Chapter 1091 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (48)

The night passed, and the sky finally cleared up.

Last night's storm seemed like a fleeting dream.

After waking up from the dream, the sky outside is extremely pure and blue, and the air is even more fresh and pleasant, with a faint fragrance of green grass.

Under the eaves, the water was still dripping silently drop by drop, falling on the stone slab on the ground, splashing, and disappearing into the small puddle on the ground.

The grass beside the wall courtyard had been blown by the wind all night, and at this time, it was already unable to straighten up, and it was limply stuck to the ground.

The door, which had been smashed all night, was barely hanging there, shaking slightly and making creaking noises.

In the closed wing room in the middle, it was extremely clean.

The faint sandalwood fragrance is mixed with some indescribable ambiguity.

A man in plain clothes was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes were tied with a belt, and his slender long fingers were neatly knotted and fastened.

Dressed neatly, he looked sideways at the person who was still sleeping on the bed.

The beauty is picturesque, with a delicate face. After being moisturized, it is more like a flower in full bloom, extremely charming.

She was tired, so she fell into a deep sleep and didn't want to move her fingers.

The man stared quietly, then slowly reached out and held her thin fingers.

When she approached silently, and a gentle kiss fell on her rosy lips, her long and slender eyelashes trembled, as if she felt the faint scent of sandalwood on his body.

He hooked his lips slightly and gently lifted her up.

Putting on a dress for her, from the inner garment to the outer skirt, I did all of this without a teacher, and then hugged her in my arms.

She was probably awake, but just too lazy to move.

With eyes closed, she quietly leaned against his arms, so tired that she didn't even want to speak.

His palm fell gently on her face, and his nose slowly rubbed against her.

Silently intimacy, like a newlywed couple, even after getting up, they still have to spend some time together.

"." Without opening her eyelids, she asked in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Are you going to meet those old men?"

"Well, I always have to say goodbye."

".So, do I need to say something aside?"

He hugged her waist, lifted her chin, covered her lips, and said softly:

"You don't need to do anything, I'm just going to say goodbye, nothing else."

"So, you stay still and don't need to say anything. We will leave after I say goodbye."

"." She fell silent.

Close your eyes, close your eyes and meditate.

However, he kept harassing her like he was holding a baby he couldn't put it down, and he didn't have the slightest intention of leaving.

She closed her eyes like a big cat. Although she was a little reluctant, she still did not refuse.

After a while, she was lazy and asked:

"Speaking of which, when did you recover your memory? Or have you never lost your memory?"

The man paused.

Gently brushing her cheek with his fingertips, his eyes were dark, and his long eyelashes slowly fell to block the faint look.


Amnesia, but...

Somehow, a few years ago...

The memory came back.

When he first recovered, his memory was chaotic, and various pictures came one after another like fragments.

After sorting it out for a long time, he barely had a general outline and context.

after that.
A woman often appears in his dreams.

The woman is like a goblin, always clinging to his body, teasing him bit by bit.

But when he couldn't control it and wanted to do something, the woman disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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