Chapter 1079 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (36)

The Buddha's eyes, as cold as a lotus, were indifferent, and he didn't know where his eyes fell.

In the depths of the dark pupils, there is a faint void, like a deep valley, calm and indifferent, unfathomable.

"If you fail to cross the catastrophe, you will fall into the world forever and become a mortal, and you will not be able to return to the Temple of Heaven and Buddha."

"I will also... no longer be a Buddha."

The beauty in the water was stunned.

"No... no longer a Buddha?"

She was stunned, "It's just a small catastrophe, how could it be so serious?"

"Little master, you—"

She looked at his indifferent back, speechless.

Or rather, I don't know what to say.

The sound of water lingered, she was immersed in the water, and there was a moment of silence.

Watching him quietly for a long time.

Finally, the Buddha lowered his eyelashes and opened his mouth gently, his brows and eyes still neither sad nor happy, gentle and compassionate.

He said: "The benefactor doesn't need to be so worried. I believe that there is a definite number... in the dark."

"Whether it's robbery or something else, if I can't get through it, it can only mean that my Taoism is unstable and I haven't truly become a Buddha."

"Buddha is devoted to the Tao and transcends the world. He should be free from the seven emotions and cut off the six desires."

"If I have not truly become a Buddha, then even if I succeed in crossing the catastrophe, I will not be able to sit peacefully on top of the Buddha Hall, nor will I be able to practice the Tao with a pure heart."

"Therefore, robbery is just a test for me."

"If it succeeds, I will return to the lotus platform and become a Buddha on the holy platform."

"If you lose."

His eyes were gloomy, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Then fall into the mortal world and be willing to sink."

"Everything is my destiny, and I admit it."

His voice was soft, as if it could go away with the wind in the next second, becoming ethereal and unreachable.

"." Yun Si frowned and did not speak.

After a while, she said: "Little master, you are a Buddha, so you can easily survive this calamity."

"So, I hope you can come back soon."

Then, climb up the lotus platform again and become the supreme Buddha.

"That's it. Let me borrow the girl's auspicious words."

He closed his eyes gently and his complexion was jade.

And the Buddhist beads in the palm are still cold.

three days later.

When Sakyamuni Buddha was about to go down to the lower realm, Tengxian, who had been friends with him, did not go to see him off.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't.

She was taken by Ananda's attendant to the huge and holy Buddha Hall, facing all the holy Buddhas, and knelt down to worship.

The waiter Ananda stepped aside, leaving her alone in the center of the hall.

The resplendent Buddhist temples are graded one by one, and the grades of Buddhas are from high to low.

The top holy Buddha sits at the front, on the lotus platform, with the Buddha's radiance on his body and the boundless Dharma.

And the gazes of many gods and Buddhas were all high and down, and they fell on her.

Plain and peaceful, with the endless compassion of the Buddha.

Tengxian wore a green dress, raised her head, and looked straight ahead quietly.

There is a lotus platform directly in front of it, which is empty.

It's obvious who the seat is for there.

She didn't make a sound, and calmly accepted the Buddha's gaze.

The holy Buddha is merciful, wearing a cassock, looking down, with a pure black Buddhist bead in his palm.

The gentle and thick voice falls slowly, giving people a sense of comfort and spiritual cleansing.

"Amitabha. You know, girl, why did we call you here?"

". I don't know."

The holy Buddha has benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes, and his voice is old.

"Girl, we have called you here to ask for something, and we hope you can help me."

"." The unparalleled beauty Tengxian looked at him calmly, waiting for him to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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