Chapter 1110 Beast World (9)

Milky, but not scary at all.

The ferocious wolf froze immediately.

Standing there, staring at her faintly, as if looking up and down.

This seems to be the pioneer wolf in the front.

It has a strong figure, flicks its big tail, walks slowly around her.

Fierce, as if thinking about her identity.

"Hello, wolf."

The little girl withdrew her hand, blinking her big innocent eyes, looking very harmless.

The pioneer wolf walked around her without saying a word.

Seeing her appearance, she raised her head and howled to the sky.

It is short and hurried, as if conveying some information.

For an instant.

Wolves howled all over the forest, responding.

The wolves howled one after another, with a high frequency, rapid and intense.

Soon, a group of vigorous wolves jumped out of the bushes, like the wind, and landed around the elf, surrounding her.

A faint fierce light suddenly appeared, staring at her fiercely, as if it would tear her apart in the next second.

The elves blinked, as if they had seen through their thoughts, so they kindly reminded them.

"Don't act rashly, if I die in your hands, you will definitely suffer bad luck."

"At that time, the forest will definitely wipe you out."

She reminded them seriously.

And those wolves, with their fangs lifted, drooling, did not make a sound.

They just gathered around her, as if waiting for something.

The elf glanced around.

Are they waiting for a wolf?

The wolf clan attaches great importance to the hierarchy, and all actions of the wolf pack will be subject to the leader wolf.

If there is no order, naturally they will not act rashly.

Now she is surrounded by a pack of wolves, counting carefully, there are at least thirty wolves here.

It can be said that it is a very large wolf pack, and it is no wonder that Victor, the ferocious tiger on weekdays, cannot beat it.

The little girl took a look, and then, the wolves that surrounded her slowly separated in front of her.

On the big rock, a silver wolf with extremely beautiful coat color stood tall and looked down at her.

It is huge in size, with slender limbs, erect ears, and light and soft silver hair on its body.

The cold and cruel eyes were light in color, dyed with a very light blue.

Looking at her from above, her huge body blocked the sunlight from the sky, as if the beautiful silver hair on her body was cold, bloody and cruel.

Its tail hangs down between its hind legs, and the silvery tail is a solid white, like soft satin.

When the majestic and calm breath came from his body, the wolves who were still fierce just now seemed to lower their heads.

Showing a gesture of surrender, he took a few steps back respectfully.

"." The short girl had to raise her head in order to face such an extremely tall silver wolf.

Silver Wolf's height was at least 1.5 meters, and his body was smooth and vigorous. Even if he just stood there quietly, he had an aura of calmness and prestige.

Looking down at such a little girl, it froze for two seconds.

He didn't seem to be interested in her, so he didn't issue any instructions, and then jumped off the big rock.

Walking past her, she looked at it from a close distance, as if she could touch its soft and beautiful silver fur with her hand.

The alpha wolf left without making a sound.

The remaining wolves would not howl at will, and naturally followed quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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