Chapter 1157 Delicate (1)

When Yun Si woke up again, she was in a trance, dull and groggy.

It felt like my head had been crushed and put back together again.

She clutched her aching and swollen head and hissed.

Rubbing her dizzy temples, she opened her heavy eyes and looked around.

Observe the situation around you.

This is a very dilapidated place, like debris piled up in a broken temple.

She was sitting on the ground at this moment, surrounded by pitch black, and could not see anything.

Clutching her aching head, she felt that the memory of this body was overwhelming her.

Maybe it was because of some medicine, her body was limp at the moment, and she had no strength at all.

Holding his head, he slowly fell to the ground, which was icy cold.

Sticky and seems dirty.

Yun Si sorted out her memory while pressing her head.

This body, 16 years old, is the daughter of the current prime minister and the niece of the empress of the current dynasty.

Before the age of 16, her life was perfect and happy, enjoying all the glory.

Unexpectedly, once his father lost power, he was found to be in collusion with foreign envoys. The emperor was shocked and ordered a thorough investigation.

As a result, many activities involved in the prime minister's mansion were involved.

The emperor was furious, and as soon as the order was issued, the Yun family collapsed, and there was no such thing as the past.

In order to save the lives of the whole family, the prime minister apologized with death in court.

Coupled with the help of the empress, the relatives of the prime minister's mansion escaped unharmed and left the capital.

It's just that this body is too simple.

When leaving with a group of people, she fainted because she drank the water sent by her stepmother.

When she woke up again, she found that her stepmother had sold her at a high price to human traffickers, who took her all the way, planning to sell her to a brothel to make a fortune.

She is being held here now, it seems that the traffickers and the procuress of the brothel haven't reached an agreement on the price yet.

Therefore, the traffickers poured heavy sweat on her to prevent her from escaping.

Counting it now, she had slept for at least two days and two nights.

Yun Si lay on the ground, rubbing her temples, feeling as if her head was about to explode.

His stomach was also empty, screaming frantically, accompanied by bursts of throbbing pain.

... This body seems to be very sick and weak, and it is easy to get sick.

Yun Si lay down and felt her own pulse.

After several days of long-distance trek, coupled with lack of food and clothing, I also suffered from heavy sweat medicine.

This delicate body could barely hold on.

Yun Si used her monster power to slowly relieve the discomfort in her body, and slowly dredged her meridians.

After a while, she felt that the dizzy pain in her head was finally slowly relieving, so she slowly propped herself up and sat up.

Look around.

This is the foothold of the trafficker, and she is now behind the big Buddha in the ruined temple.

In a hidden corner, the surroundings are eerily quiet.

She looked around, then stretched out her hand, and touched the cage that locked her.

This cage, which was supposed to hold wild beasts, now turned into a cage for her.

The cage doesn't have much space, but fortunately, she is petite and can sit up.

On the hard cage rods, there was a dark, unidentified oily liquid sticking to it.

The place where she was sitting was also sticky, and there was a strong smell of rancidity.

He lowered his head and looked at himself, and saw that the originally beautiful skirt was already terribly dirty.

Her hair was also messy, and all the jewelry she wore on her head was taken away by traffickers.

(End of this chapter)

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