Chapter 1151 Beast World (50)

The wolf watched her quietly, still licking her face once and for all.

Yun Si wrinkled her little face and avoided it.

The wolf was not annoyed, and lay down on the straw mat again.

With his eyes closed, his voice was hoarse.

"You want to know why?"

The deep tone is in the thick darkness, and the mood is unknown.

The tail lightly landed on her body, covering her and enveloping her in his arms.

A strong and wild aura enveloped her around, she buried it between its necks, hugged it, and let out a muffled hum.

she wants to know.

The wolf said: "If you want to know the reason, how about going with me to a place after winter?"


"One, just me and you place."

".?" The girl in her arms looked up at it, "Why? Are there no other wolves?"


"You mean, I'm going to a place alone with you? What are you going to do? Hibernate?"

No. Don't wolves need to hibernate?
The wolf grinned lowly, brushed the tip of its tail lightly over her legs, and said, "Didn't you ask...why am I so sleepy during this time?"

"Fool, because I...after the winter, it's time to enter the mating period."

The girl in her arms froze for a moment, and opened her eyes wide: "Mating, mating period?!"

The wolf hummed lazily, then continued to lick her with his head down.

"Before the mating period, in order to better complete the mating and reproduce better and stronger offspring, I will enter a state of lethargy in advance to save energy."

"After the winter, I have enough energy. During that period, I will temporarily leave the wolves until the mating period is over."

"As for how long it will take, I don't know."

Its tone is low-pitched and inexplicably sultry.

"So, do you want to come with me?"

"." Her expression was a little stiff for a moment.

The wolf didn't seem to be in a hurry, and slowly rubbed against her.

Its body was warm, as warm as a steaming oven.

Yun Si stood still, huddled in its embrace, and kept silent.

Quietly, I don't know what I'm thinking.

She's not stupid, as soon as it says it's the mating period, she actually knows what's going on.

"Museel, if it's just for this reason, then why...they don't want to tell me?"

"Could it be that they think I don't understand?"

Her focus was inexplicably off, and she focused on this point.

The wolf breathed steadily, his eyelids drooped, and he was careless.

"Probably because they don't want to scare you."

"After all, you are still young, and you are the only female around me. If they told you directly, you might just run away because of fear, wouldn't you?"

"." Yun Si looked at it blankly, "Then what's the difference between you telling me and them telling me?"

"Are you not afraid that I will run away because of fear?"

Naturally afraid.

It's just that it doesn't want to hide from her.

The wolf grinned lowly, with a lazy tone.

"Fool, just run away, and I won't force you to stay."

"If you are afraid and don't want to go with me, then stay here and wait for me obediently, and I will let them take good care of you."

"When spring comes next year, the time is almost up. I will come back again, understand?"

"." Yun Si was silent.

After a while, she nodded quietly.

"Then I'll stay here and wait for you."

she whispered.

"Okay, wait for me obediently."

(End of this chapter)

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