Chapter 1136 Beast World (35)

"Besides, you know that many animals have moved to distant places now, and there are very few small animals in this area."

"Musel, you see so many baby wolves have been born, and they are still waiting for meat, but now that the little animals are gone, they are all scared away by you, and then——you will continue to compete for the territory of other wild beasts ?"

Mussel slowly opened his eyes, the light blue wolf pupils were deep in the dark.

The little girl rode on it, and stepped on it with both feet, without any scruples, and she was extremely bold.

Bai Nennen's small hands grabbed the fur on its body, and its small face was also attached to its head.

Like a newborn wolf cub, she is very clingy to the big wolf that raised her.

The wolf always seems to have an indescribable tolerance and acquiescence to the little girl riding on it.

Even if she stepped on it, played with it like a big doll, and always pulled its tail, it didn't seem to be angry, at most it just opened its eyes and looked at her.

After staring at her until it felt weak, it would close its eyes again and lay down on the straw mat to rest its mind.

I don't know whether to say it's scary or not.

After the little girl finished speaking, watch its reaction.

It didn't make a sound, but adjusted its posture.

Wei Wei fine-tuned, and the little girl sitting on it was so frightened that she immediately hugged it tightly and buried her face in its furry neck.

Then the wolf got down again, closed his eyes, and said in a flat tone, "I see, I will deal with it."

Its voice was slightly deep, steady and calm, and finally had the calm breath of a superior.

Hearing its answer, the little girl let go of her heart, lay down on its body, and hugged it tightly.

Treat it directly as the softest and warmest cushion, and naturally grab its big tail and cover it on your body.

"Thank you Mussel~ You are such a good wolf~"

She softly whispered thanks in its ear.

The wolf remained motionless, with eyes closed, and did not speak.

So, the little elf, who was relieved, started sticking to it again, and skillfully hugged its big tail, treating it as the thickest quilt.

The wolf didn't speak, so she played alone.

Enjoy yourself, climbing up and down on it, like playing on a slide.

From time to time, he accidentally tore off two tufts of fur, but the wolf did not make a sound.

From the looks of it, it seemed that she had acquiesced in her actions.

Bruce came near the wolf den, quietly, so nervous that he didn't even dare to shake the flesh on his body, for fear that his scent would be discovered by the keen wolves.

Wolves have an extremely keen sense of smell and surprisingly keen ears.

As long as there is a little trouble around, it will attract their attention and cause trouble.

Bruce knew that this move was dangerous, but it came anyway.

Come quietly, hide under the trunk, and look at the hillside secretly.

I don't know if I don't look at it, it really makes the pig's legs soft.

On the sloping hillside, as far as the eye can see, there are gray wolves.

The wolves were lying on the ground, most of them were sleeping in the sun, so there was almost no sound.

Only some little wolf cubs had just grown up a bit, and it was the time to be restless, so they ran around, up and down the hillside, having fun.

As for the adult wolves, they were scattered on the hillside, lying there in twos and threes.

From a distance, it looks like a piece of dusty cloth, inconspicuous.

However, as long as you look closely, you will find that they are wolves, hungry wolves that can still eat when they are full.

(End of this chapter)

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