Chapter 1119 Beast World (18)

So, what he meant was that he had taken care of her wounds.

Next, it's time for her to go away.

Little girl: "."

She raised her hand and looked at herself.

Hands and feet are clean, white and clean.

Although the wound was still a little painful, it was much better than before.

At least, she's not bleeding now, and the wound has been bandaged.

".Ugh." She sighed.

Looking at the dark cave, he turned around and glanced at the pack of wolves on the downhill.

The wolves eat and drink enough, and they will naturally sleep when they have nothing to do.

Of course, they will always pay attention to the movement of the cave, and when they find her coming out, they all look over in unison.

The green eyes of so many wolves stared at her faintly, it was extremely quiet, but also inexplicably weird.

However, the little girl is very courageous, so she is not afraid of them at all.

I looked at the downhill road, then slowly and carefully found a relatively flat place, and went down.

Passing through the wolves, under the gaze of the wolves, walked into the depths of the forest and left here.

It was neither noisy nor noisy, but it was inexplicably quiet when they left.

After her figure disappeared, the wolves lay down again and began to recuperate.

After a full meal, they don't need to eat anymore for the next two days.

It is already very comfortable to lazily bask in the sun every day.

in the forest.

The towering trees, under the layer of wet leaves on the ground, are slippery and soft mud and rotting wood.

Groups of disorganized vines and messy plants are densely piled up here, covered with green moss.

The moss was wet and slippery to step on. Under the increasingly dark light, the little girl walked slowly until she reached the place where the antelope lived.

The Antelope family just lost three relatives today, and everyone is very depressed.

So when the elves greeted them, they were also weak, without the joy of the past.

The elves knew they were sad, so they were understanding and didn't bother them much.

Walking slowly all the way, she walked back to the grassland, back to the sika deer family, and lay down on the little plush mat that Na Lian specially made for her.

Na Lian was lying nearby, still guarding Fulun.

The rest of the sika deer all lay down on the grass and rested early.

There are only a few vigilant sika deer left, as sentinels, still on vigil.

The elf lay on the mat, stretched out his hand, and touched his wound.

Thinking of something, she sat up and looked at Na Lian who was still taking care of Fu Lun.

Na Lian is a kind and good mother who always loves her children very much.

The elf looked at her, then at Sam Simpson.

Sam Simpson said that tomorrow morning, the sika deer family will move to a place west of Shili.

They are trying to avoid wolves and find a safe refuge again.

But now, she can't seem to follow them.

If she followed them, it meant that her trajectory would also deviate from that of the wolves.

The little girl puffed her cheeks, thinking about where she would go next.

She definitely can't go with the sika deer, but that means
Or, she joins the families of other packs and lives with them so that when the wolf comes out to hunt, she has a chance to run into him.

Or, simply and rudely, just find a way to get into the wolf pack.

(End of this chapter)

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