Chapter 1168 Delicate (12)

She glanced down, then tugged, pulling up the hem of the clothes that had been dragged to the ground.

The clothes made of linen are very rough, and it hurts a little when it rubs against her body.

She touched it, then looked at the man with his back to her.

Slightly pursing her delicate lips, shrinking her delicate nose, she whispered softly: "What's your name? Up to now, you haven't told me your name yet."

Facing such a tall and muscular man, she didn't seem to be afraid of him at all.

She speaks softly, with a bit of a coquettish tone.

There is always an inexplicable intimacy and dependence on him.

The man made the bed and turned to look at her.

The beautiful and delicate beauty just sat there obediently, with her back straight, and Shuli's clear eyeballs stared at him without blinking.

Raising her fair face, her eyes are curved and smiling.

Candles were lit on the table, and the warm yellow light shone on her body.

Like a fairy, a fairy with a real temperature gives people a sense of trance that is within reach.

He looked at her calmly, his face dark and dark.

Walking in front of her, the tall body and the muscles that were bulging inch by inch were extremely aggressive.

People can't ignore it at all.

"..." The little beauty blinked.

He knelt down, grabbed her ankle, and looked at the injury on the sole of her foot.

The wounds have healed a lot, and after the scabs have healed, many of them have even healed.

This recovery speed is obviously different from ordinary people.

But as if he didn't notice the abnormality, he picked up the medicinal wine on the table and disinfected her.

The white cotton rubbed against the soles of her feet, making it itchy.

She couldn't help but move.

He glanced up at her, "Does it hurt?"

Deep voice, lukewarm.

But Yun Si could feel that he was lightening the pressure, trying not to press on the wound.

She looked at him and shook her head.

"It's not pain, it's itching." She said honestly.

He stopped talking, held her feet, and continued to disinfect and clean her wounds.

It's still itchy, very gentle.

Yun Si looked at the man who squatted down to apply medicine to her under the candlelight, blinked, and seemed to sense his cold and warm temper.

Although she didn't say anything, but for a stranger like her, to be able to do this was already considered as the best of humanity.

Nor did she expect him to keep her in forever.

After thinking about it, she said, "What happened just now... Thank you. I will repay you well when I have a chance in the future."

"You don't know me, do you? I'm... the niece of the empress's empress. My family is very rich. If you want, I can write to my aunt and ask her to bring money and give it all to you. "

The rough man who helped her apply the medicine didn't say a word, his dark bronze face was tough and rough.

The arms are full of muscles, with distinct texture and hard blocks.

Give her good medicine and re-bandage her.

When she stood up again, a very oppressive figure stood in front of her.

Sitting, Yun Si could only reach his waist.

He is tall and strong, and he doesn't know what he ate to grow up.

She blinked and watched him take out the water basin and come back with a basin of clean water.

A dry towel was handed to her, and he said lightly, "Wipe yourself, and go to bed after wiping."

"..." She groaned, and took it obediently.

He quietly wiped his hair with a towel, and stared at him silently.

He made a floor on the ground, very simple, only a straw mat.

(End of this chapter)

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