Chapter 1085 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (42)

I don't know how he managed to live here alone.

Obviously, there are barren mountains and mountains nearby, and there is no one there.

He lives alone in such a big and dilapidated temple, so he is not afraid?
She turned around and scanned around, trying to find his figure.

Soon, his voice appeared behind her, gentle but caught off guard.

"Girl, are you looking for the little monk?"

Yun Si was startled and turned around.

I saw him carrying a basket covered with a piece of cloth, and he didn't know what was in it.

".Why is there no sound when you walk?"

She patted her chest and seemed genuinely frightened.

The elegant and gentle monk raised his palm with one hand, and stared at her quietly with his dark eyes.

"It's because the girl was too absorbed in thinking about things, so she didn't hear it."

"." The corners of Yun Si's lips twitched slightly.

"I just didn't expect...there would be no doors here."

She pointed to the wing at the far end.

He lives in the middle of the three wing rooms.

The other two rooms, one on the left and the other on the right, were either leaking from wind or rain, or had no doors.

"That girl, do you dislike this place?"

The monk's calm and indifferent eyes fell on her face.

Faint, I can't tell what kind of emotion it is, but it makes people feel moody.

As if being watched by a cold ghost,
For no reason, Yun Si was stared at by him a little hairy.

So, subconsciously, she took a step back and distanced herself from him.

"...I didn't mean that, I was just expressing my surprise."

She carefully studied his face.

His face has always been calm, showing nothing unusual.

But the excessive calm is like a horror mask with no expression, and no one knows what is hidden underneath.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but when he was in the woods just now, he still looked gentle and friendly.

But now. She was a little afraid of his eyes.

Yun Si took another step back, this time stepping on an uneven place.

She swayed for a while, but the monk stepped forward and supported her.

Supporting her arm with steady strength, the dark eyes seemed to have regained their gentle look.

He withdrew his hand just right, clasped his hands together, and lowered his eyes.

"The grounds of the temple are uneven, the girl should be careful when walking."

His voice is clear, smooth and polite.

There was nothing unusual, and the calm aura on his body was extremely reassuring.

"." The premonition in Yun Si's heart became even weirder.

Staring at him, there was a strange flash in his eyes.


Without the sunlight shining in the daytime, the valley at this time was completely plunged into darkness, as if you couldn't see your fingers, like a giant beast with its mouth wide open, unfathomable.

The moonlight hanging high in the sky is hidden behind the clouds, and there is a cool evening wind in the valley.

But because the wind is too strong, it is easy to cause the temperature in the valley to be low, chilly, and the eaves are blowing, and it feels like the tiles on the eaves can be blown off.

Under such circumstances, Yunsi finally chose to sleep in a wing room without a door.

Of course, there is no door in the wing room, which means that the cold wind can blow in from the direction of the door, whistling, without any hindrance.

In the evening, the wind blows and blows, and the wind is strong.

Yun Si was lying on a hard bed, without a cushion, only a small quilt.

Lying on the bed, she felt that the wind was about to blow off the quilt on her bed.

(End of this chapter)

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