Chapter 1196 Delicate (40)

In the places where they were beaten, many wounds were rotten and smelly because they were not treated in time.

As if she couldn't feel the pain, she hunched over and walked slowly.

The street is full of stalls hawking, and the smell of steamed buns wafts not far away.

She clutched her stomach, as if she had no strength left.

Find a place at random and sit down on the spot.

The whole person curled up, curled up into a small ball, motionless, as a rest.

On the opposite side of the street where she was, a group of people were gathered around, seemingly looking at something.

There were officers and soldiers holding icy long halberds, standing there without moving.

The woman was so hungry that she had no energy left.

His eyes were dull, looking forward, and there was no reaction.

Someone was discussing at the side, and the voice came over.

"Hey, have you heard? The prime minister's daughter is missing, it seems that she was kidnapped and sold."

"What? There is such a thing?"

"That's not true. It's written in the notice over there that the prime minister's daughter has been missing for many days. The emperor and empress offer a huge reward to anyone who can provide information, and they must find that young lady."

"Eh? Didn't the prime minister commit suicide in fear of crime? Why are your majesty and empress looking for his daughter?"

"Tsk, you don't understand. The fact that the prime minister is guilty doesn't mean that His Majesty will punish his daughter. Besides, no matter what the prime minister's daughter says, she is the niece of His Majesty and the empress, and the empress has a deep relationship with her." Yes, when something like this happens, of course I will be anxious."

"So the palace said that they want to offer a huge reward? How much?"

"A reward of one hundred taels of gold! If you can find the prime minister's daughter, the reward will arrive immediately."

The dirty woman turned her head mechanically.

When the two people who were discussing saw her, they immediately avoided her as if they were avoiding the plague.

As soon as they were far away, the sound became inaudible.

The woman didn't move, she just sat there blankly, her eyes glazed over.

More and more people gathered in front of the notice wall, and everyone was talking about it.

The officers and soldiers standing in front of the notice wall maintained order in a cold voice.

But soon, the crowd gave way.

Everyone covered their mouths and noses, showing disgust on their faces, and avoided them one after another.

A dirty and smelly woman, with her hands down, walked slowly, her eyes were fixed on the notice on the wall, and approached.

The officers and soldiers guarding there obviously took a few steps back.

"Hey, get out of here, you stinky beggar! Don't come here to make trouble!"

The long halberd stopped in front of her.

The woman didn't leave, she just stood there, looking at the bright yellow notice on the wall.

I stared blankly and read the full text.

"Reward... gold... one hundred taels..."

She was talking to herself, slurring her words.

"Really...really have...a hundred taels of gold..."

The officers and soldiers looked at each other.

The crowd nearby laughed.

"Hey, beggar, don't you want to take this gold hundred taels?"

"When the sky is bright and bright, it's time to start dreaming!"

"Who says no? Just rely on her?"

"If she can do it, then I can do it—"

I saw that woman suddenly stepped forward and took off the imperial list.

The faces of the officers and soldiers changed, and they shouted, "What are you doing!? It is a capital offense to reveal the imperial list at will!"

The woman took a step forward, her gaze firm.

"I know the whereabouts of the prime minister's daughter, and I know where she is now."

As soon as this remark fell, the crowd went into an uproar.

The expressions of the officers and soldiers became serious in an instant, and the halberd hit the ground with a heavy bang.

"Take her away!"


(End of this chapter)

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