was persuading, his tone was calm, without a hint of humbleness.

The lotus platform is holy. In front of the cold and unparalleled Buddha, no matter who it is, all living beings are equal.

Therefore, he does not need to speak honorifics to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, nor does he need to kneel down.

On the contrary, the Emperor of Heaven must accept the benevolent exhortation of the Buddha, and must follow the steps given by the Buddha.

Otherwise, if you offend Buddhism, no one will look good at that time.

The Emperor of Heaven was sullen and did not speak.

After standing for a long time, he walked away.

A group of heavenly soldiers and generals who had their god veins destroyed outside supported each other and followed.

withdraw troops.

In this ruined palace, only the gentle and compassionate Buddha and the pitiful weeping little beauty remained.




"little master"

Wiping her tears, she seemed to be completely relaxed at this moment.

In a slender and light green dress, with an extremely glamorous appearance, her complexion was flushed abnormally, and her eyes were soft and touching.

The cold and gentle Buddha slowly turned to look at her, his phoenix eyes were deep and peaceful.

The faint sandalwood scent on his body dispelled the heat in her body to a certain extent.

Meeting his gaze, she subconsciously let go of his sleeves, as if she wanted to hug him.

But because she was concerned about something, she bit her lip, but still withdrew her hand and stood up obediently.

Fo Wen looked at her gently: "Almsgiver, is there any discomfort?"



The medicine given by the Emperor of Heaven is indeed a bit powerful, with great stamina.

It has to be said that her body is indeed a little hot now.

But in fact, it's okay, Renren passed.

She slowly calmed down the restlessness of her body. Although her delicate face was a little flushed abnormally, her eyes were extremely clear.

Staring at him, eyes slightly curved.

"Thank you, little master."

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know what to do."

Because of the properties of the medicine, her voice at this moment is sweet and greasy, with a little milky sound.

It was as if the fragrance of flowers in the air became more intense, overshadowing the light and cool sandalwood on his body.

The little beauty seemed to be aware of this, so she consciously kept an appropriate distance from him, to prevent her animalistic behavior from getting wild, and rushed him.

Buddha smiled gently, quietly watching the abnormal flush on her face, and her voice was as cool as snow.

"Is it really all right? Donor."

He asked again gently.

"." The little beauty pursed her lips and did not speak.

After a while, she lowered her head, played with her skirt, and asked, "Does little master know where there is cold water near here?"

"I'm a little hot and want to take a dip."

She seemed embarrassed when she said this.

I always feel that talking about this matter in front of the holy Buddha is to defile the Buddha.

The Buddha is gentle and benevolent, with a pure heart and few desires, so he naturally doesn't care about these concerns.

He lowered his long eyelashes, blocking his empty eyes.

The fragrance of flowers in the air became more and more intense, he opened his mouth slowly, his soothing voice was like a breeze, with a bit of comfort.

"Don't be afraid, benefactor, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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