Chapter 1190 Delicate (34)

After a while, she asked, "What's his name? Is he tall and strong?"

The peddler was a little surprised, "How did the girl know?"

"..." Yun Si lowered her eyes, pursed her lips slightly, and frowned.

"He braved the rain and sold the tiger skin to you, with a pannier on his back?"

The peddler was stunned, "You... are his friend?"

Yun Si hummed, her voice a little soft.

The peddler looked at her and scratched his head, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Well... since you are his friend, then you might as well ask him for the animal skin."

"Many of the animal skins here come from him, so there should be no difference."

Yun Si was silent for a while, then raised her eyes, "He said he was in a hurry to use the money?"

The peddler sighed, not knowing whether to say it or not.

"Actually...he didn't say he was in a hurry to use the money, but he suddenly brought such a tiger skin and asked for a high price, so I guess...he was in a hurry to use the money."

"It's just—" he muttered, "I didn't think he was in a hurry to spend money. He used to buy clothes and rouge..."

Yun Si's eyes flickered slightly, "Do you often meet him?"

The peddler didn't speak.

Yun Si took out an ingot of silver from the cloth bag and threw it over.

The peddler took the money, with a smile on his face, very polite.

"That's not true. I've been on this street for more than ten years, and I know him very well. I often meet him."

"how is he?"

Hawker memories.

" quite special. He is a loner and never goes with other hunters. It is said that he is alone at home and rarely interacts with others."

"However... Seeing how nice you are, girl, I just told you that recently...he is a bit abnormal."


The peddler nodded.

"Before...except for necessities such as rice, grain, oil and salt, he never bought other superfluous items."

"But now, he often comes to the town to buy things, and he also buys things that only girls love to eat. I remember two days ago he asked me if there is any delicious food in the town, preferably sweet."

"I told you the other day that there was a grandma in the town who sold delicious pumpkin cakes, so he could try them out. Guess what I saw him buy today?"

"..." Yun Si looked at him silently.

"That's right, it's pumpkin pie!"

The hawker clearly remembers this well.

"Let me tell you, he came very early today, and the grandma didn't even open the door, so he was waiting there."

"As soon as I set up the stall, I saw him passing by with the pumpkin cakes I just bought. I greeted him, but he ignored me and ran back all the way. I was still wondering why he was in such a hurry to go home, but later I just heard that it seems that there is an extra woman in his family..."

The peddler stopped talking as he spoke.

His eyes slowly shifted to her cloth bag again.

As if implying something.

Yun Si remained silent, then took out another ingot of silver and threw it to him.

The hawker instantly refreshed.

"Girl, this makes sense, why he bought so many things recently."

"In the past, he only came to the town after he had beaten the animal skins to buy some rice grains. Now he comes almost every day, and he comes very early. It's not too hard to buy a bunch of food and go back. .”

The aunt selling vegetables next to her scoffed and interrupted.

"What do you know? It's called knowing how to love a lady. The lady comes here to buy whatever she wants."

"Look at you again, it's really a heaven and an earth."

(End of this chapter)

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