Chapter 1209 Delicate (53)

The firewood was burning fiercely, and the noodles in the pot were bubbling.

Yun Si looked at him without blinking her beautiful eyes, as if she couldn't see enough.

The noodles were cooked quickly and put into a large bowl.

Steaming hot, fiddle with chopsticks twice, the bottom is full of soft, sweet and greasy char siu pork.

Yun Si went to wash her hands, and sat obediently by the table.

Watching him bring in the noodles and put them in front of her.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

She watched him sit down, and there was no one in front of her.

He sat across from her and handed over the chopsticks.

"I'm not hungry, you eat."

She had no choice but to oh.

She was really hungry, so she blew on the noodles and stuffed them into her mouth impatiently.

The man sat there, watching her quietly.

She took a sip of the soup, licked her lips, and raised her eyes.

Meeting his gaze, she blinked.

After thinking about it, she pushed the bowl over.

"Take two bites, there are so many, I can't finish it."

His eyes fell on the noodles floating in clear soup.

Eye color slightly deep.

"...A Falcon?"

Seeing that he was not moving, she called out.

He moved and didn't refuse.

Using her chopsticks, she only ate two mouthfuls of noodles.

When pushed back, she took the chopsticks and ate the meat inside.

The bright red and soft lips pressed against the edge of the bowl, drinking the delicious soup, not caring that he had eaten it at all.

The man looked at her quietly without saying a word.

I don't even know what to think.





late at night.

It's time to sleep again.

It was still Yun Si who washed first, then went to bed, and waited for Yu Sun to come back.

She is holding a book and reading in bed.

The candles beside the bed were set a little farther to prevent her from accidentally knocking them out when she reached out.

The clothes that were used to separate the two of them before are now carefully put away by her.

After reading for a while, she glanced sideways at the door.

After hearing footsteps, she moved her position consciously and moved inside.

The Kang bed is big enough to accommodate two people.

The man who came back from the shower closed the door and closed the latch.

Turning around, when his dark eyes fell on the person on the bed, he stopped there, his fingers clenched slightly.

The tough and deep face seemed a little tense.

The person in a veil on the bed is still reading a book.

The white and tender feet swayed and swayed, and under the dim light, they were dazzlingly white.

Walking to the bed, he sat down slowly.

There seems to be some redness at the base of the ears.

Yun Si closed the book and stuffed it under the pillow.

"Are you going to sleep? I'll lie down."

His broad, thick back blocked the light, and shadows fell.

There was a low hum in the air, and the candle was blown out quickly.

He lay down, lying beside her.

The candles were extinguished, the outside of the house was dim, and the inside of the house was even darker, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

When vision disappears, other senses seem to be infinitely magnified.

The sound of breathing, the sound of heartbeat, and the breath that is hard to ignore.

Scattered between the two people, in the invisible, a bit of ambiguity rose.

Too strong ambiguity.

It seems that the temperature has risen.

Yun Si was lying in it, but this time she obediently did not move.

Close your eyes and sleep.

Last night's experience told her that it's okay to hug her, but it's hot...

is really hot.

I don't know what his body is made of, it's really hot.

He is so strong that he won't let go when he hugs him.

Who knows what happened to her last night.

Yun Si lay flat there, motionless, with bright eyes.

The man beside him didn't move either, just lying there, breathing heavily.

Like a hot iron.

(End of this chapter)

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