Chapter 1149 Beast World (48)

"It's true, elf, in fact, this kind of lethargy is nothing, please don't worry too much."

"Of course, if you're really worried, don't bother Mussel for now, let him sleep for a while."

"After this period of time, it will regain its spirit."

The pack of wolves talked a lot, and they all kindly comforted her.

The elf girl sat on the rock and was silent for a long time.

Not only did the strange feeling in my heart not disappear, but it became more intense.

So, she jumped off the rock, clapped her hands, and said, "Okay, trust you guys for now."

"In that case, then I won't bother Mussel and go catch the fish. Goodbye everyone!"

She left along the road down the hill, waving casually.

All the wolves responded to her and watched her leave with a smile.

Knowing that her figure disappeared into the forest, and the sound of her footsteps also disappeared, the pack of wolves looked at each other, and they all heaved a sigh of relief.

In twos and threes, they returned to their resting positions, lay down, and continued to bask in the sun without moving.

"But, Fred, why can't you tell the elf about Mussel?"

"Could it be, what kind of secret is this?"

The two wolves leaned on each other and began to whisper.

Fred flicked his tail and let out an ah, but didn't hide it.

It said: "You also know that Mussel is about to enter the mating period, right? At this time, it's better not to tell the elf."

"Otherwise, what if the elf is frightened by this situation?"

On the side, the old wolf who was grinding his teeth on the stone coughed and laughed, looked at the two of them with sly eyes and lowered his voice.

"You two bad wolves are simply afraid of scaring the elf, scaring the elf away, and then Mussel will trouble you."

It was like betraying the elf's trust and pushing her into the fire pit.

When Fred heard this, he became unhappy, and retorted: "I didn't think so!"

"Who doesn't know, I, Fred, am the most loyal, and I have never done such things that harm others and benefit myself."

"Cut! If you were really loyal, you should have said it when the elf asked me just now."

The old wolf has lived for so many years, what has he not seen?

It can guess the thoughts of these wolves with a single guess, and it hits the nail on the head.

It was clearly because there were no females around Mussel, only elves, so he wanted to take the opportunity to push the elves.

These wolves with different minds still have the idea of ​​pure elves, they are simply bad.

The old wolf continued to grind his teeth while cursing.

Grinding his few remaining teeth, he heard Fred continue barking.

"We don't think so! You meddling old wolf, shut your bald mouth!"

The old wolf snorted and cursed.

The elf girl is barefoot in the crystal clear stream, sitting on the bank, stepping on pebbles, doing all kinds of rascals.

She is not in the mood to play without animals to play with her.

What she said to the wolves just now was still reverberating in her mind. She thought about it, and no matter how she thought about it, she felt that they were hiding something from her.

But you don't need to guess to know that it should be a bad thing.

Otherwise, why don't you want to tell her?
The elf girl lay on the grass by the bank with a piece of grass in her mouth.

He swayed his legs one after another, causing the gurgling stream to splash out and wet the grass on the bank.

(End of this chapter)

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