Chapter 1182 Delicate (26)

I couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "If I knew it earlier, I would have asked where you were..."

Now waiting aimlessly, she always feels uneasy.

She held an umbrella and waited at the door.

It was raining heavily, but the wind was less.

She looked left and right, and waited and waited.

After waiting for a long time, her legs felt a little sore, so she squatted down.

Staring at the corner of the path, like a child waiting for an adult to come home, anxious, eager to see through.

The appearance of Xiao Xiao shrinking into a ball is simply amazingly obedient.




The rain was hazy and the sky was dark.

I don't know how long I have been waiting.

When the tall and silent figure finally appeared at the corner, the little figure crouching at the door stood up almost at the same instant.

The silent figure seemed to pause for a moment.

Sure enough, he didn't hold an umbrella, nor did he wear a coir raincoat.

Just like this, he came back from the rain, soaked all over, and stood there with bare feet.

There are mud spots on the rolled-up trouser legs.

He stood there, still carrying a large pannier.

The man who had been squatting at the door for a long time, bit his lip, held an umbrella, and ran over.

The ground was covered with muddy water. She ran so fast that the muddy water splashed onto her skirt.

Running in front of him, standing on tiptoe, and propping the umbrella on his head, she frowned delicately, her face full of annoyance.

"Why don't you take something to keep out the rain...Look at you, you're all wet."

She took out a clean handkerchief, and almost subconsciously, gently wiped the rain on his face.

The man's whole body was wet, he lowered his head and looked at her quietly.

Her skirt was also wet a lot. He bought it for her. It fits well and is very beautiful.

The squeamish person seemed to think that getting caught in the rain was a big deal. Looking at him, his eyes seemed to be about to turn red.

The delicate and charming little mouth is pouted as if it could hang an oil pot.

But she quickly picked up her mood.

Wipe his face dry, then take his hand and pull him.

"Come on, let's go home."

"Fortunately, I thought you might get caught in the rain just now, so I boiled some hot water, and you should go back and wipe it off, so you don't feel cold."

A man who is only as tall as his shoulders has great strength.

While holding an umbrella, she held his hand tightly and pulled him back.

The man lowered his eyelids and looked at her hands quietly.

Her hands were much smaller than his, white and soft, just like the clouds in the sky.

Clean and immaculate.

His fingers were slightly shrunk and slightly stiff.

But the girl didn't notice such a subtle abnormality, she just pulled him and dragged him back to the house.

The wet man, when he walked into the room, the water on his body was dripping on the ground.

Yun Si put away the umbrella, shook it out, and left it to dry at the door.

Seeing the man standing there, motionless, like a log, she paused, "What's wrong?"

She stood in front of him, raised her hand and shook, "Stupid?"

"..." The taciturn man grabbed her shaking hand.

Wei Wei grasped tightly, feeling unclear.

Fearing that he would catch a cold, Yun Si urged, "Hurry up and change your clothes—"

"Have you waited for a long time?"

His voice was low and hoarse, with a bit of dryness.

Staring at her, the phoenix eyes are dark and unfathomable.

Yun Si froze for a moment, then subconsciously shook her head.

"No... I just came out, I didn't wait long."

He lowered his eyelids, grabbed her hand, his brows were calm.

"Sorry, I was delayed this time, and I will come back sooner next time."

He said it word for word.

(End of this chapter)

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