Chapter 1207 Delicate (51)

The clothes of the two people were already dry, but they were still hanging on them.

Usually earlier in the day, he would remember to collect his clothes.

just today...

Strange in her heart, Yun Si tiptoed and put away all the clean clothes.

Holding the clothes, go back to the house.

When she pushed the door open with her foot, she suddenly froze, looked at the figure sitting on the bed inside, and blinked.

"Are you there? Why don't you light the lights?"

With a natural tone, she walked in.

Put your clothes on the bed and go find a candle.

He usually kept the candles on the first shelf of the cabinet. She opened the cabinet, took one out, struck a match and lit it.

It was now brighter in the room.

Putting the candle on the table, she looked at the person who had been silent all this time.

The man sat there, motionless, with his shoulders slumped, staring at her with pitch-black phoenix eyes.

It was as gray as mist, and it was impossible to see any emotion in the phoenix's eyes.

Yun Si was silent for a moment, then lowered her head.

He patted the hem of his skirt, as if he felt a little unnatural.

Thinking about... how to explain my situation.

The beautiful man shook his hand, walked over, and sat by the bed.

Sit shoulder to shoulder with him.

The room was very quiet, only the candle on the table was burning brightly.

Orange light illuminates the entire room.

The two sat side by side in silence.

He lowered his eyelids, feeling uncertain.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

His voice was hoarse and dry.

The delicate and soft person beside him didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

After a while, she moved closer to him.

While looking at him, he paused for a moment, and slowly stretched out his hand.

Reaching out, she gently covered the back of his hand.

His palms were always hot, but hers were warm and cold.

White and cool like jade.

The size of the two people is completely different, his hand is very large, her hand is relatively small.

She lowered her eyes and quietly took his hand.

Fingers intertwined, her head rested lightly on his shoulder.

Relying silently, snuggling on his shoulder.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to have given the answer.

The man remained motionless, his eyes fell on the front, his Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was restrained.

"Know... what are you doing now?"

"..." Of course she knew.

The delicate and beautiful person pursed her red lips and muttered.

"I don't want to go. I won't go if you drive me away."

She clasped his hand tightly, even raised her head and kissed him.

Resting her head on his shoulder, looking at his deep and straight side face, her soft cheeks were slightly bulging.

"Know what I said to them?"

"I told them... I am already yours, and this will be my home from now on, my only home. I will not go anywhere in the future, but will live here."

He moved his lips and clenched his fingers for an instant.

The rough black palms, like twisted tree roots, tightly bound the slender and delicate flower buds.

He looked at her with dark eyes.

She raised her lips, leaned over again, and gave him a quick peck.

He could feel his breathing getting heavier in an instant, and his chest was heaving violently.

The big hands held her tightly, the arms were straining, the muscles were tensing.

The delicate man wrinkled his nose quickly, "Take it easy, it hurts me..."

Only then did the force in his hand that was about to crush her loosen a little.

He looked at her with deep eyes, and suddenly leaned over.

The powerful arms were like iron chains, engulfing her in his embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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