Chapter 1138 Beast World (37)

"But now I see, you are doing well, and you look a little fatter!"

Bruce said, with a bit of sourness in his anger.

"Could it be that their wolves' food is really that good?"

It's really good, every meal is full of fish and meat.

The other wolves don't know, but Mussel's food is quite sufficient.

The elf is delicate and can't eat raw meat, and only eats a little bit every meal.

So, every day, Mussel cut off a small piece of meat with a sharp stone, roasted it on the fire, and then tore it apart bit by bit.

It was made into thin and precious shredded meat, and it had to be paired with fruit to feed her.

After a long day like this, the big silver wolf is not fat, but an elf, who has been raised to become more delicate.

It's like a small flower bone that has been put into the greenhouse, soft and weak, white and soft, and it grows a little faster.

"." The little girl touched her cheek subconsciously.

It felt the same as before, but she didn't realize that she had gained weight.

After a moment of silence, she grabbed the flowers she had just picked with one hand and smiled brightly.

"No, Bruce, it's not the wolf's food that's good, it's Mussel, and Mussel gave me his meat."

"Originally, it didn't want to give it to me, but if I starved to death, it would bring bad luck to the wolves, so it reluctantly gave it to me."

she said seriously.

Hearing this, Bruce snorted, and his tone became better when he thought of the viciousness of the wolf.

It asked: "Elf, they don't welcome you, why are you still begging for nothing?"

"Why don't you come to me, my family is big, and there is a banana tree next to it, and there are sweet bananas to eat in summer, as well as honey, don't you like honey very much?"

It wheezed and said: "You move to my house and live with me. From now on, you can eat whatever fruit you want. I'll find it for you. How about it?"

The kind invitation of the wild boar is really hard to refuse.

It's a pity that the elf shook his head and insisted on staying in the wolf's lair and by Mussel's side.

She said, "No, Bruce, thank you for your kindness, but I still want to live in the Wolf Clan."

As she spoke, her clear eyeballs rolled.

The one with slender arms and legs quietly leaned over and whispered in its ear:
"Bruce, this is what I think. I'll eat all their food, so that they can be hungry, and I can also piss them off. When they don't have anything to eat, they will be starved to death, and then there will be people in the forest. How about no more wolves? Do you think that's a good idea?"

"." Bruce looked at her blankly.

The little girl blinked at it mischievously, then grabbed the beautiful flowers in her hand and ran back happily.

Walk through the forest, back up the hillside, and walk blatantly among the wolves.

She warmly greeted the wolves, but the wolves were lazy and basically didn't speak.

Bruce stalked her and found her walking past the wolves and into one of the highest caves on the hillside.

That should be the place where Muser, the leader of the wolf clan, lived. She just ran in like that. Wouldn't Muser be angry?

Bruce murmured in his heart and looked at it for a while.

However, the little girl ran in and never came out again, as if she was also resting inside.

Bruce stood stealthily behind the tree trunk, intending to peek a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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