Chapter 1116 Beast World (15)

When the leader came back with a little girl on his back, all the wolves stood up.

They were originally distributing food to the female wolves, and the female wolves who had given birth would get more to feed the pups.

When the leader came back, the wolves gathered and paid attention.

Seeing the little girl on the wolf's back, the wolves looked at each other, and they all looked at the strange little girl appreciatively.

The little wolves followed their mother and looked up at the little girl, full of curiosity.

Of course they knew that this was the only elf in the forest and was responsible for guarding the forest.

However, it is said that the little elf has been raised by the sika deer herd, how could it be picked up by the leader now?
And from the looks of it, the elf seems to be very happy.

The silver wolf carried the little girl back to his cave, a dark, cool and extremely empty place.

The other wolves did not dare to approach, and would howl and wake up at the entrance of the cave unless something serious happened.

Seeing the leader walk into the cave, the other wolves returned to their resting place and lay down again.

The female wolf who hadn't eaten yet dragged the wild meat aside and began to feast on it, eating the meat with big mouthfuls.

The immature wolf cub surrounded his mother, jumping up and down, howling.

They are also very hungry, but they have to wait for their mother to finish eating before they can drink milk.

After counting, it was found that there were nearly ten young wolves in this wolf pack.

The bellies of the other eight or nine female wolves were also swollen, containing the pups who were about to be born.

Their mate wolf is lying next to them, lovingly licking their bellies.

Waiting for the pups to be born, the wolves need more food to support the growth of the pups.

Luke the Wolf selected thirty catties of the best meat from the wild boar, then transformed into a human form, and respectfully delivered the meat to the leader's cave entrance.

The meat is delicious, fat and thin alternately, this is the weight that a wolf king should have, and no one can move it.

Once it moves, it is challenging the authority of the wolf king.

Luke placed the meat on a large boulder in the cave, and backed away quietly.

Return to his wife's side, change back into wolf form, and begin to recuperate.

Luke's wife Wallis is also pregnant and due soon.

She ate the portion of meat she got, and then leaned against Luke.

Glancing in the direction of the cave, he asked Luke softly.

"Luke, what happened when you went out just now? Why would Samuel be willing to bring the elf back?"

"I saw that the elf was hurt, did you hurt her?"

Luke swept his tail and didn't speak.

After eating and drinking enough, it now has a big belly, comparable to Hualisi's belly.

Hearing Hua Lisi's question, Luke thought for a while, and then told what happened today without any concealment.

Among them, when they went to patrol the territory, the elves stood in front of them and refused to let them go.

In fact, everyone knew well at that time that a little further ahead was the grassland where the sika deer lived.

The sika deer has firm meat, and it does not run as fast as the antelope, and it is not even as sensitive as the wild boar.

For them, sika deer is simply the perfect food.

The leader originally planned to hunt sika deer, and expanded his territory to the edge of the grassland by the way.

But I never thought that I was blocked by a little girl.

She simply said a few deceptive words, and the leader turned around without knowing what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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