Chapter 1129 Beast World (28)

It is not afraid of the power of the silver wolf, but it is afraid of its treacherous thoughts that are too unexpected.

Just like a ghost, you can't tell what the other party is thinking, and you don't know what frightening schemes are in its mind.

Redmond didn't expect to face it directly, so it didn't dare to attack easily.

Constantly wandering in the same place, cautious and cautious, careful and careful.

And that beautiful and majestic silver wolf seemed to laugh.

The extremely gloomy light blue wolf pupils glanced at it carelessly, and the voice was slightly sandy, as if provocative.

"What? The so-called forest king... is actually afraid of me?"

It mercilessly pierced the opponent's frivolous face, like a sharp knife, irritating the opponent faintly.

But Redmond was not fooled, and instead became more vigilant and cautious. His thick tiger paws fell on the wet and soft ground, leaving deep tiger paw prints.

It says: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles."

"Museel, I'm not afraid of you, I'm just thinking about how to bite off your neck cruelly, and then eat the flesh from your body with big mouthfuls."

"When I regain this place, I will hang your wolf head up and watch how your subordinates are bullied by me every day and night."

"In that case, what are you waiting for?" Silver Wolf slowly jumped off the stone.

Huge body, nearly two meters tall.

It stood alone in front, its overly strong body looked particularly terrifying, it was not the size that wolves should have at all.

The slender limbs, even though they were covered with fluff, could still be seen—its muscles were very strong, so strong that there was hardly a trace of excess fat.

When standing upright, facing the adult Redmond, Redmond seemed to have a slight disadvantage in comparison.

So scary, no wonder it is so cautious.

It even took a step back vigilantly.

By nature, it will have a sense of fear compared to its larger opponent, making it want to retreat.

However, as a tiger, it came here in full view, provoking the wolf king in public.

A male tiger and a wolf face each other. If it walks away in a desperate manner, it will never be able to lift its head in the forest afterwards.

All animals will laugh at it, even a wolf can't beat it.

Then when the time comes, its life will be even more difficult to live on.

Therefore, now the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.

Even if it is a little afraid, it must fight for this territory with all its might.

Among them, not only for survival, but also for face and its majesty as a tiger.

Because—the king of the forest is invincible.

Because he was worried about Mussel, that he might not be able to beat the tiger,

So the elf in the sika deer skirt was in a hurry, so she walked down the hillside on crutches.

I stumbled and almost fell a few times.

The white and soft little girl walked forward along the breath of the wolf.

Tigers roared and wolves groaned one after another in the east, but there was no movement at all in the west, it was eerily quiet.

The little girl was in a hurry, so she ran faster.

I bumped and bumped all the way, and I didn't care about the small bumps on my body, and walked forward with a wooden stick.

After finally passing through the dense bushes, she looked forward.

Caught off guard, she saw Silver Wolf standing in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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