Chapter 1094 One Thought Becomes a Buddha (51)

It seems that everything that has gone down to earth has not affected him.

The glamorous Tengxian looked at him quietly without moving.

It seemed that he wanted to see what choice he had made.




The attendant Ananda retreated without a sound.

The door of the Buddha Hall was not closed.

Behind the falling Buddha in plain snow clothes is the temple that the world dreams of.

It is a symbol of supreme status.

He came slowly, cold as a lotus, dressed in snow and cloud sleeves, and his steps were flowery.

Just like this, step by step, she came towards her, the sandalwood was elegant and rich, and the Buddha's light gradually dissipated.

When standing in front of her, the Buddha was no longer a Buddha.

The holy and pure Buddha light on his body dissipated outside the temple, lost in this world of mortals.

Soft and white long fingers slowly took her hand.

The Buddha with exquisite and indifferent eyebrows has lost all his prosperity and returned to the mortal world.

Like a prisoner, he let go of his arrogance and lowered his body silently.

Surrendering to her skirt, from a Buddha without sorrow or joy, into a person with all kinds of emotions and six desires.

Holding her hand, whispered: "Let's go and never come back."

Yun Si looked at him quietly.

"Really...don't regret it?"

He lowered his eyebrows, compassionate and peaceful: "What do you regret?"

Yun Si didn't speak.

After a moment of silence, she nodded.

She knew—he was saying, he didn't regret it.





Sakyamuni gave up his identity as a Buddha and was willing to be demoted to the mortal world, becoming a person struggling in the mortal world.

This also means that he will only have a short lifespan of a few tens of years, and he will no longer be able to enjoy that long life.

The Buddha Hall thought of the past love and gave him a chance.

As long as he promises that he will never see the Vine Immortal again forever, then the Buddha Hall will give him a chance to return.

Let him climb the holy lotus platform again and become the Buddha who looks down on all living beings again.

The Buddha Hall will no longer pursue the past.

if only……

One of his promises.




one year later.



In a small village at the foot of the green hills.

The dolls were playing ball, laughing and running all over the path in the village.

They are very naughty, always jumping up and down, kicking the ball around, and breaking some flower pots from time to time.

There are few people in the village, only dozens of families.

During the day, some wanderers who have nothing to do sit at the entrance of the village, eating sunflower seeds, laughing and watching the women coming and going.

The doll accidentally kicked the ball at them, and immediately disturbed their yelling and spanking.

The melon seed husks were all over the ground, and those few exiles drove the dolls away, and then sat on the small bench again.

Looking at the women who came back from picking vegetables, they made teasing words from time to time.

"Hey, the one on the west side, have you gone to see it?"

A few men winked while nibbling melon seeds.

"Are you talking about the doctor's wife? Not yet. That wife is good-looking, but that man doesn't look too easy to mess with, so I didn't dare to go."

"Hey, what's wrong with this? Even if it's not easy, he alone can beat the four of us?"

"Hiss~ Don't act recklessly, that man is really not easy to bully, and he is the only one in this village who knows how to heal, if you make him anxious, I'm afraid you will die if you get sick in the future!"


"There's a saying, peony flowers die, ghosts are flirtatious, his mother-in-law is so beautiful, isn't it just for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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